Author's Note: The game mentioned is a real game, but I don't own it, or the characters...err uh since I never put that on any of my stories. First I'd like to get pleasantries out of the way so thanks to: Marron-chan (my sister's friend), Videl-chan (our mutual friend), and Pan-chan (my sister, who rolled the last combination used *wink wink*) for rolling the dice. And thanks for rolling them in such a nice order. ^_~ Err...Trunks and Pan are at least 23 and 37 in this so it's not illegal or anything. This is my first lemon, so please please be gentle. Now onto other things...

Warning: This is a PWP, meaning: "Plot what plot?" And this is a lemon for all of you who don't get that...there is sex, yes sex, in this story. If you can't handle that GO AWAY! And furthermore, if you didn't read the summary, this is a Trunks/Pan fic. If you can't handle that GO AWAY! And for those of you who don't like hentai or Trunks and Pan stories why the hell are you here reading this anyway?! Haven't you got a life and something better to do, like reading stories you actually like? And why are you thinking about reviewing?! It's not going to stop me (bwahahahahahaha!), only waste your time and prove you have no brains in those big heads of yours. Anyway...for those of you who have brains and like hentai, read on.


She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, he was just sitting there, like a zombie, staring at the television. She reached a hand over and placed two fingers against the side of his neck. Sighing in mock relief, she wiped her brow. "I was getting worried." She said sarcastically.

He turned to her, azure eyes flashing, as he glared. "Not funny."

Pan shrugged. "Gomen, I was about to die of boredom. I was afraid you might have already."

He sighed. "Why are you bored? We're watching tv." He said as if it was the answer to everything.

"Trunks," she whined, "I stopped watching whatever we were supposed to be watching a long time ago."

"Well," he drawled, "What do you want to do?"

She flopped back against the couch, throwing her arms in the air. "Jeez! I don't know! Anything but this..." She rolled her eyes, catching sight of a pair of white cubes with red letters on them. "Nanda ka?"

A blush spread across Trunks' cheeks when he saw what she was looking at. "It's a game." He said quickly, as he made a grab for the large dice.

Unfortunately Pan beat him to it. Her deft fingers snatched them up and twirled them around before stopping to study them. On one cube the sides read: Tickle My/Kiss My/Massage My/Rub My/Caress My/Surprise!

And on the other: Face/Chest/Legs/Back/Arms/Suprise! Ideas that made her blush raced through her head. Her hormone influenced mind had the most fun with the "Suprise!/Suprise!" combination. She swiped a hand across her lips and chin to get rid of the drool and her head snapped up as Trunks' laughter filled the room.

"P-pan! HAHA! You were..hehe...oh man! You were drooling! HAHA!!"

"Shut up!" She growled.

"What were you thinking about anyway?" He asked, unsuccessfully trying to hold in more laughter.

"Food." She lied easily, giving him the patented Son smile.

"Figures," he muttered, "You wanna grab something to eat?"

"Nah, that's ok. I'm not really that hungry." She waved a hand at him dismissively, but the smirk on her face made him raise a brow. It definitely wasn't the normal Pan smirk.

"What is that look Pan?" He asked uneasily.

The smirk widened, showing off a razor sharp fang, that somehow looked bigger and sharper than Trunks remembered. "You wanna play?" She asked in an overly innocent voice that didn't match her expression.

Trunks choked, sputtering and coughing. "You want to p-play that with...with me?!" He nearly shouted.

He had the urge to run from her as she suddenly reminded him of a hungry wolf about to tear into it's prey. "Sure, why not?"

He couldn't believe she was asking him to do this. "Because," he said, his voice unnaturally high, "I don't think that's an appropriate game for us to play."

She cocked her head to the side. "Why not?"

"Well, it's just not."

"Fine," she said pouting, "You're no fun."

"Ano...Pan? Why do you want to play that with me?" He asked nervously.

She blushed deeply, turning her eyes on a spot only she could see on a far wall. "I'm just bored, that's all."

