Riot was the first to speak, his words being in the elven tongue, fluidic and almost musical in nature. It had been a very long time since last he mourned for anyone, but thanks to the Reverie he could never forget.
"Here we have gathered..."
"As all elven have before us." Spoke Havoc.
Then Mayhem, "To honor our fallen leader, Chaos."
Around the circle to Ruckus, "To show our respect by enduring..."
"the purifying light..." Hysteria managed.
"...of the Starfire." Carnage finished as they all joined hands.
A round panel opened from above, and a pillar of blue light engulfed the elven group. At first the light invoked a tingling sensation on their skin, but soon each elf was fighting to drive back the burning sensation that was slowly increasing in strength. Hysteria cried out and stepped back out of the circle, her low threshold for burns already reached. Ruckus took Carnage's hand in Hysteria's place to close the circle as the pillar of light was slowly shifting to the white spectrum. Each elf gradually tightened their grip on each other as the starfire became increasingly stronger. Riot took the hand of his brother's as Carnage stepped out of the circle, she had paid Chaos the amount of respect she felt he deserved from her. The heat was becoming close to unbearable, and so the twins stepped away from the circle, leaving Mayhem and Havoc to burden the pain. The pillar of light was close to becoming a pure white, Mayhem's own resistance was far surpassed, his will alone prevented him from collapsing. Finally the physical and mental strain was too great and he collapsed, but Havoc caught Mayhem and pulled him out of the circle. A few moments later the pillar shined a pure white, powerful enough to kill anyone still inside, and upon reaching its most powerful setting the light disappeared into the ceiling and the panel closed behind it. Mayhem coughed, his robes still smoking from the starfire. He rolled over and forced himself to his feet with no small amount of effort. Calestria wanted to go to him, but she remembered Ruckus' words and instead held back. The temple disappeared and they found themselves standing on an empty plane, void of life and completely featureless. A strong wind picked up and Ruin instinctively pushed her dress down with her hands, but scolded herself a moment later. Her hair stopped blowing
and her dress was still, choosing the wind not to affect her, but the rest of the elven court didn't bother and their hair blowed all about them.
Each of the five elves seemed eerily calm as they closed their eyes, shutting out the harsh light of day. The winds died down abruptly as the empty plane came to life, where no sun existed, now one shone brightly above. The ground manifested itself from seemingly nothing, growing lush green grass to cover its dirty soil. Ruin gasped as tall stone columns sprouted from the ground, overgrown with vines and pitted with age. Everywhere plants, trees, and bushes began to grow out of the grass and into life, all different types and colors. Heavy stones covered with moss pushed up through the ground to form a path through the forming garden. Ruin realized after a few moments that the garden wasn't alive, but that it was the combined will of the five elven that gave it life. Somehow the garden rested atop a tall cliff overlooking the blue-green ocean below. Finally in the center of the illustrious garden an obsidian statue of Chaos formed itself as a sort of monument to the last Playking.
Something about the place put Calestria at ease and she crossed her arms and leaned back against a tree. Not far off in a grass clearing the group of elves stood, still in their ceremonial robes, looking over a
jet black statue. She wasn't sure but it looked like Chaos. The sun was out and shined brightly, but the usual warmth it offered was absent, it was obvious this place held some special meaning for the elven mourners.

This was to be their personal goodbye to Chaos, and Ruin knew better than to stick around. With a silent nod she disappeared.

