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Name :   Erin bryant
Email :
Poland = Poles, Holland = ? :   Hahahahaha
Whencheese gets its picture taken,whatdoesitsay? :   Limberger
Whatever happened to Preparations A through G? :   they went down the hole.
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? :   why not?
What was the best thing before sliced bread? :   fire
Comments? :   Cant believe I have a son that is 16 months old. Speaking of old, that is how I feel.
Name :   Melissa, cousin to Ronda, the wifey
Email :
Poland = Poles, Holland = ? :   Hoes
Whencheese gets its picture taken,whatdoesitsay? :   B-A-L-O-G-N-A
Whatever happened to Preparations A through G? :   That chaps my hide!!
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? :   Just in case more volcanoes erupt and join Hawaii to the contiguous US.
What was the best thing before sliced bread? :   the chamber pot
Comments? :   I like how your page says it was last updated on 6/05, but today is May 31, 2005. Did you go Back to the Future to update your site?!?!?! Hahahahaha!!!!
First Name :   Paw
Email :   
Cats or Dogs? :   
How much time do you have compared to 5 years ago? :   
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   
What makes you feel old? :   
Chinese or Italian? :   
Comments? :   See my previous entry for responses.
First Name :   Zacks Dad
Email :
Cats or Dogs? :   1 Cat
How much time do you have compared to 5 years ago? :   I have never had enough time. I just have different priorities now.
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   The both scratch their own as..
What makes you feel old? :   When teenagers call me Sir.
Chinese or Italian? :   Both are great, all depends on amount of time I have (see above question about time).
Comments? :   T-bone, you are still the man... at least when I need a Star Wars fix. So in the famous words of the Emperor Lord Vader, RISE.
First Name :   Ronda
Email :   
Cats or Dogs? :   Chloe Cat!
How much time do you have compared to 5 years ago? :   alot less
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   cool
What makes you feel old? :   going to work everyday
Chinese or Italian? :   food or the people?
Comments? :   Update your site, please! Your wife gives you the time and promises not to get mad when things dont get done!
First Name :   Paw
Email :   
Cats or Dogs? :   both
How much time do you have compared to 5 years ago? :   Lots & lots
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   Are they really supposed to make you think?
What makes you feel old? :   I dont feel old bcause I have old children with no children and web pages that that never significantly change..
Chinese or Italian? :   Pettys Burger
Comments? :   Merry Christmas
First Name :   Adam
Email :
Cats or Dogs? :   dogs
How much time do you have compared to 5 years ago? :   less... being done with school and having a job isnt exactly what i thought it would be...
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   who?
What makes you feel old? :   my nephews...
Chinese or Italian? :   food or women? either... either way
Comments? :   when are you going to update your webpage?
First Name :   Todd
Email :
Cats or Dogs? :   Dogs
How much time do you have compared to 5 years ago? :   Overtime military duty vs. U.T. It seems about the same to me.
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   Since, I am an RTF person, once again, since I am an RTF person, and again, RTF person, I wont comment. Its beautiful. Again, RTF person.
What makes you feel old? :   The Dallas Cowboys.
Chinese or Italian? :   I like both. At the same time, even better.
Comments? :   See you at Thanksgiving.
First Name :   Joy Peggram Isbell
Email :
Favorite Website: :   Tonys??
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   BOTH
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   It is so Tony
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   Dont know, havent seen him
What would your cartoon be about? :   Something dumb I am sure!
Comments? :   Tony, why didnt you show at the reunion?? Some lame excuse about moving or something! We missed you! It was a good time and very weird to see people 10 years later. I cant wait for what we all look like at 20! Drop us a line sometime...we are disappointed
First Name :   pullmyfinger
Email :
Favorite Website: :   the one with your mom
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   The one with the R.V. in space and the fat silly dog.
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   Bear has control issues. Monkey is just trying to make his way, anyway he knows how. somepin somepin tall, been in trouble with the law since the day he was born.
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   I hope it is not the same tv I sold him. That was a while ago. Tony, let it go.
What would your cartoon be about? :   A pet alligator that eats a family.
Comments? :   Have you seen my baseball?
First Name :   Adam
Email :
Favorite Website: :   this one
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   Episode 1
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   love em
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   hes much fluffier
What would your cartoon be about? :   going postal
Comments? :   nope...
First Name :   Shameek Ghosh
Email :
Favorite Website: :   um, this one?
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   Not really thrilled with either of them, just waitin to see if Episode 3 is any better
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   Fin hilarious
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   I havent talked to you in about oh 3 years, so I have no idea
What would your cartoon be about? :   The adventures of Meek of course
Comments? :   Drop me a line sometime man...Im workin in Ohio now. This state sucks.