"Oh," he sounded disappointed, "That's the only reason?"

"Lie," she nearly whispered. "I...uh...kinda you."

"As more than a friend?" He inquired, no longer nervous, just curious.

"Hai." This time it was a whisper that he wouldn't have heard had he been human.

"For how long?"

"A really long time." Her gaze shifted to the floor, making her hair slide from her shoulders to hide her face.

Trunks felt like jumping for joy, but held back. "Why didn't you tell me before now?"

She shrugged, speaking with a sarcastic tone. "You never asked."

"Pan, don't do that. I'm serious." He said gently.

"Ano, I never thought you'd want to know. I mean I'm alot younger than you. And I didn't want to endanger our friendship."

She nearly jumped when a hand landed on her shoulder. She looked into Trunks' gentle sapphire eyes, her heart jumped in her chest and she froze. She fought desperately against the feeling that gripped her as she drowned in the pools of his eyes. She didn't know what was happening to her, but all she could see was Trunks as the room fell away.

"Pan," his voice was soft and comforting. "You're my best girl-type friend. The worst that ever would have happened was I would have been flattered. I'd never let something like that ruin our friendship."

He paused to let his words sink in before going on. The last thing he wanted to do was to overwhelm her and scare her away. Her eyes were strangely blank for a few moments before a brilliant smile lit up her face and she flung herself at him, trapping him in a fierce hug. If he'd been human he'd probably have been dead instantly, his ribs and spine crushed. Even as a saiyan he had to power up slightly.

"Oh Trunks! You're such a good friend. I'm sorry I didn't have more faith in you and our friendship. I was just afraid of how you would react." She paused momentarily a little embarrassed. "I figured you still saw me as just a kid." She mumbled.

Pan started to draw back but Trunks' hold tightened, keeping her to him. "No way! Frankly I don't think there's any guy in the world who could mistake you for a little girl." She gave him another squeeze before he pushed her back, holding her shoulders, and capturing her eyes with his. "You're a breath-takingly beautiful woman, Pan." He said, making her heart pound. "Any man who doesn't want to be with you is insane."

"Trunks," she said, about to protest, but his hand cupping her cheek and his thumb sliding over her lips, silenced her.

"Pan, I like you too. I want to be more than just your friend." He said in a husky whisper.

Pan froze as her blood ran cold and shivers raced up and down her spin. She didn't notice that she'd stopped breathing and that her heart was pounding wildly against her ribcage, begging for air. Her lungs burned angrily, but all her brain could register was the stunningly handsome man in front of her. His other hand touching her cheek made her gasp, finally pulling in the air her body so desperately cried for, as heat flooded her face. She tried to turn away, but he wouldn't let her and she was drowning in his gentle gaze again.

She found herself reeling, trying to grasp the control that had left her long ago, as his hot lips found hers. Her hands buried themselves in his lavender tresses as she frantically kissed him back. She poured her heart, soul, and years of pent up longing into that searing kiss. She battled for dominance, not really wanting it, pushing against his tongue with her own. She wanted to feel him as close as she possibly could, she wanted to melt into his body and be forever one with this alluring creature. She'd lied when she'd said she kinda liked him, she was completely and totally in love with him.

Pan whimpered softly as Trunks pulled back, breaking the kiss. "Please say you'll be more than just my friend." He pleaded, his voice deep and rich with emotion and need.

All she could do was nod. She'd never thought that he would want her, but she wasn't going to question it. He smiled, an almost Son smile, that made her heart flutter, and brushed his lips over her still bruised ones. She stroked the back of his neck, making him purr, content to just sit there folded in his arms. However, he had different plans. He released her, scooting back, and leaning away. A spike of fear drove through her at the thought that it might have all been another one of her daydreams. But he leaned forward again, holding the dice that had started the whole thing.

"Still want to play?"

That feral smile returned to her face. "Sure. Any special rules to this game?"