The funeral had left Calestria confused, with a small but gnawing sense of fear in her. She retreated back with the others, until she was back in her realm. Porthos picked up on her mood, and nudged her hand for a scratch.
She did it, albeit robotic. Her mind was giving out information & explanations to questions, but her heart was giving out help signals.
"If only I could go back and see why Usagi treated me like..." No, she did it out of spite, out of her own confusion. Her ruse had fallen through unde her own stress, and now Ami was no longer.
"Simple as that," said Calestria, not sounding convincing.
Slowly, she thought about Ruckus, and a smile went to her face.
"Handsome, indeed. Although Mayhem was a bit easier to handle," said Calestria, her laughing eyes turning gray as she whirled on her heels, and shot off the ground.
In her spare time, she had been practicing levitation and gliding very hard, watching the others effortlessly walk on ceilings and walls, and land places where a foot was not made to land. She had decided to make that a
goal, right before teleportation.
Landing back on the ground, she began to run. Run with all her strength, and when she saw a low-hanging branch in one of the trees, she leapt for it, knowing it would be clear out of reach. But with her added "weightlessness" she soared upwards, and flipped herself over the branch effortlessly. She grabbed a few vines, and began swinging and moving her body thru the Realm she had made. Her pets watched with some concern.
After a total body work-out, Lady Ruin panted heavily, as she dived into the spring, turning cold but not enough to freeze.
She rose silently from it, stretching. As she rose from the water, new clothes formed on as the water cascaded down her skin. Her ice hair was turned into the fiery red trails that she had donned as a human disguise. A navy blue sheer dress clung to her body, and at a first glance, one would think you could see a Nebula inside. Her feet were covered by navy blue boots that reached her ankles, flat heel.
As she stepped off the water, she concentrated. "I want to go to... the temple. Yes, I'll say hi to Rei-chan," she smirked evily. "Alright, the temple," she repeated, closing her eyes and trying to relax. The ground beneath her swirled then swallowed Lady Ruin before returning to normal ground. Aramis sniffed where his master and departed, then sunk down with a loud sigh.
Lady Ruin landed less than gracefully on a stone floor. With a curse word she had picked up from Carnage, she brushed herself off, quickly changing her appearence back to Lady Ruin. It was obvious that it didn't work... but where was she?

Usagi and Karasu were finally in front of the place where the Masquerade took place...only to find a runned down castle. It was so lonely and different from that night of the ball. Usagi looked at it briefly, but then her soul felt like if it was squeezed by some unatural force. Something cold and sad. It was an odd feeling...she didn't know why she felt that way. it was a weakness in the heart, was it for Ami-chan? Was it because she hurt her bad? She ignored the answer...
"Karasu-san...can I ask you a favor?" Usagi asked.
"Whatever you want, little one." He smiled.
"Please, wait for me here, if I need you, I'll let you know...but this is something I have to do myself."
Karasu was about to protest, but Usagi looked at him with a pleading gaze...he couldn't refuse. "Hai. Be careful."
"Arigatou Gozaimasu."
Usagi entered the place. It was awful. No doubt, all the beautiful Masquerade Palace was gone, as an ilussion. Of course, that was all it was. She went up and down, but to find nothing, no signal of an Elf there, nosignal of anything alive there!
"I'm getting scared...AAAAAMI-CHAAAAAN!" She started to cry. "Where are you? How can I find you?"

Ruin's ears pricked up at the echoing cry, her eyes widening. She went to take a step, but then realized where she was at. The hosting place for the Masquerade Ball, although without Chaos' Illusions, it was nothing more than ... ruins.

She smiled at her pun as she lifted herself off the ground, then began walking without sound.So many halls and corridors, but Ruin passed by an archway draped in black shadows, then saw her.

Tsukino Usagi, Princess of the Silver Age, Queen of Crystal Tokyo, and senshi leader Eternal Sailor Moon.
Quickly, she made herself invisible, then moved the curtains to see her better. Most of the ruins had black carressing its foundations due to there being any lights in the Great Hall.
"Usagi... you're such a vicious monster underneath that blonde exterior. How could you...?" she whispered to herself, then thought of a great idea to get her attention.
Usagi was crying when something whizzed by her face, making a familiar sound. She turned her head, and was shocked to see a pure white rose lodged into the floor. So white, it almost glistened. In fact, it was pure ice.
"A rose of ice?" Usagi looked at it carefully. She tried to find the source from where the rose had come...but she didn't suceed. "Who is here?" She asked, turning around, seeking any signal. "Answer me!" She demanded, tears flowing down her cheeks "Please, if you're an elf... please bring back Ami-chan..."

