Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, rightfully belongs to Akira and such, using these characters without permission, and for my own fun.

Note: Trunks is 33, Goten is 32, Marron is 26, Bra is 22, Pan is 21, Uubu and Mirai Trunks are 27.

He opened his fist, and the wind blew the cold ashes towards the west, leaving dust in his curled fingers. A single hot, stinging tear trailed down his jaw and fell. Not bothering to wipe it, he whispered, "Goodbye, Kaasan." turned, and walked slowly to his time machine. Shattered peices of his heart seemed to stab him as he breathed, and he tried not to cry more.

The Androids and Cell were long dead . . . but too late. He and the remaining people had tried to survive the almost deserted earth, but all had died. Now his mother was dead, and he was alone.

He couldn't stay in this world anymore.

Leaping into the time machine, long hair blowing behind him, he gave his world one last look. It reminded him of his failure to save the earth, and the knowing of this failure peirced his heart like his own sword, being driven in deeper as each moment passed.

Right before setting up to go back in time once again, he remembered the single word that he hand once treasured . . . "Hope!!". He drew his sword and scratched out his final connection to this world.

The machine levitated, was swallowed by a flash of light, and was gone, never to return again.


"Konnichi wa, Gohan-san!" Bra said cheerfully. "Is Pan-chan up yet?"

Gohan smiled at her, thinking about how much she, Pan, and Marron had grown up and matured so much together. "Hai, she's in her room right now." he answered, opening the door wider.

"Sugoi! We're going shopping!" she laughed, darting past her best friend's father.

He laughed, shut the door, and entered the kitchen. "Pan might not be to happy," he murmured, seemingly amused.

Videl walked in just then. "Might not be happy about what?"


"Oh . . ."

Bra was dragging a pouty looking Pan down the stairs. "C'mon, everyone's waiting!"

"What do you mean, 'everyone'?" she asked suspiciously.

"Oh . . . just Marron, Goten, Uubu, and Trunks . . ."

"YOU INVITED UUBU AND TRUNKS?!" was the last screech the adults heard before the door slammed shut.

"She invited TRUNKS?" Gohan yelped. "That's it, I'm going after them!"

Videl restrained her husband. "Calm down!" she hissed. "Bra, Marron, Uubu, and Go- Bra, Marron, and Uubu will watch after her."

Gohan settled down slightly. "Well . . . if Uubu's there . . ."


Once they reached the mall, the group reached a fork . . . and a very important decision had to be made.





Uubu and Pan watched the other four argue, sweatdrops running down their heads. "Marron and I agreed to go shopping, and that's what we're gonna do!" Bra yelled in her brother's ear.

"But Trunks and I wanna go play games!" Goten protested.

"You want a peice of me, too, pretty boy?" Bra yelled, shaking a fist at him.

He cowered. "No . . ." he said in a small voice, causing Pan to burst out laughing at the scene of her uncle cowering from a demi-Saiya-jin girl ten years younger than him.

Bra smirked. "Then it's settled."

"Yeah! Well . . . um . . ." Trunks scratched his head. "Um . . . I'm sure, um . . . Uubu and Pan would agree with me!" Uubu and Pan nodded simlutaniously.



"I hate shopping . . ." she whined childishly.

"Then it's no wonder you don't have a boyfriend . . . your fashion sense sucks . . ." Bra snapped.

Pan sighed. "Oh, fine . . ."

"How about us guys go to the arcade and the girls go shopping and we meet up later?" Uubu suggested.

" . . ."


Trunks threw a capsule on the ground, and a white van popped up.

Pan hitched an eyebrow. "Um . . . we can fly . . ."

"Marron can't fly, and plus it's easier to drive so no one sees us." Trunks explained, climbing into the driver's seat.

"I GET WINDOW!" Bra suddenly shouted, jumping into the very back and taking a seat by the far window.

"You always get window . . . I wanna have the window . . ." Goten whined, poking her.

"Go sit up there," Bra smirked, pointing in front of her.

"But I wanna sit by you!"

"Then quit whining and sit!"

Goten smiled happily and sat next to her. "Next time I get window?"

She snorted. "If you're lucky."

"I swear, you two would make the strangest couple . . ." Uubu muttered, sitting in the middle.

Bra exchanged looks with Pan, and they both grinned.

