Chapter 3

Stashia…And a Sailor senshi meeting

The sunshine entered by the window, but Usagi was already awake. What she saw last night wasn't a dream or an ilussion. It was very real, but somehow kind of fantastic. She remembered the man, humalike but the ears…ears that were very similar to the ones she had saw in Fairy Tales, the ears of an elven…an Elven!

Usagi realized that the man whom she saw last night was Lord Chaos himself. But even Luna hadn't notticed that, and thought Usagi was imagining things.

The black cat appeared, as if she had read Usagi's thoughts. She sat in front the Odango-haired girl. The cat with the crescent moon was kind of sleepy, so it was fun to see her. But Usagi didn't laught at all. She thought a moment and said:


-What's the matter, Usagi-chan?

-Do you remember what I told you last night?

-Ah, about your dream…

-It wasn't a dream…-Usagi's face was serious, her blue eyes were worried- Remember, Tenchi said someone called Lord Chaos caused the destruction of the Gold Millenium….

-No…you mean…

-Lord Chaos visited me last night and released his pet…

-Usagi, you'll be late to school, You better hurry!!-yelled her mother

-Not again!-Usagi run fastly and let an upset Luna in front of the bedrooms door.



.Amy Elizabeth looked down at the front page of the morning paper in disbelief. It was splattered all over; the art collector's party had been crashed by some evil being that called himself Chaos. Just seeing his name sent chills running down Amy Elizabeth's back, for reasons she couldn't understand.
"Morning, Amy Elizabeth," June chirped with a soft, sisterly smile. She stretched languidly and glanced over at her twin sister. "You sure don't look like sunshine this morning. What's wrong?"
Amy Elizabeth laughed nervously and tossed the front page aside. "Oh, no, it's nothing, June. I'm just a little tired, that's all."
"Well, that's obvious, because you've been tossing and turning all night. You looked really upset last night, Amy Elizabeth. Like you're having a nightmare." June sat down beside Amy Elizabeth and took her hand. "Is it Mother again?"
Amy Elizabeth shook her head, although thinking about their late mother still left a lot of pain in her heart. Mrs. Williams had been murdered right outside of their home only a month before. Amy Elizabeth could visibly remember coming home and seeing her dear mother's bloodied body sprawled right in front of the Welcome doormat. The murderer was never found. Ever since then, Amy Elizabeth had nightmares about her mother.
However, the past night was different. The nightmare had something to do with her. She remembered seeing Usagi on the ground, bruises all over her face and hands. Another flash, and she was outside of her body, watching in horror as it moved towards her wounded classmate. Usagi was crying and pleading for her to stop. Amy Elizabeth's body towered over Usagi, and, as lightning split the night sky, she saw the glint of a pristine blade in her right hand.
Amy Elizabeth kept yelling for her body to stop, but it wouldn't listen to her, until the blade was embedded in Usagi's chest, her blood forming rivers along the cracked earth. Anger and fear clutching her heart, Amy Elizabeth yanked her body by the shoulder, spinning her around her face her. At that moment, she noticed that her was hers, but different. Her eyes had changed from brown to silver, and a black claw glowed on her forehead.
Backing away, Amy Elizabeth screamed, as her body smiled.
"Welcome back, Stashia..."
"No, no, no!" Amy Elizabeth clutched her forehead and started crying.
"Amy Elizabeth, what's wrong?" There was no mistaking the concern in June's voice.
The pain of fear was so fresh, Amy Elizabeth was shocked by it. She blindly pushed the chair away, so it skidded across the kitchen floor, hitting the oven. Amy Elizabeth grabbed her knapsack and ran away from her sister, and directly out the door.
Confusion was written all over June's face. 'What would cause Amy Elizabeth to act like this?' June shook her head and set the fallen chair back by the kitchen table. She noticed a rolled-up section of newspaper on the floor. Curious, June picked it up, and read the article on the front page. Like Amy Elizabeth, June felt a chill running down her spine. Something about the incident reminded her of a past that she had a vague inkling about, but wasn't sure if it was her past at all...



Haruka tossed her jacket over the coach after coming home from a morning jog. She walked over to the shelf of wine bottles. Thinking it was the right time for a drink, she pulled out a whisky bottle into a cup. Walking over to the kitchen with the cup in hand, she opened the fridge and brought out a liquid box. Mixing the orange juice with the alcohol as she leaned against a counter, she slowly lifted the cool liquid to her lips. Michiru walked in that moment and raised an eye brow. She smiled.
"Drinking at this time?"
Haruka returned the smile with one of hers.

"I needed it after last night episode. How is Hotaru?"
"Still asleep," she responded. She looked at her partner. "You are still upset."
She snapped angrily. "Wouldn't you be if you free something that evil." Taking a deep breathe, she gave another smile. "I'm sorry, Michi-chan. Forgive me?"
"There's nothing to forgive, Ruka-chan," she said with gentleness.
She walked to the living room and popped herself down on the couch. "You know we have to tell the others what had happened--especially Princess."
Michiru nodded. "I know. We'll go to Rei-chan's temple at later today."