It was almost perfect. A moment to be captured in stone... or ice.
Ruin frowned. "Ami-chan?" she scoffed at Usagi, her hollow voice echoing in the ruins. "What exactly is that? As for an elf, I don't think you've had the pleasure of meeting me, little girl," she said, adding the later response as an insult.
"You're right, I don't know you!" Usagi said holding the transformation crystal with her right hand, prepared to transform if necessary "But I'm sure you elves have Ami-chan...don't act as if you don't know!" She added, all she wanted was to bring back her friend, no mattered the cost. After all, it was her fault. Even if she got injured, even if she regained the nightmares of that kiss given by a stranger with wintry blue eyes...even if she had to lose her life...she had to help her friend.
The rose behind Usagi suddenly cracked, sending pieces noisily crashing to the floor... but the pieces began moving on their own, in a strange circle. First, they entwined around Usagi's ankles to get her attention, then flared up and past her, almost like a leap from her position. They swirled around themselves, faster and faster, as the marble floor twisted into a spiral.
Out of the spiral rose a perfectly blue hand, extended upwards as though in triumph. Usagi's eyes widened as an ice statue rose up out of the floor amidst the white ice chaos whirling about. When the ice petals finally flying & scattering in all directions, she let out a small gasp. It was a beautiful maiden, who in all aspects looked like her as the Moon Princess. The waves of the dress had billowed up, making the ice look as clear as blue glass. Her hair trailed downwards, cut precisely to the curve of her back, while one arm was resting on the head while the other extended towards the ceiling.
There was also something else. The girl's eyes were carved shut, but the ears. The ears were...pointed.
Suddenly, the statue opened its eyes, looking at Usagi. "I am disruption among ranks. I myself, am always in a balanced state of Bliss... and Destruction," it spoke, as the features melted away to the nebula dress, the dark red hair, and the gray eyes. "I am Lady Ruin," she said firmly, crossing her arms. "And you, Usagi, did not pick a good night to see me..."

"Lady...Ruin?" Usagi repeated. "Right now there is...Hysteria, Carnage, Ruckus, Riot, Mayhem and one told me about anyone called Ruin." Usagi looked at her, something in this elf was strangely familiar, as if she had seen her somewhere, but she couldn't remember a 'Ruin' in Chaos Court.
"Anyway, how do you know my name?"
Ruin's cold glare faltered for a moment, as she bluffed, "My Ruckus-chan told me everything about you, you & your Sailor Soldiers"

"Ruckus knows that much about us?" Usagi questioned herself. "So...Lady Ruin, will you tell me where Ami-chan is?"
Ruin scoffed at her as she turned to her left, her red odangoes swirling with the movement. "Ami-chan, Ami-chan, stop saying that pet name! With all the things you Senshi did to her... it was a cry of help I answered when I put her out of her misery." Her cold gray eyes darted to Usagi, to see how she'd take the lie...
"Wh-what did you do?" Usagi's voice trembled "You killed her? You killed Ami..." She looked at her with deep sadness and besides that, anger.
"Yurusenai..." She surrounded holding her crystal. "YURUSENAI! Moonlight Eternal Serenity...make up!" Usagi morphed into Eternal Sailor Moon Serenity.
"I swear...In the name of the behalf of the Gold and Silver Ages I'll punish you!"
Tears were flowing across her cheeks, pain was filling her heart. "You elves could play with me all you could even kill me. But this...I won't forgive what you did! You ended the life of my friend! She, who had many dreams to many things still to do. You... YOU ARE THE WORST... just as Sailor Earth"
Her voice suddenly refused to speak. She looked at the floor, with only an almost silent cry in her throat while the tears hadn't stopped... and then she sobbed, "I...I...I couldn't even tell her how sorry I was for
the way I treated her. I couldn't tell her..."
Ruin's hardened face cracked for a moment as she gazed upon the girl filled with sorrow. Slowly, very slowly, she took a step forward towards her...
"Usagi-chan..." she whispered.
'This is Ami...masaka...Ruin is...?
"Ami-chan?" Sailor Moon asked looking at Ruin.