He shook his head, a smirk twisting his lips and a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Nope. You just do what the dice tell you to."

"Who goes first?":

"I'll go first, that ok?"

She nodded and he rolled the dice. They landed on "Rub My Arms" and he did just that, making her blush. When he stopped, she grabbed the dice and rolled them, landing on "Rub My Back". He removed his shirt, taking her breath away at the sight of his thick rippling muscles. She prompted him into laying on his stomach and then gingerly rubbed circles across his back, like he was a child she was trying to get to sleep.

"Mmmm, that feels good Pan." He said dreamily.

She giggled. "Well I better stop. I want you awake for your turn."

He laughed softly and sat up, taking the proffered dice and throwing them. They landed on "Kiss My Back" and Trunks' heart sped up as Pan was the one to remove her shirt. His eyes traveled over her chest, admiring her pert round breasts being held in a lacy blue bra.

He turned her around, holding her arms, and swept her silky raven hair over her shoulder. Hesitantly, he touched his lips to the base of her neck, feeling her shiver under his caress, he grew bolder, sucking lightly. She moaned softly and he moved on, gracing every inch of her back with his soft kisses.

As he stopped and pulled away, Pan sighed and took the dice. They rolled to "Surprise! Legs" and she smiled deviously. She pulled him up off the couch and quickly removed his pants, relieved and disappointed to find boxers underneath. He stepped out of his discarded pants and she tossed them aside. She kneeled down before him, pulling at his calves to bring him forward. She gently rubbed his legs, tickling him at the back of his knees. Her hands traveled up to his inner thighs and he sucked in a breath as she stroked the sensitive area, trying hard to ignore the erection just above her head.

"Pan," he breathed. "My turn."

She handed him the dice, as they resumed their spots on the couch, and he tossed them lightly. They rolled over a few times before finally settling on "Kiss My Chest". They both blushed fiercely, trying not to look at each other, as an awkward silence descended around them. Trunks risked a look at Pan and sighed. She looked as uncomfortable as he felt, but he knew she wouldn't back down voluntarily. He cupped her cheek in his hand, gently forcing her to look at him.

"We don't have to play anymore if you don't want to." He said sincerely.

She shook her head. "No, I want to." Her arms went behind her back and she appeared to tug a few times before her bra loosened.

As she pulled it off, Trunks could only stare at her perfect breasts. "Oh...okay," he choked as his pulse raced.

He was beyond the point of aroused, and had been for sometime now. Moving forward, he gulped, and placed a hand on her back, pulling her towards him. He traced her collarbone, kissing and licking. Her breath quickened as he moved down over the swell of her breast and around the hard nipple, teasing her, and making her giggle. Without warning his hot mouth enveloped the pebbly nub, sucking and nipping at it, making Pan gasp and moan. Encouraged he moved to the other, lavishing the same attention on it. The fingers of his other hand pinched and pulled at the nipple of the neglected breast.

He laid her down and made himself comfortable without stopping his mind blowing affections. As Pan writhed beneath him, his own arousal became painful. He didn't think he'd be able to hold out against her cries much longer. He stopped, moving up to capture her lips with his, and gazed into her smoldering obsidian eyes. What he saw there startled him, they were filled with so much want, need,

He'd lied too when he'd said he liked her. He loved her, he was madly in love with her, and he had been ever since she'd helped him through a bad break up. She'd been there for him, no matter how early or late it was, and she forced him, without realizing it, to see how much she'd changed from the spoiled brat he'd known so long ago. She'd forced him to see what a truly wonderful person she really was, and he loved her for it.

Pan struggled to stay completely still as Trunks stared intently at her. His eyes were so captivatingly intense, she couldn't have looked away if she'd wanted to. She could feel his excitement pressing against her and idly wondered if he was going to continue. She wanted so badly to tell him just how she felt, but again fear of his reaction kept her quiet.

"Pan," he whispered, startling her from her reverie. "Do you want to stop?"