"I don't think we should," a small voice spoke up.
They turned and found Hotaru standing near the doorway. Haruka frowned.
"Why not?"
She looked at her adopted parents. "Because if we did and Usagi-san came to help us in one of our battle, we will be putting her in danger."
Michiru frowned and reluctantly gave a nod. "That is right, Haruka. We must not endanger the Princess. This is our problem. We have to do what is best for the others."
Haruka looked from one to the other and finally shrugged her shoulders.
"All right. I'll go along with it. In the meantime, lets get something to eat. I'm starving!"

Neptune narrowed her eyes, alerted. Everyday she would passed by the old building on her way home. She was about to head home from the grocery store when she felt something strange was happening. She moved one leg after the other, slowly. There is definitely odd activity happening here. Suddenly all the light switch on, blinding her eyes. She brought her hand up to shield away the hurting light. Taking a step back, she looked up and wasn't surprise to see her.
Chaos. Her enemy jumped down, coming face to face with her.
"I was hoping you would show up."
"What do you want, Chaos?" Neptune replied.
Without any explanation, they began fighting. It was a heated battle. Chaos managed to catch her off guard several times, catching her unaware of sharp kicks.
Pushing herself up on the ground, she cried out, "Neptune Ocean Wind Magic Ball Splash!"
Unable to understand, Chaos managed to escape from the cold water and taking her by surprise, she had turned her only weapon against her with a wave of an arm. She crossed her arm up, gritting her teeth opposing the hard liquid. Her breathing was painful, throwing her onto her knees, her arms pushed down to support her off the ground. Then hearing a crack above her, Neptune looked up and was paralyzed. An oversize light came crashing down and there wasn't anything she do but stood there and stared. Suddenly she felt herself moving but then realized, looking down, it wasn't her who's moving but a pair of arms carrying her away from the danger. Uranus. Her eyes widened. She put her down and stood beside her.
"Are you all right?" she asked.
She nodded and they both turned to face Chaos.
"I am Sailor Uranus. Soldier of the Heaven. Why don't you crawl back to that gutter of a place, Chaos?"
"You better watch it, Uranus. I'm going to cut off that sharp tongue of yours and the rest of you along with it."
"Ideal threats," she smiled, mocking him.
"You want action, you got it."
Once again the fight began. Neptune still feeling raw from her previous experience with Chaos, watched the scene unfold. But then she grew alarmed, seeing what Chaos attended to do, after catching Uranus off his guard.
"No. Uranus." Before realizing what she's doing she charged toward her partner, wrapping her arms around her and turning her around. She obviously taken her by surprised but she wasn't pay attention to that. Instead she cried out a painful agony, the sharp pierce came from her arm, cutting a deep open wound.
"Neptune," Uranus yelled in shock.
She could feel the anger tension in her. Uranus looked up, after placing her gently down the ground. She shouted,
"Uranus Seism Wind Magic Ball Quake!"
While the explosion occur, she picked Neptune up and made their escape. She heard from behind, "You can't escape me, Uranus. I'm coming after you sooner or later. And there is nothing you can do."
Ignoring his taunt, she took them to safety.

********* ********* **********
Amy Elizabeth gazed blandly out the window in the library of Jyuban High School. After finishing all over her homework in advance, Amy Elizabeth decided to tune out for a while and let her mind roam. She wanted to forget her nightmare the night before. However, it wasn't working. In fact, the images in her mind were getting more vivid and real as the morning wore on.

'I just want you to leave me alone!' Amy Elizabeth yelled at her mind. 'I'm not Stashia! I don't even know what you're talking about!'

'But you do,' a soft, yet menacing voice hissed in her head. 'There's more to you than you realize...'

Before Amy Elizabeth could retort back, she felt a stinging pain against her shoulder. Yelping, she turned to see Usagi's face smiling at her.

"What did you do that for?" Amy Elizabeth snapped.

The smile faltered for a moment. "You spaced out for a moment, Amy Elizabeth," Usagi replied. "I was just seeing if you're awake."

"Well, I was, so that wasn't necessary," Amy Elizabeth snapped back. Seeing the hurt look on Usagi's face, her eyes softened, and she laid her head on her desk. "I'm sorry, Usagi. I don't know what's wrong with me today." She smiled tiredly at her. "Please forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive," Usagi said brightly. "Of course, I was planning on seeking your forgiveness."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You see..." Usagi looked down at her feet, obviously embarrassed and uncomfortable. " remember your biology notes that I borrowed? Well, I...sort of lost them..."

"What?! You lost them?"