All was quiet... sickening still... With a animal cry that seemed to come from the pit of its soul, Ruin reared back, and thrust her arms over her head, then at Sailor Moon.
Almost instantaneously, Sailor Moon yelled back in pain as she was pushed back a foot by pure, cold ice. It froze her legs to the floor, her hair tendrils stuck in the back.
"Iie..." Sailor Moon surrounded to herself "Ami's not like this"
The ice quickly traveled up covering her chest and neck, then cradling the back of her head. Her arms flailed about, trying to claw or push her way out, as Ruin leapt up and floated in the air, her gray, flimsy dress returning with the sad gray boots. Her ice blue hair flailed about her as she shouted, "That name, along with its owner, no longer exists! Mizuno Ami was a sick excuse for a senshi, and what's worse
is that YOU KNEW IT!!"
"Nanda kore?!"
"Don't play dumb with me! Mercury put HER LIFE on the line for you! And you and the others would drive her out, away?!"
"B-bakana! I would never-"
"YOTAROU!! She was a miserable wretch when she came to me, confused, with not a soul to care about her. She had been gone almost a whole week and a half by YOUR standards before Taiki even went into her bedroom!!"
Sailor Moon's eyes widened. "How do you know about Taiki? Or even where Ami lives?"
Ruin faltered, then growled again as she said flatly, "Know that your abuse on her won't happen again. Mizuno Ami is gone, but she did have this to say...."
Sailor Moon said nothing, as Ruin pulled her hands back. A small aura of light blue, then dark blue, then almost black swirled around her.

"Omae nanka dai kirai, Sailor Moon..."
With that, shards of ice began to pummel Sailor Moon unrelentlessly. She screamed out in pain that echoed in Ruin's pointed ears... to the outside...
Suddenly, all of it replayed to her. The things... the un-Ami type things she said... Calestria wailed as she saw her old leader began attacked, and with a wave of her hand everything went away, freeing Sailor Moon to the floor with a thud.
"" Sailor Moon whispered. "This means? I wasn't wrong...she stopped because...Ruin is Ami..."
Sailor Moon looked at her, she was weak...force leaving her body, still, she managed to stand up and detransformed.

"Ami...why...? It was because of me that turned into this?" Usagi started. "Atashi...gomen nasai, it was not my intention. I know there are no excuses that can repay what I've done...I hurt you, no matter why, it was my fault." She came closer to Ruin. "If you can't forgive me, if you hate me that much, then kill me. Kill me because I won't fight you!"
Calestria's mind was in a whirl, and all she could think of was how she longed for her chambers, how she should had stayed... Instead, her icy blue eyes turned gray, as Lady Ruin snarled, causing Usagi to take a defensive step back. Rearing back onto her right foot, she launched herself into the air, then hand-springed a few feet back from her previous position. "If it's one thing you senshi know how to do," said Ruin nastily as she landed in a crouch, "it's lie."
With that, the floor twisted beneath her, and she was sucked into it, her piercing, cold eyes boreing into Usagi's clear blue ones.


Haruka twisted the FM dial on her radio constantly, searching for some good music. It's not that she didn't like any of the songs that she was currently listening to, but it was more of a nervous habit for her.
Haruka's car was doing a good 75 miles per hour, with the top down. She rested one arm against the lowered window and the other steered. She had taken her favorite road along the coast, but was in too foul a
mood to enjoy it.
Too many things were happening at once, and she didnt' know how to react. The elven court were not invaders from beyond the solar system, so it should technically fall to the Inner Senshi to deal with the problem. However, the Inner Senshi were collapsing fast. Princess Mercury was missing and these mysterious Light Senshi were showing up out of seemingly nowhere. They claimed to be from the past, but Haruka was not so sure she could trust them.
Worse yet, the Princess and Prince were suffering yet again because of who and what they are. The life of a Sailor Soldier was not fair, nor was it just, but it was the path they had all chosen. And it was about time some of them acted it.
Haruka took the intersection that led back towards the district that the Outer Senshi lived. She intended to find Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru. It seemed like it was time the Outer Senshi took a hand in this. Given the current situation, they were the only ones competent enough to deal with the threat in the finality it deserved.
If the elves could not be reasoned with, they would have to be dealt with.

* * *

This time, she had shot out her ground like a cannon, waking the beasts by her pool. With a short whistle Aramis came to her, and with a nudge in his sides they were off and running through the rain forest.
"How could she. How could I?!" she snarled at herself, goading her tiger to go faster. He began to clear low hanging branches and bushes, as Ruin wiped an angry tear that threatned to roll down her cheek. "Usagi no baka!! She's just using me! They all want to use me, my brain! It's not for public advantage!!" she yelled at Aramis, who growled, feeling his mistress' fury. "I need a release!! I need something!!!" she screamed, as the tiger whizzed up in trees. Then, she remembered it. As the tiger leapt up into the air at the very pinnacle of the 'sky', she leapt off her tiger,
and fell with it.
It being heavier, the tiger fell faster, landing on it's four enormous paws and bounding away. Porthos backed off, as Ruin slowed her decent into a small dive, and landed gracefully in her spring, by the gray stones etched
with flowers.
Her clothes melted away, revealing a light blue linen wrap, that loosely turned with the wave movements of the deep. And it was deep. Deep enough for her and Lord Mayhem. She slowly came back up for air, the coldness of
the water soothing her frazzled nerves.

