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R2-D1 (with removable leg)

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This shows the droid with the third leg removed.
Full-figure view, actual size.
This droid seemed like a relatively simple custom to make -- attach the head of an R2-R9 figure (the red R2 unit sold with the Queen's Royal Starship playset) to the body of an R2-D2, and paint red -- but eventually turned out to be a lot of work.

First, a circular base had to be made for the head, so that it could be firmly attached to the body, and still rotate freely within the housing. The cap off a small tube of shaving foam turned out to be just the right circumference. The body of the figure, which was made primarily using a Naboo Escape R2-D2, was cut open along the seams, to allow both the head and the three legs to be removed, and then the center leg cavity was hollowed out using a Dremel. The sides were cut off the lower cavity and rebuilt to approximate R2-D1's unique central leg housing, using plastic from a BANDAI Gundam model kit. (The attached reference photo shows how R2-D1's third leg housing differs from that of other astromech droids.)

This shows where the third leg is stowed.
The other two legs were made using the upper portions of the Naboo Escape R2-D2 legs, and the "feet" of an R5-D4 figure (which, ironically enough, are the most accurately sculpted of all the astromech figures). Combined with the resculpted central leg housing and a more detailed paint job, this custom represents a more accurate R2 unit than any one figure released by Hasbro/Kenner.

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The post that held the third leg fixed in place at the base of the Naboo Escape R2-D2 was cut and sanded down significantly, so that the leg now snaps into R2-D1's central leg cavity, but can still be removed. The head is also removable, allowing the third leg to be conveniently stored inside the figure when not in use.