"Yeah, but I'll make it up to you, I promise!" Usagi wailed. "Please don't be mad! I didn't mean to lose them!"

"Of all the stupid things..." Amy Elizabeth stood up and bore down on Usagi. "You knew how hard I've worked just to get 90 and above in that class! I trusted you, Usagi, but obviously, I was foolish to believe that you were responsible enough to take care of them."


"Don't you dare say another word!" Amy Elizabeth drew back her hand and slapped Usagi full in the face. Usagi gasped and fell to the carpet, her cheek bright red from Amy Elizabeth's blow. Tears were streaking down her face.

Amy Elizabeth stepped back, her face drained of all colour. She looked down at her palm, which was still stinging after she struck Usagi. Amy Elizabeth saw the black claw, glowing faintly, as the voice in her head cackled evilly. She was immediately reminded of her nightmare. Frightened, Amy Elizabeth ran out of the library, leaving Usagi on the floor, crying.

Amy Elizabeth blindly ran away from the school, her legs burning until she reached the park. Under a tree, she sank to her knees and dropped her face into her hands, sobbing. How could she hit Usagi, an innocent girl who had nothing to do with what she was facing? Was it a sign? Was she really going to kill Usagi? Was she really the evil Stashia?

'You're losing control,' the voice snickered. 'I'm coming to get you...'

"I...I won't let you," Amy Elizabeth breathed heavily. "There's nothing you can do to take over my body. I have control of it, not you!"

'That's what you think. Look behind you!'

Out of curiosity, Amy Elizabeth looked up and behind her shoulder. Indeed, there were two figures, both dressed in black, towering over her. They had skulls for faces, shadowed by the hoods they wore. She tried to scream, but it seemed that her vocal chords were forcibly silenced.

The two figures looked at each other, then, with bony fingers, grasped Amy Elizabeth by the arms and started dragging her.

"Usagi!" June dropped to her knees and helped the crying blonde to her feet. "What happened? Why is your face all red?"

"Amy Elizabeth hit me," Usagi choked between sobs. "It much..." Her blue eyes met June's angry ones. "I'm scared, June. I don't know what's wrong with Amy Elizabeth!"

"I'm not sure what's wrong with her either," June said grimly. "Come on, Usagi. I'll walk you home."

"Did you hear about that guy who attacked my friends at the party last night? -Usagi said after a moment's silence- I met him…oh sorry, I mean I saw him in the newspaper.". Usagi almost made a mistake.

"Me, too. I also read it in the newspaper. Come to think of it, after Amy Elizabeth suppoedly read it, she started acting funny. It gives me the creeps for some reason." June ran a hand through her short, layered black hair. The girls were walking across the park.

"Well, maybe there is a...oh, my God!" Usagi cried out. "Amy Elizabeth!"

"Huh?" June looked up quickly, alerted by the panic in Usagi's voice. Her eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Two hooded figures were attacking her twin! At the same time, June was stunned by the familiarity of those figures. It was as if she had seen them before...

"Leave her alone!" June yelled. She ran towards them.

"Help me, June!" Amy Elizabeth cried out. "They're hurting me!"

One of the hooded figures spun around sharply, and fixed its eyeless sockets at June. Instantly, June was pushed back by an invisible force, her body striking a tree trunk painfully. Usagi tried to reach her, but, at the command of the other skeleton, vines rose out of the ground and wrapped around her entire body, keeping her still.

"Amy Elizabeth..." June moaned, trying to stand, but the pain was too much. She collapsed again.

The skeletons renewed their grip on Amy Elizabeth and dragged her for some distance, and dropping her. Muttering a few words, one of them raised their arms into the air. Amy Elizabeth struggled to her feet, but was buffeted by a tornado of black wind that surrounded her....

"June!" Amy Elizabeth cried out, trying to keep her hair out of her face. The winds cut sharply into the skin of her arms, leaving small cuts.

"You're mine, now!" The voice in her head became sharp and clear. Amy Elizabeth raised her head to see a reflection of herself, the same on in her nightmare. She was holding a long, slender sword.

"No, you can't be real!" Amy Elizabeth tried stepping back, but she couldn't move. The wind was keeping her body in place. Her reflection advanced, the black claw on her forehead glowing intensely. Amy Elizabeth was instantly blinded by the light.

"Welcome back, Stashia," the reflection spoke, smiling faintly. "You're finally reborn....forever...."

She slashed downward with her sword, and everything went black.

June had seen the black tornado envelop her sister. Urgency fueling energy into her veins, June painfully stood up, shielding her eyes from the bright light that emerged from it. 'I've got to save my sister...'

To her surprise, the tornado stopped churning, and there, still standing, was Amy Elizabeth. However, June knew that she was now different. Her hair was very long (about as long as Setsuna's), and wavy. Her eyes were cold, and silver, and a black claw symbol was etched into the soft skin of her forehead. Amy Elizabeth was wearing a sailor uniform in white, with black bows and trim on the skirt. She was holding a sharp sword.