~What to do now? Will Mayhem be angry now that Usagi, and most undoubtedly the rest of the senshi will soon know? Or Ruckus-chan?~
She brought her knees to her chin as she bit on the nail of her thumb. "Not even here a month... and I messed everything up... oh, kami... I couldn't take being rejected again. I know I can be worthy of my title Sa... Lady Ruin..."
Suddenly, she felt the same twinge. Not really being able to tell the difference in auras yet, she said tiredly, "Whoever you are, you may enter..."

* * *

Karasu paced nervously outside the gate and worried "Is my little one in trouble? How could I have let her go in their alone?" he looked up at the gate," I do not wish to break my word of not going in there but I would die if she got hurt by lady ruin. I swear if anything happens to her I'll tear this world apart looking for ruin, and I have the power to destroy this world if need be...."

Suddenly, Usagi appeared. Her eyes where teary. She was exhausted. "Brother…can you walk me home?"

Karasu just nodded, knowing too well that her little sister didn't want any other thing than rest.

* * *

For being in Tokyo for one day she had quiet an interesting day as well as seeing many of the senshi she once knew. But there was one she didn't see though that worried her and that was Airashii. Most likely Airashii felt she shouldn't show herself to Hikari because of their fight in the Golden Age. Sometimes Airashii could be so ridiculous about things like that. She locked up as she took in consideration that Kakyuu rested peacefully in her bedroom. She'll have to explain to her about Raithe. Hikari realized
again that she also needed to inform Michael of her too. It seems the old vampire was up to her tricks again; Hikari sighed.

In the center of the living room; Hikari looked at the living room set that she purchased in America the year 1956. They maybe a bit out of date in the present put they looked as if they had been bought the other day. She always kept anything she got because she knew she could always have some use for the things at a later time. It seemed Lunari was the same way too. She went to lift a small tarp of an object in the corner of the room to reveal a crystal flute in an open case, a rose wood harp with celtic design and a tambourine with rainbow color ribbons tied to one side in a box. Hikari ran her hand along the harp strings softly not to wake Kakyuu up. "I have a feeling Airashii; you got yourself into something you couldn't get out of." Hikari said softly.
Hikari went to check on Kakyuu. She peeked into her room at the end of the hall to see Kakyuu sleeping in her queen size bed; with white linen with blue trimming. Kakyuu was as sung as can be.
With a nod Hikari disappeared.

Hikari, in disguise, walked through the park finishing up a meat dumpling because she had not eatten anything since breakfast of the meting of Michael; letting her long blond hair toss in the breeze as her green eyes scanned for Airashii. She spotted Airashii presence speaking to another girl and went to stand next to a tree close by out of sight. The girl that seemed to be Airashii look almost as if she could have be Lunari's sister with the short black hair and brown eyes. Airashii was telling the girl she call Lisa about the shopping facilities in Tokyo when Airashii noticed
the expression on her new friend's face change. Lisa narrowed her eyes and seemed to strain her ears.
"What is it, Lisa?" Airashii said.
"I hear someone singing," Lisa murmured gently. "The singing is familiar."

Hikari turned to hear faint music of someone singing. <<I can't be! But it is. Tranquility.>>

Hikari sat in a near by tree; hidden from sight in her matching green pants and tunic. With her blond hair and green on she blends into the tree's foliage of yellow and green leaves. She shouldn't interfere with the natural time line right now as she watched Tranqulity, Lisa and another girl named Estella face off.
<<Cousins, huh?>> Hikari thought.

Hikari saw Sailor Illuminessence in a tree close to the fountain. Even in senshi form she had the black hair and brown eyes; puzzling Hikari greatly.