"I sit by Trunks-kun." she announced, opening the door. Uubu looked slightly dissapointed, but quickly hid it.

Trunks just shrugged. "Whatever."

Marron also looked slightly upset and took a seat by Uubu.

Half-way home, a fight broke out.


Trunks shrugged. "Hey, she asked me."

"BUT YOU SAID YES!!!" he screamed again. "You're my best friend; you're not supposed to take my girlfriend on a date . . . especially when I'm DATING her!"

"Trunks, you're such a jerk!" Bra yelled.

Pan sat silently. *This always happens . . . Trunks goes out with some girl every week, and it's never the same one . . .* she thought.

"Bra, shut up." Trunks tossed over his shoulder.

Slap. The sound echoed through Pan's head. Every time Trunks said something cruel or careless, she seemed to hear a smacking sound every time inside her head.

"Don't tell me what to do!" she shot back.

"Bra, keep out of this, immature brat!"


"I am not an immature brat!" she screamed.

"No, you're not . . . you're a spoiled, immature, lazy 'daddy's girl'!"


"Trunks, leave your sister alone." Uubu said quietly.

"Keep out of this, dark boy!" Trunks yelled, just missing a stop sign.


"Trunks, you're the one dragging Bra and Uubu into this!" Goten scowled, leaning over the back of Uubu's seat.

"The next one to talk walks!" the driver said, his lips tight.

"Your attitude is even worse than your dad's!" Goten snorted.



That was real.

The car skidded to a stop, jerking everyone forward. Trunks just stared out the window for a minute, then turned to look at Pan.

Everyone stared at her. It was deathly quiet, dispite the sound of cars whizzing past.

Trunks finally broke the silence. "What the heck was that for?" he asked quietly.

Pan glared at him. "No one insults my family. Kami, I can't beleive I ever liked a stuck-up jerk like you!"

"Nani?" Trunks glared back. "Well, come to your senses, PAN. I would never like you back. You're childish, stupid, ugly, selfish, and ungrateful! Now get the heck out of here and you can just WALK home, witch!"

Bra looked horrified by her brother's outburst. "O . . . oniichan . . ." she whispered.

Goten was instantly right behind his friend. "YOU TAKE ALL THAT BACK!"

"I won't, not just because I mean it, but because it's all TRUE!" Trunks yelled back.

Pan threw the door open and took off flying, right in the middle on the road. There were some screams, skidding sounds, and crumpling of metal. Uubu winced.

"Baka," Trunks muttered, rubbing the side of his face.

Goten just looked amused now. "Hey, she hits pretty good, eh?"

"Shut up."


Pan flew around the world.

Many times. She had to burn off her shock, deep depression, and anger. *I can't beleive Trunks said that to me . . . does this mean we aren't friends anymore?* The idea made her feel hollow inside.

The hundred thousandth time around, she began to feel dizzy. *I'm running low on ki,* she realized.

Then she dropped.

Right in the middle of the forest, a few miles away from Capsule Corp. She lay there on the ground, panting. *I shouldn't've flown that much . . .* she scolded herself.

Since she was too tired to walk, she just lay there, trying to summon enough energy to fly home.


Mirai Trunks's ship landed softly. He climbed out, looking around. It looked like they had managed to save this world, after all. It looked like heaven compared to his future world.

Suddenly a dying ki caught his attention. Wild thoughts ran through his head before he realized he should see what was wrong.

He flew a couple miles east until he located it. From up here, he could make out a small form . . . black hair, loose red t-shirt, baggy blue jeans, old tennis shoes . . .

Lowering himself, Mirai Trunks got a better look at the boy.

Only to realize it wasn't a boy, but an extremely cute girl.

And she was unconcious.

He bent down and scooped her up. She seemed to sense him and turned over, a hand resting against his chest. A faint pink tainted her cheeks.

Mirai Trunks flushed. *I'd better take her to Kaasan before he ki fades out,* he decided. Being careful to hold her tightly, he blasted off in the direction of Capsule Corp.

I have only received ONE comment for ANY of my 'fics! ONE! So . . . if you want to see more of my writing . . . PLEASE e-mail me with comments OR flames! Either one will do! MY MAIL BOX JUST NEEDS SOMETHING!!! Thankies. ^.^ -Deidre Back to the Fics Next Ch.