"Amy Elizabeth?" June whispered tentatively.

"Don't call me that!" With a motion, Amy Elizabeth sent forth a strong blast of wind energy at June, sending her flying right back into the tree trunk. June cried out in agony, and slumped weakly against it.

'If one more person does this to me, I'm really going to get annoyed!' June grimaced. Not one muscle in her body wanted to move; she was in that much pain.

Handspringing gracefully, Amy Elizabeth landed right in front of her sister, and pointed the sword at June's throat. The look on her face was unemotional; she certainly wasn't afraid of killing anyone, even if it were her own sister. Eyes narrowing, she spoke coldly.

"I'm Stashia, Mistress of the Storm. Take that name to your grave, traitor!"

'Traitor?! What?!' June breathed heavily, meeting Stashia's eyes evenly. What she saw in them chilled her to the bone. They contained pure, stainless evil...

Stashia gazed back, not revealing anything in her face. Then, with a deft motion, she sent her sword stabbing towards June's chest...

"Aqualise Water Lace!" From an unknown source, ribbons of icy water wound around Stashia's sword and yanked it away. Stashia screamed in pain as the ribbons slapped her hands. She jumped back, holding her wrist.

June felt a whoosh of air, and the next thing she knew, another girl was at her side. She was dressed in a black sailor uniform, with a blue collar and skirt, and dark turquoise bows. What stunned June the most was the fact that the girl looked exactly like her!

"Take this," Sailor Aqualise said roughly, shoving a silver and black transformation pen into June's hands. "Just say 'Eclipse Dark Magic Empower,', and ask questions later."

June nodded, still dazed. "All right, whatever you say. Eclipse Dark Magic Empower!" The pen suddenly let out sparks of black energy that sparkled around her body. Her clothes melted away and was replaced with a black sailor uniform with a silver collar and skirt. The bows were blood-red. The pain in June's body disappeared. Her transformation pen had changed into a slender sword just like Stashia's.

After her transformation, June was bombarded with memories. Being an evil minion for the Raiders of the Dark Blood, then captured by Queen Placidity and transformed into a good person. How she was tortured as a child by her so-called 'parents'. Anger filled her heart, and Sailor Eclipse glared with fury at the skeleton who transformed her sister, the hooded figure who struck her as familiar. He was one of the lower minions of the Dark Blood!

"How dare you turn my sister against me! You will pay for that!" Swinging her sword once, she fired a condensed blast of dark power at the stunned warrior. It caught him by surprise, and, screaming, he was thrown into the air. His body vaporized in mid-flight.

"Tidal Fall!" Sailor Aqualise closed her eyes, and a tide of water rose above her. Directing her arms, it fell forward, submerging the second warrior. When the water had dissipated, all that was left of him was his hood.

Sailor Eclipse then spun around to face Stashia, who looked surprised, and a little scared. She pointed her gleaming sword at her in a threatening way.

"You've lost, Stashia," Sailor Eclipse said stoically. "Leave my sister, before I make you."

Stashia laughed coldly. "I might not have killed you, Sailor Eclipse, but I can settle for a consolation prize." Her eyes flickered to Usagi, who was struggling against the vines.

"Don't try anything..."

Before Sailor Eclipse could finish her sentence, Stashia blasted both Sailor Aqualise and Sailor Eclipse into the dirt with her wind. She then turned to Usagi, a cold smile lighting up her face.

"Meet your maker, little Moon Princess..."

Usagi was surprised. She remembered the story of Sailor Typhoon told by Sailor Earth., she thought that if the other Ancient Senshi were alive, Sailor Typhoon was too, but she didn't imagined that the evil Stashia was inside Amy Elisabeth's body, and she never guessed that Stashia knew she was the Princess of the Moon. Now, Usagi couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't do anything. A small tear of fear run across her face.

"Ja, ja… You are afraid. But that will dissapear….after I kill you"-said Stashia.

"No…"-Usagi surrounded.

Stashia walked in front of Usagi with a malignant face. She was ready to destroy the princess of the line that sealed her into stupid Amy Elisabeth.

"You will die!!" Stashia yelled

"Earth rocks Rain!!"-and a lot of stones started to fall from the air, Stashia was first pushed to the floor, but then she stood up and turned.

"I know you, Mistress of Storm!!"

Usagi opened the eyes she had closed a few seconds ago. Tenchi was there, with her sailor suit that was white, purple and light green.

"I Can't believe you're here, Sailor Earth….ready to protect your princess….that's so cute…Now fight against me!!"

Tenchi then got ready.

Meanwhile, Thot appeared besides Usagi:

"Here is the Diamond Moon Crystal. Now you'll be able to morph into Sailor Moon Serenity, heir of the Golden Age Powers…say ^Serenity Make up^ "

"Serenity make up!!" yelled Usagi, a little afraid of this new enemy.