Hikari connected her mind to sense Airashii's emotions.
<<'This isn't fair,'>> Illuminessence thought guiltily. <<'Even he doesn't deserve this. Maybe I can take his place. I'll feed the Gate with my own energy. It's the only way I can save Scott.>>
Hikari's eyes widened as she silently worded 'no'; having a feeling she knew what Airashii was thinking.
<<What about the mission you need to complete?>> Hikari sent the thought to Airashii.
Illuminessence thought about the mission she needed to complete, but right now, it didn't seem so important. Her life would mean nothing if she didn't help someone. At the moment, Scott needed her help.
Hikari stood on the branch; turning into Sailor Half Light as she watched Sailor Illuminessence leapt down from the tree and advanced towards the fountain. A couple of rock soldiers stood in her way, but the silvery aura she kept around herself blasted them away. Illuminessence bit her lip, then leapt into the fountain.
<<Airashii.>> Sailor Half Light thought desperately; then upset. <<Not this time!>>
Silently Half Light called upon a protection spell to envelope her. The energy field quickly grasped at her body, trying to knock it away, but Illuminessence fought against it. 'Stupid Dark Gate, can't you see I want you to take my energy?!' Illuminessence managed to fight through the shield, and dropped, exhausted, at the base where Scott was entwined. Her body shaking, Illuminessence used most of her effort to reach for Scott's forehead.
Everything happened instantly as Sailor Half Light popped into the fountain next to Sailor Illuminessence enveloping her in the protection spell as she took hold of her and both their hands touched Scott's forehead
together. Scott was thrown out of the fountain by the shock force as the Dark Warrior began to envelope the protective forse around the sailors; begining to take the new energy; feeling weaken some Sailor Half Light
transported the unconscious Airashii and herself out of the time stream and back to her apartment where she let Airashii's form fall onto the sofa. Sailor Half Light went to collapse on the chair next to the sofa as Hikari.
Before she fell into unconsciousness Hikari noticed the steady breathing of Airashii's chest laying on the sofa.
Hikari awoke with one of the biggest headaches she ever had. Hikari again went to see on Kakyuu who was still asleep in the bed; Hikari sighed a bit with relief with a tender smile on her face. She sat up in the chair and looked at the sleeping form on the sofa. The moon shinned into the window as Hikari stood and went into the kitchen for an asprine and water. The clock on the stove read 11:37 p.m.
After taking an asprine Hikari went back and sat in the chair next to the sofa and pulled out her mini-computer. After making sure Airashii wasn't in a bad condition she pulled up the finished results of the anylizes of the reason Lunari and her attacks didn't faze the monster the first time.
The mini computer spouted number and calculations. Formulas and diagrams left and right; but the over all conclusion was that the distortion seem to have feed off the energy of the attacks making it bigger for a human to go through. Hikari looked at the diagram of the distortion grow on the screen as the mini computer; which soon indicated that she had an incoming transmission from overseas on a secure line only Majestic used.
She patched through and an image of a pink and red swirl cat with a crescent moon mark appeared on the screen. "Majestic-" Hikari smiled.
"Mmm . . . Cheeseburgers . . . Milk shakes" a voice mumbled from Majestic's side.
"Is that Sidra's incarnation?" Hikari asked recalling asking Majestic to go find Sidra and Airashii's in the future then dropped him off in America in the mid-1980's at the end of the Silver Age.
"Yeah. But I was unable to find Airashii." Majestic said.
"Don't worry, Majestic." Hikari glanced at the 17 year-old Airashii's sleeping form. "She's with me."
"Okay. Everything okay?"
"We haven't talked yet; she's sleeping."
"That's right. It's night time in Japan right now."
A girl with long purple hair and brown eyes about 12 years of age appeared on the screen. "Who are you talking to MPT?"
"Laverne, will you please?" Majestic trying to sound stern with the young girl.
"Please what MPT?" Laverne bounced on the bed.
The image also bounced on the screen and Hikari closed her eyes and shook her head to clear the throbbing.
"Hi, Laverne, I'm Hikari." Hikari said opening her eyes.
The image on Hikari's screen became Laverne instantly. "Hikari-hime! Oh, I'vemissedyousomuch.Where'sAirashii?Isshewith you?Doessheremeberme?DidyouknowMajestic-" Laverne spoke rapidly.
"Slow down Laverne." Hikari smiled at the live wire. "Let's see. I missed you too. Airashii is here sleeping. And we haven't spoken yet. So don't know if she remembers you yet, Laverne. And Yes. You told Laverne, Majestic?"
"I had too and Laverne I was talking." Majestic said appearing back on the screen; now on Laverne's shoulder. "Laverne and I will be arriving in Tokyo the day after tomorrow. Your time."
"Got a place to stay?" Hikari asked.
"OhIwanttostaywithyou,Hikari-hime!" Laverne shouted excitingly.