"No," she breathed.

"Do you realize that if we don't stop now, you'll be mine forever?"

She struggled for words. "Wh-what do you mean?" She finally managed to stammer.

"I mean this will seal our bond, and we'll be lifemates. If we continue, I claim you, Son Pan, as my mate. Do you still want to proceed?"

She hesitated, but not out of fear, she wanted this and it felt so right. "Yes." She said, setting her jaw, brooking no arguments and leaving no doubts.

"Good thing we're the only two here."

He picked her up, not letting her answer, and carried her to a spare bedroom that had a king sized bed. He set her down as if she were made of glass, but the look in his eyes told her that was the last of the gentleness she'd be seeing. They'd be lucky if they didn't bring the rest of the Z-warriors there. None of them had experienced what happened when two saiyans, let alone super saiyans, made love.

Trunks shattered her thoughts as he ripped the rest of her clothes off rather roughly. She squealed as his ki flared, disintegrating his boxers. He was on the bed and spreading her legs before her brain could register it. The thumb of one hand stroked her inner thigh, while the fingers of the other hand parted her netherlips. He leaned down, breathing deeply and reveling in her scent. His tongue brushed tentatively over her sweet spot and her back arched as she thrust her hips at him. He didn't need anymore invitation as he lapped at her, making her writhe and cry out.

Her hands found the back of his head as he swirled his tongue around her arousal while sucking lightly. Growling loudly, her body convulsed and her juices flowed into his mouth. He climbed over her and kissed her passionately, letting her taste herself on his tongue. His manhood pressing against her was driving him crazy, as him mouth pressed to her neck and traveled to her shoulder. Following pure instinct, he sank his razor sharp teeth into her soft flesh, marking her as his. He purred, transforming her pain into a pleasure that surge through her body, reawakening her need for him.

He lapped at the wound, then returned to her lips. Pan couldn't take it anymore and she ground her hips against him, rubbing his arousal with hers. He groaned, losing his control as she teased him. They both gasped when the tip of his length found her entrance. Tensing up, she stared at him with wide innocent eyes, trying to tell him why she was scared, unable to speak.

He tried to reassure with a loving smile. "Don't worry love, it won't hurt for long. And I promise I'll make it up to you."

Her only response was a hard thrust of her hips as she impaled herself on him. She cried out and tears welled up in her eyes as she clung to him for support. He stroked his hands through her hair, making cooing sounds and soothing her as best he could. He brushed his lips against hers and moved slowly, easing her pain into pleasure. As the pain faded she wrapped her legs around him, allowing him better access and pushing up to meet him at every thrust. He loved her with long, hard strokes, and they both soared into super saiyan, making the house rock on it's foundations. They bucked against each other and in the throes of passion she bit into his shoulder, marking him as well. She wasn't about to be a submissive mate. Her nails raked along his back and he moaned loudly in her ear. The way it made him sound so helpless sent her over the edge.

She cried out his name as her body shuddered and quaked, her walls pulled at him, begging him to release deep within her. He sped up, pounding into her wildly as his ki flared uncontrollably. As he climaxed he threw back his head, howling. The combination of their power finally proved to much to the reinforced walls as they gave way to other rooms and the ceiling exploded in golden light. Out of breath, and unimaginably grateful that he'd had the foresight to pick a top floor, inner bedroom; he collapsed and rolled off of her, dropping out of super saiyan. Pan sighed at the loss and dropped from super saiyan as well, turning to him and lying against his chest.

His arms snaked around her waist possessively as he pulled her up to kiss her. "Pan, did I hurt you?" He asked worriedly.

"No, you didn't. That was...amazing!" She said, kissing him as if to prove her point.

" thinks you is right." He said playfully.

She chuckled, snuggling into his warmth. "I love you Trunks." She murmured.

The hand that had been stroking her hair stopped and she tensed. "I love you too Pan." His husky voice made her shiver and relax, as his hand began stoking her hair again.


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