When Usagi said that, Stashia and Sailor Earth turned to her. She was in some kind of suit between the Sailor one and the Princess one.

"I am the pretty heir to Serenity's line, In behalf of the Gold and Silver Ages, with the power of the Moonlight, I'll punish you"

At that time, Sailor Aqualise and Sailor Eclipse woke up…Sailor Eclipse looked confused with the appearance of the new senshi, but immediately, Sailor Aqualise bowed her head quickly as a term of respect.

"Our leader has finally arrived," Sailor Aqualise said softly. "Glad you could join us, Sailor Earth."

Sailor Eclipse immediately turned to face Stashia, who looked angry and uncomfortable at the same time. "You're outnumbered, now, Stashia. Do you want to fight, and die, or would you do us a favour and leave us alone?"

Stashia laughed mockingly. "You're a coward, not wanting a battle one-on-one. Come on, traitor, let's settle this score once and for all."

"Fine, let's do so!"

Sailor Earth grabbed Sailor Eclipse's arm. "Are you crazy, Sailor Eclipse?! This woman has no mercy! I can sense that Amy Elizabeth's soul is no longer in her body. She won't spare you. It is unwise to charge into such a battle so soon, when you are unfamiliar with your power."

Eclipse shook her head. "I can't just walk away from this. I can't walk away without trying. Sisters don't leave each other out in the cold. You should understand that, being our leader."

"Because of that, I won't let you die"added Earth.

"That words can't stop me" Sailor Eclipse motioned for Sailor Moon, Sailor Aqualise, and Sailor Earth to step back. "Please, I want to do this on my own. Respect my wishes, and do not intervene."

"But…" Sailor Moon protested, but Sailor Earth kept her back.

Sailor Eclipse turned to face Stashia, her slender rapier at the ready.

Stashia attacked first, springing forward in such a fluid motion that it caught Sailor Eclipse by surprise. The sword came slashing downward, and Sailor Eclipse had to fall back to avoid being hit. She brought her own sword upward to ward the blow, feeling the pressure Stashia put upon her arm and her chest.

"You're a little rusty, aren't you, traitor?" Stashia hissed. The blade pressed closer towards Sailor Eclipse's throat.

Sailor Eclipse smiled grimly. "Rusty is a little strong, don't you think?" Using her legs, she kicked Stashia off of her. Stashia did a backflip, and landed in a crouching position, but soon attacked again. The two swords flashed as they struck each other, Stashia attacking offensively, Sailor Eclipse just defending herself. It seemed like ages had passed while the two sisters fought. Finally frustrated, Stashia tossed her sword forward in a deadly spiral motion. Sailor Eclipse managed to roll away just in time, as the sword dug itself into a tree trunk. Sailor Eclipse grimaced and held her upper arm; it had been injured by the tip of Stashia's blade.

"Typhoon Twisting Fury!" Stashia raised her arms into the air, and a mini-tornado formed around her. She sent it spiralling into Sailor Eclipse, who was too slow to avoid the oncoming attack. It blasted her back full force, right into the dirt. The blast had injured her arm further, and the blood began to flow faster and harder, until her entire glove was soaked in it. Stashia summoned the tornado again, and this time, planned on finishing her off.

"I've finally had my revenge on you, for leaving the Dark Blood clan and dishonouring our family! Typhoon Twisting...Fury!"

The tornado shot forward with double the speed and force of the previous one. Eclipse couldn't move; she could only wait for her end to come...

"No, June!" Sailor Moon cried out. She threw herself in front of the tornado, the force of it nearly tearing her entire body apart. Sailor Eclipse looked on in horror as Sailor Moon screamed for what seemed like an eternity. The tornado hadn't abated like the first one; it kept on churning, crushing Sailor Moon in its grip. It didn't intend on letting go until her spirit left her body. A powerful yellow light started to grow from Sailor Moon's body, and exploded, Sailor Moon stopped screaming, and collapsed in a heap on the grass.

Thot run to Sailor Moon and said: "She'll be O.K., she's just sleeping. Fortunetly, She's strong enough"

"Shimatta!" Stashia said in a tone of voice that infuriated Eclipse so much, she had forgotten that Stashia was her sister.

"How dare you do such a thing to someone who hasn't done anything to you!" Eclipse yelled. "You're finished!"

Stashia put her hands on her hips. "Oh, I'm so scared. Come at me if you can, Sailor Eclipse, but I won't advise it, with your arm in such a condition. Be serious, what are you going to do with me?"

"Something you'll never expect from me," Sailor Eclipse whispered. "Have you heard of soul restoration?"

Stashia paled, getting the gist of what Sailor Eclipse had said. "'re bluffing," she sputtered. "You don't have the strength."

"Believe me, I mean it," Sailor Eclipse said grimly. "Prepare for your end, Stashia..."

