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Dear Friends at True Essentials

I decided that since I am going to be 40 in Aug. 2006 and I had gained 50 pounds from my stomach problems, I was ready to do something about myself.  The doctor gave me the ok to start working out again but I wanted the weight to come off faster.

I started one month ago and have now lost 12 pounds and my sister Dee has lost 15. Yes, my sister started the program with me and now we are in a race to see who can get fit the fastest. I am going to win, hahahaha.

I am using the "Energy Tea" and "Protein Shakes".  Dee is using the "Hoodia".  These products are great and I thank you so much.

Tami (Indiana)
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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics For Taking your first step to getting healthier!!!!!
The Little's
True Essentials Products