"Laverne, we don't need your parent's to come in; do we?" Majestic commented; glaring at Hikari for asking him to watch over Laverne.

"No." Laverne said. "Can I visit Hikari, MPT?"
"You can visit her yes but you are moving to Japan and will have a house." Majestic replied.
"Oh, that's right." Laverne said hitting her palm on the side of the head. "Mom has a new job position at Azabu Juuban General Hospital and dad plans to try out his act on the people of Japan."
"Act?" Hikari asked.
"Yeah, he's a magician." Laverne said with a bright cheerful smile and a wink.
"Okay, Laverne. I think we should let Hikari get some sleep. You'll have plenty of time to talk to her when we arrive in Tokyo." Majestic said. "Oh, Okay. See you later, Hikari." Laverne replied and went over to watch TV.
"Bye. See you two later." Hikari answered.
"Bye, Hikari-hime." Majestic replied and the connection ended. Hikari put her mini-computer down as Airashii groaned. Hikari went to kneel next to the sofa as Airashii began to open her eyes.
"Airashii." Hikari simply said.
"Hikari?" Airashii tried to sit up but fell back into her laying position. "Ah. . ."
"Maybe you feel better if you stop looking like that, Ashii-chan. "

Airashii looked at Hikari. The short black hair brown eyed girl melted away to reveal a violet eye, florescent blue hair girl who's hair seems to glow with its own light. Hikari smiled warmly at her best friend. Airashii facial softened a bit as she began to feel better and sat up.
"Feel better?"
Airashii nodded. "Ah, Hikari . . .I'm-"
Airashii nodded.
"It's all in the past. Over and done with."
"But . . .Sidra?"
"Sidra is a live now and is now called Laverne. She'll be arriving in Japan in a day or so."
"Ah . . this belongs to you." Airashii said bringing out the Silver Moon Wand, a wand made of silver with a crescent moon on one end and a blue gem on the other end. "Sorry to have taken it."
"That's alright." Hikari took the wand and put it in her space pocket then smiled tenderly at Airashii.
"Didn't you have black-"
"Hair? That's a long story. But first things first a few of the Elemental senshi, Tranqulity and some others saw you get taken by the Dark Warrior."
Airashii's eyes widen as she recalled the events. "How?"
"Need to ask?" Hikari said. "It depended all on timing."
<<But I sure do have one hell of a headache in results to it.>> Hikari thought to herself because she knew if she stated it Ashii-chan would take it wrongly.
"You could have been killed!" Shouted Airashii.
"Shhh. Kakyuu is in the bedroom at the end of the hall and Mei, the Prince of Earth of the Silver Age and his friend are right across the hall." Hikari whispered to indicate desegregation but more so because of
her headache. "But I wasn't about to let you die in this time without a talk. You no dotingly avoided the other Hikari because you thought it would upset her; using the Rainbow Crystal to disguise yourself."
"Other Hikari?"
Hikari explained about Lunari and the distortion in the dimension fabric of space for the next few minutes. The girl Airashii avoided was from another dimension; Airashii was stunned. Hikari sighed.
"Okay. People think I'm dead; I need a new identity from Amy?"
"Yes. I think so."
"How about I go by my given name from this life?"
"Which is?"
"Ashley Connar."
"Sounds like a great name, Ashii-chan." Hikari yawned.
Airashii looked at her best friend yawn but didn't mimic the act though she was tired too. Hikari stood and smiled. Hikari picked up her watch and noticed it was 12:43 in the morning. Hikari went to the entry way of the hallway that lead to the other rooms of the apartment where two sleeping bags and pellows laid by the wall.
"I don't know about you but it has been a long day. Let's get some sleep. Okay?"
"Okay." Airashi nodded with a smile.