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Naboo Guard Captain

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This is a close-up of the head.
Full-figure view, actual size.
Panaka certainly wasn't the only captain in Naboo security -- in fact, he wasn't even the only captain aboard the Queen's Royal Starship -- so I felt compelled to put together this caucasion captain, to represent one of several white guys seen wearing this costume inThe Phantom Menace. How could I resist such a simple custom job?

The idea came from an auction I saw on eBay, where a similar custom figure was being sold with the Naboo Flash Speeder. This figure uses a lot of parts from the Captain Panaka figure, but the head and legs are from different figures altogether.

A 3/4 side view of the head.
The arms have been boiled and re-positioned slightly to allow for additional poses, and the legs can now bend at the knees (thanks to the CommTech Han Solo figure, whose legs just-so-happened to match the color and look of this uniform).
The figure seated in the Queen's Royal Starship.
The head came from a Space Quest figure, one of several that can be found wherever cheapo toys from China are sold.

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I took this picture to show the figure with knees bent, allowing for greater play value than the original Captain Panaka figure this custom is based on. His hat, incidentally, was cut off the Panaka head and hollowed out with a Dremel.