First Name :   Baldy
Email :
Favorite Website: :   this question
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   I must change it to Episode 2, because I havent seen any new Qs lately.
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   The bear crapped in the woods & the monkey came by and ate it.
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   None, he is still a butt-munch for not returning a F&*# e-mail. Love ya Dawg!!!
What would your cartoon be about? :   The mistereous powers of a baldman, travling thru tyme, sharing his stori wyth all thos hoo dare to lisen, and teeching them the wunderfull wurld uv how to spel. Hys naam, Al, bigg and gaye. Izynt that just suuper.
Comments? :   Hey man, looks like three things are about to happen. 1) My birthday on Nov. 1; 2) Your 2nd wedding anniversary on Nov. 3; & 3) Your birthday on Nov. 14. So in case I dont hear from you before then, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Anniversary to you & Ronda,
First Name :   Sandra
Email :
Favorite Website: :   This one of course
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   Episode 2
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   Funny stuff Tony
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   This is a hard one for me being Im no longer in the same state or same time zone. But looks to me as if he doesnt update his web site much any more.
What would your cartoon be about? :   Just walk in my shoes for a day and that would be the cartoon.
Comments? :   
First Name :   SUSAN
Favorite Website: :   TONYS ELECTRIC MAYHEM (DUH!!!!)
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   HONESTLY I REALLY LIKED THEM BOTH SO, NEITHER. BUT DAMN, GO YODA, GO YODA!!!
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   POOR MONKEY
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE TIME FOR HIS OWN FAMILY ANYMORE. HA HA HA!!!
What would your cartoon be about? :   
First Name :   Amy
Email :
Favorite Website: :
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   Ill defer to my husband on this one. Ill get back to ya...
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   Im with Paw on this one...too violent. I work with small monkies...they poop all the time, but I cant shoot em!!
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   Ahhhhh....I see....I didnt put 2 and 2 together til now...thats why Shirley Q disappeared on us!
What would your cartoon be about? :   Im not sure, but I can guarantee you it wouldnt involve poop, because thats too close to home. Hey..I missed the when will Tony and Ronda have kids question!
Comments? :   I think you need to have a kid so youll have someone to take up all the free time you have!!! Also, the poop will become obsolete in your cartoons! : )
First Name :   Starr
Email :
Favorite Website: :
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   One was far worse than two. And three will bind them all.
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   I think its the funniest shit Ive seen in a long time
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   dont know
What would your cartoon be about? :   It would be about me and my evil twins and the havoc we wreak on mankind.
Comments? :   none
First Name :   Paw
Email :   
Favorite Website: :
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   Was there a winner?
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   Too violent!
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   Yes
What would your cartoon be about? :   Peace and love!
Comments? :   I wonder what the next update of your website will be like a few years from now?
First Name :   Ronda
Email :   
Favorite Website: :
Which sucked worse: Star Wars Episode 1 or 2? :   Episode 1
What do you think of Bear and Monkey? :   do you really have to ask....
How has Tony changed now that he has a new TV? :   hes not as moody as before!
What would your cartoon be about? :   a meatwad, a box of fries, and a shake. no, wait, thats already been done.
Comments? :   Im so glad that you updated the site!! Its great!
First Name :   Adam (B)
Email :
Favorite Website: :   this one...when it gets
How do you feel about the updated website? :   its been a freaking year since he updated it...what gives???? (just kidding)
Explain why new TVs make for a happier home: :   cuz it makes tony quiet and ronda likes that???
Why should/shouldnt Tony purchase a new TV: :   he did already...lets hear about a house sometime
Are you willing to help :   with what...tony is the digital guru
Comments? :   no
First Name :   Starr
Email :
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   It sucks
Explain why new TV's make for a happier home: :   I'm sure Porn DVD's look so much better on a digital screen.
Why should/shouldn't Tony purchase a new TV: :   He probably shouldn't. He needs the brain cells it destroys
Are you willing to help :   Frankly no.
Comments? :   Blag
First Name :   The Phantom Crapper
Email :
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   I don't even know who this guy is, and the site isn't that unique or complicated, but he's one of the funniest authors I've ever read.
Explain why new TV's make for a happier home: :   This guy must have a great wife if she even let's him discuss purchasing a tv publicly.
Why should/shouldn't Tony purchase a new TV: :   He should. Just for calling it "Digitial Goodness".
Are you willing to help :   Only if I can come over to watch the SuperBowl, but that would be weird since I don't know him.
Comments? :   Update more often! I love reading your stuff!