"No, you can't! You won't!" Stashia howled. She raised her arms again, preparing another tornado. "Typhoon Spinning..."

"Earth Rock Rain!" Many large, orange rocks fell upon Stashia, knocking her off balance and disturbing her energy collection.

"Aqualise Water Lace!" From a blue star between her hands, laces of streaming water shot forward, binding Stashia's arms and legs, and keeping her in place.

"Come on, Sailor Eclipse, get on with it!" Sailor Aqualise yelled. "I can't hold her in place forever!"

Sailor Eclipse closed her eyes, and stretched her arms outward. The wind blew gently through her short hair, as she murmured, "Mistress Persephone, ruler of the Underworld, I call forth your guidance. Spring free the soul of my dead sister and prepare her for passage..."

Stashia started screaming in agony as her body was filled with a dark energy, rising from the Underworld.

"I bid the host spirit to depart, and to give her body to my sister...I command of it!" Eclipse opened her eyes and made a quick motion with her arms. Stashia began to grow weaker, and she sank to her knees, the claw fading from her forehead, and replaced by a golden tiara.

"It's working!" Sailor Earth cried out. "The real Sailor Typhoon is coming back!"

Suddenly, a bolt of sharp lightning cut loose Aqualise's water strands. Another one blazed forward, and struck Sailor Eclipse in the forehead. Eclipse moaned and sank to the grass, the rapport between her and Sailor Typhoon broken. The golden tiara disappeared, and was replaced, once again, with the black claw.

Stashia shook her head to clear it, then gave the surprised senshi a mocking glare. Without another word, she disappeared. The shadowy figure up in the trees, the one who had freed Stashia from Eclipse's grip, also melted away into the shadows.

Eclipse pounded the grass in frustration. She was so close! She narrowed her eyes at the place where Stashia's rescuer once stood. 'Man, if I get my hands on you, whoever you are, I'll make sure you rot in agony before you die...'

Stashia reappeared again in the Williamses' appartment. She was still weak, but her strength was quickly returning to her. 'Damn Sailor Eclipse,' she thought to herself. 'She nearly had me there! I must be careful the next time we meet, and set up some mind block so her spell won't affect me.' She was furious with the fact that Sailor Eclipse nearly stripped her of the body she claimed for her own. Stashia had worked so hard to earn Sailor Typhoon back for her master of the Dark Blood; she wasn't going to lose her to those simpering senshi.

She also was angry because she wasn't able to kill Sailor Moon. " Well, next time I'll murder the stupid Princess and I'll destroy Sailor Eclipse, but first, I want to give her a gift to remember me by.'

Stashia teleported into Sarah Williams' bedroom. Sarah was the youngest sister of the family, at the age of 13, and the one most affected by their mother's death. She had been diagnosed with clinical depression, and had to take medication to keep herself in check. Right now, Sarah was sleeping peacefully, her arms wrapped tightly around her favourite teddy bear.

Stashia kissed Sarah's forehead softly. The symbol of the black claw appeared, and Sarah's eyes opened, glowing neon yellow in the darkness. Stashia stepped aside and watched as Sarah, in a trance, made her way to her bedroom window. She opened it, and looked down below, her eyes never blinking, fixed on the cold sidewalk below. Then, with one look at Stashia, Sarah heaved herself out the window, plummeting 35 floors to her death. Stashia didn't smile until she heard the satisfying sound of bone striking pavement.

'Take that, Sailor Eclipse,' Stashia thought menacingly as she turned around, and disappeared without a trace.


Sailor Earth knelt beside Sailor Moon's body and started crying.

"Calm down, Shade"- said Thot-" She will wake up."

"But, I was the one who was supposed to protect her! We all! We are of those who must care of the safety of the princess!"

Sailor Eclipse shook her head, she blame herself. If she hadn't been foolish enough to face Stashia, one-on-one, Sailor Moon wouldn't be dammaged, but at least, she was alive. If she would have die, she wouldn't have pardoned herself. She knelt on the other side of Usagi's body. Suddenly, Usagi's moon started glowing on her forehead, and her body as well. Her uniform melted away, replacing it with her school clothes. Usagi stirred, her eyes blinking once, and twice.

Usagi struggled to sit up, and looked at each of the girls, whose faces brightened at the sign of her awakening. She saw Eclipse, Earth and Aqualise in front of her and said:

"Something strange happened to me. When Stashia's tornado threw me, I felt asleep, and I dreamed. I dreamed of a beautiful moon Queen who come to me and told me to be brave, 'cause Stashia wasn't the most powerful enemy, she was going to tell me more, but… "

"My princess, don't speak"-said Eclipse, feeling more comfortable.

