Recommended Reads...Page Two!
The Wonderful World of Sazae-san, Vols. 1-5
by Machiko Hasegawa, Kodansh International, 1997
[The most popular comic strip in Japan!]
Crocodile on the Sandbank
by Elizabeth Peters, Dodd Mead, 1975
[The first book in the EXTREMELY witty Amelia Peabody mystery series.]
Peanuts:  A Golden Celebration:
The Art and the Story of the World's Best-Loved Comic Strip
by Charles M. Schulz, Harper Collins, 1999

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone [followed by Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; the Prizoner of Azkaban; the Goblet of Fire; and Order of the Phoenix] by J.K. Rowling, A.A. Levine Books, 1998
The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax by Dorothy Gilman,Doubleday, 1966  [The first in a series about a sixty-something widow who decides she
wants to become a spy!]
Anne Frank Remembered:  The Story of the Woman Who Helped
to Hide the Frank Family
by Miep Gies, Simon & Schuster, 1987
[This book was so good, I read it twice in a row.]
Two Moons, a Novel
by Thomas Mallon, Pantheon Books, 2000
Whose Body?
by Dorothy Sayers, Harper and Row, 1923
[The first book in the mystery series starring Lord Peter Wimsey; these
are some of my favorite books ever!]
How to Wash Your Face: America's Leading Dermatologist Reveals the Essential Secrets to Youthful Radiant Skin
by Barney J. Kenet, Simon & Schuster, 1999
[Not just another book on cosmetics, but practical advice on skin health and prevention of skin cancer.
Great Endings:  Closing Lines of Great Novels
by Georgianne Ensign, HarperCollins, 1995
[Get a taste of those classics you've never had time to read!]
The Prophet
by Kahlil Gibran, Knopf, 1952 [1923]
My boyfriend, Dan, highly recommends this book!:  If Chins Could Kill:  Confessions of a B Movie Actor by Bruce Campbell
LA Weekly Books, 2001
The Day We Bombed Utah:  America's Most Lethal Secret
by John Grant Fuller, New American Library, 1984
Dave Barry is Not Taking This Sitting Down!
by Dave Barry, Crown, 2000
Everything is Under Control:  Conspiracies, Cults,
and Cover-ups
by Robert Anton Wilson, HarperCollins, 1998
Tightwad Gazette:  Promoting Thrift As a Viable Alternative Lifestyle
by Amy Dacyczyn [as is in "decision"], Villard Books, 1992