First Name :   Dustin
Email :   
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   good
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   wasnt invited
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   2 1/2 hours
How cool are you? :   too
Comments? :   yes, I'm choc full o' comments
First Name :   Molz
Email :   you wish
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   All warm and fuzzy.-- and about friggin time.
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   At the actual ceremony, I don't really remember b/c I was listening to the UT/Baylor game on my earpiece radio. (Hook 'em!) But I loved the food at the reception, and was in tears giggling at all the weird traditions. (uh, what's this Wedding March/Jump a
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   well, considering the epidemic of pregnancy going on around ronda's work, i give it a few months.
How cool are you? :   what sort of question is that. everyone knows that i'm so cool i'm freezing. (obviously, since i can't handle hot tubs- they singe my skin off.)
Comments? :   Dammit. I just got Frappachino all over my dress. Damn Starbucks!!
First Name :   Scott
Email :
Favorite Website: :   All of them
How do you feel about the updated website? :   I think it is much better.
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   Who's wedding?
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   Longer than me.
How cool are you? :   Aparently not cool enough for Tony to return a msg. Just kidding bro.
Comments? :   All I know is that I met Holli 2 days before T-Bone's wedding and now I'm married with a step daughter and another child on the way.
First Name :   Starr
Email :
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   If it works it works
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   I didn't go. I was acting in a play. But I sent porn in my place
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   Till whenever they make peanut butter condems.
How cool are you? :   I pretty much suck.
Comments? :   Do you smoke cigars? You do? Then smoke my ass!
First Name :   Amy
Email :
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   cool good job!!!
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   It was so great!! I had the best time and was very proud to see Tony take a wife!
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   I do not know if they spend any time with Noah, then they will soon be mom and dad too!! Who can resist
How cool are you? :   do you even have to ask?
Comments? :   well I thought that whole I will be coming to visit more thing was real? What happened?
First Name :   Paw
Email :   
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   Don't know yet; only got down to "Sign Guestbook"
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   It was perfect!!
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   As Grandma would say, "too long."
How cool are you? :   I'm so cool that nobody seems capable of comprehending how cool I am.
Comments? :   This new web page so exemplifies the effect of marriage...... one becomes more appreciative of simplicity and practicality, and of minimizing complex stuff..
First Name :   Adam D
Email :
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   'Tis better than a mid-morning appointment with a proctologist.
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   I'm chuckling uncontrollably while attempting to compose myself...
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   A lot longer than Scott!
How cool are you? :   As cool as any other 25 year old, badge yielding, national security enforcing, MIB dressing white boy in the 'hood.
Comments? :   Yeah, a mind is a terrible thing to waste, but if you think about it, so is hair gel.
First Name :   Todd
Email :
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   happy
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   happy
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   at least 9 months
How cool are you? :   I can't win.
Comments? :   What happened to all the cleverness that inspired me to build such a great website for myself.
First Name :   adam b.
Email :
Favorite Website: :   this one
How do you feel about the updated website? :   just really
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   the wedding was's the reception i'm not too clear on...see the videotape for confirmation
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   not nearly long enough...yikes
How cool are you? :   not nearly as cool as tony since i don't have a webpage...
Comments? :
First Name :   Tracy
Email :
Favorite Website: :   
How do you feel about the updated website? :   I feel just "chipper" about it! Seriously - I'm so glad you updated it! Even though I've seen the pics of the wedding I can't wait till you get them up here! And while I liked the Flash format you had earlier - this is easier and doesn't take as long to g
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   Wasn't able to go - boo hoo! :-(
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   I say four years!
How cool are you? :   Oh I'm so cool it is amazing!
Comments? :   Great site guys! It was great to see you recently! Thanks for keeping me updated on the changes to the site! Love ya both!
First Name :   Jules
Email :
Favorite Website: :   Ezekiel 25:17
How do you feel about the updated website? :   like the proverbial ho with her concrete friend.
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   JULES You sendin' The Wolf? MARSELLUS Feel better? JULES Shit Negro, that's all you had to say.
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   The thought of that gene pool getting deeper gives me the willies.
How cool are you? :   Parliment Funkadelic cool
Comments? :   JULES You remember Antwan Rockamora? Half-black, half-Samoan,usta call him Tony Rocky Horror. VINCENT Yeah maybe, fat right? JULES I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat. He's got a weight problem. What's the nigger gonna do, he's S
First Name :   Ronda
Email :
Favorite Website: :
How do you feel about the updated website? :   I love it! It's great!
Describe your experience at the wedding: :   It was perfect! The best time I've ever had at a wedding!
How long until Tony and Ronda have children? :   A few years at least!
How cool are you? :   VERY
Comments? :   I'm so glad you finally updated the site!
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