"No, this is important. The one that interrupted the Queen was a small girl, who was 13. She was screaming and I heard her deep mi my soul. She cried ^Save me, I don't want to die^. It was terrible"- Usagi started crying silently "I observed how her body fell from a 35 floor. I felt her pain when she died; and I saw Stashia smiling at her death, with the girl's Teddy bear in her hands…"

"No!"-yelled Eclipse- "No, my sister!!" Her heart told her that the girl Usagi was talking about was Sarah. "It is her revenge…" A lot of tears running her face. She stood up and run to her house.

"Can't believe Amy Elisabeth muredered her own sister" said Aqualise sadly.

"Amy Elisabeth is dead, Stashia is the one alive" said Earth, who was very angry "Now, we must find and destroy her forever…."

"No, Amy Elisabeth's somewhere…and we must help her"-said Usagi, who was still crying- "I'm sorry I couldn't help June's sister, but I will save Amy Elisabeth"


Meanwhile, June cried at her sister's side:

"This isn't you, Elisabeth. I never thought Stashia was powerful enough to let you kill Sara."

June eyes felt a deep space in her heart. She was alone now. With no one to count on…then she remembered the words Queen Placidity had told her, a long time ago. ^Remember we are your family, too. You won't be alone…^. "I won't be alone?…I am alone!" June said with her eyes full of tears. She stood up an turned, in front of her was Usagi.

"You can always count on me…"she said.

June saw her sister's lifeless body.

"Why didn't you help her?"-June said angry, but Usagi hugged June with lovely care.

"I would have do it, If I would be able to…" and June started crying again…

********* ********

Usagi was worried about all the things that happened that day. She realized Amy Elisabeth was Stashia, June was Sailor Eclipse, and someone else was Sailor Aqualise.
"Usagi-chan....You have to call the Senshi and inform them about the important meeting we'll have tonight"
"Luna, this is getting more difficult, every time a new enemy appears, and we don't now what they're able to do" Usagi said. "I don't know if we can manage everything is happening"
"We must try....C'mon, we have had worse things to get along with" The black cat said. Truly, she was upset to, but she dind't want to disturb more the odango-haired girl, Luna knew she was one of the protectors of the princess, and she must care of her. She didn't want her to risk her life. That was why she insisted in call the Senshi. Also, she knew the importance of presenting Sailor Earth, Thot and the two Elementals she hadn't met yet. Usagi took out the familiar and small comunicator
"Haruka?" she said.
The image at the other end took a second to focus. Usagi noticed that Haruka had a strange look on her face, as though something was deeply troubleing her.
"Usagi," Haruka a smile lifted the trouble from her eyes for only a second, "What's up?"
"Haruka, I need to call the senshi together, its important."
Haruka raised an eyebrow.
"What's happened?"
"To much to go into now," Usagi shivered slightly, "We'll talk about it tonight."
"I think I understand," Haruka's voice was flat, "Michiru and I have encountered some...difficulties as well."
"What?" Usagi was shocked.
"Well talk tonight, where are we meeting?"
"Rei's temple,"
"Fine," the image glowed for an instant longer before fading out. Usagi stared at the blank screen for awhile thoughtful.
"Usagi, you should tell the other's," Luna reminded her of her task.
"Right," Usagi nodded. The question kept nagging at the back of her mind, what could be wrong with Haruka?
Well, she will know after. She called all the senshi, and tell them about the meeting.



The grief-stricken girl heard a soft voice and smelt fresh-brewed coffee. Dazed, she slowly turned to see Tanrei standing over her, smiling gently. In her hands was a mug of coffee.

"Want some?"

"Y-Yeah, I think so. Thank you." June took the mug absentmindedly and sipped the rich, dark liquid. She smiled weakly back at Tanrei. "How did you know I liked my coffee black?"

Tanrei blushed, her blue eyes turning shy. "I-I just did. Coincidence, I guess." She sat down beside June on the couch. " are you holding up?"

"I...I'm trying my best not to think about it right now." June's hands began to shake, and she set the mug down on the coffee table in front of her. Wrapping her arms tightly around her chest, June rocked and forth, her own blue eyes filled with tears. Tanrei gently put an arm around June's shoulder, and June fell back, lying against Tanrei's.

"I don't know what to think. How could this have happened? Doesn't Amy Elisabeth know that she just killed her baby sister?" June's voice was muffled with sobs.

"Now, now," Tanrei said soothingly. "Crying isn't going to help."

"Well, I just can't help it!" June was crying earnestly now. "Tanrei, you don't know how it's like to lose the people you love. I've lost my mother, my father's now a stinking drunk, and sisters are gone! Amy Elisabeth, Sarah...Lisa when she was very young..."

"You haven't lost all of your sisters," Tanrei whispered. "Lisa's here. She's with you, and she's not going to abandon you. I will make sure of it."

June looked up at Tanrei with surprise. Tanrei's eyes have lost the cool, aloof appearance. They were warm and loving, like those of an older sister. Lisa was the oldest out of the three of them. At that moment, June realized that Tanrei really was...

Saying nothing, June wrapped her arms more tightly around Tanrei. Tanrei smiled and kissed June gently on the forehead.

"How is this possible?" June asked after a moment of silence.

"It is a long story, but when things calm down, I will tell you," Tanrei whispered. "Now, you need to rest."

At that moment, the doorbell rang. June wiped her eyes with a tissue and managed a smile. "Don't worry. I'm well enough to answer the door."

"I'll come with you." Tanrei stood behind June as she opened the door. A man of medium height stood in front of her. He looked only two years older than June and Tanrei. He had blond hair that was shaved and blue eyes that were flecked with grey. However, at the moment, they were somber.

"June, I need to talk to you."

June seemed surprised. "Sure, Richard. Tell me, what's up."

"I've come to tell you that...our can't continue on this way." Richard looked down at his feet, not meeting June's pained eyes.

"W-Why?" June stammered. "What did I do?"

"Well, it has nothing to do with you. We're just not right for each other. I've realized this when I met Dominic a month ago. She and I were a perfect fit. You would stiffen up when I try to kiss you, June, I wouldn't even let me hold your hand. Dominic's different. She's a girl who can loosen up and have a little fun." Richard seemed embarrassed with what he just said (and he should be!).

"I don't believe this," Tanrei growled.

June stiffly walked over to Richard, her eyes steely and cold. "So...this has been going on for a month? You didn't have the courage to tell me?"


"Just get out," June said, her voice devoid of all emotion. "I can't handle this right now. Just get out of here, before I beat you up."

"Please, June, don't take this too hard..."

"Don't take this too hard?!" June grabbed him by the collar of his shirt so his face was raised. She then slapped him hard with her free hand, a red mark appearing on his left cheek. "How dare you break this type of news to me when I just found out that I've lost my baby sister?"

Richard looked stunned, holding his cheek. "You mean, Sarah's..."

June slapped him again, sending Richard onto his knees. "I don't want you around me. You said it yourself. You want the relationship to end? Fine! Let's have it that way. You know what? I've hated you for so long. I hate you now, and I'll hate you always!" June grabbed him again by the collar, and threw him out the door. She then robotically made her way back to the couch, where she plopped down, exhausted.

"And don't come back!" Tanrei yelled at Richard, who quickly got to his feet and ran down the hall to the nearest elevator. She slammed the door shut, then quickly joined June.

"I wonder how many other people are going to leave me today," June mumbled, holding the coffee mug with both hands for support.

"June, are you sure you're strong enough for the meeting today? I mean, I can tell the others that..."

"No." A burning fire glowed in June's sapphire eyes. "As a girl who's lost everything, it's time I took matters into my own hands." She gripped the coffee mug so hard, her hands turned white. "I won't give up until I have this evil stopped. Even if it kills me."


The evening.

All the senshi where there, even Setsuna. Usagi walked with Luna, followed by Tenchi, Thot, June and Tanrei.

The surprise in all the eyes was obvious.

Luna started:

"Senshi, this is an important meeting….we have a new enemy, called Lord Chaos, and his court of Elvens."

Haruka, Michiru and Hotaru looked to each other. How does Luna know about that?. Rei and Ami also were surprised, because they remembered her encounters with those strange people.

"Who are those girls?" asked Artemis.

"Let me introduce myself…" said Tenchi. "I am Tenchi Akauri, the Senshi of the planet Earth, that's why all senshi call me Sailor Earth. I reborned on this Age as yo did, but I'm not from the Silver Millenium. I am from the Gold Millenium, the last kingdom of the Golden Age"

Pluto tried to remember something about the Golden Age, but somehow she couldn't

"The Elvens, our enemy…well, aren't really evil. They live to play games and create chaos…"Earth continued.

"You tell me?" said Haruka. "Michiru and me had a little problem with Lord Chaos"

"That means you release him?" asked Luna

"Well…but I'm going to find him, I'm going to trap him again!"

"Be calmed, Ruka-chan"

"We're going to talk about that later" said Luna

"These two Senshi, are the Elementals warriors of Earth. June Williams…well, all of you have seen her at Jyuban. She's Sailor Eclipse. And Tanrei Williams…she's Sailor Aqualise. There's also Sailor Typhoon…

"You mean Stashia?" asked Usagi

"Yes…" answered Tanrei, grimly running a hand through her short, raven-black hair. June closed her eyes tightly, her face contorted with pain. Tanrei looked kindly at June before continuing. "Sailor Typhoon was supposed to be second-in-command of the Elemental Sailor Team, behind Sailor Earth. When I regained my memories, I recalled her to be a loyal addition to our team back in the Golden Millenium. What I didn't know was..."

"Sailor Typhoon was corrupted with the same dark entity that possessed me at my young age," June continued on, looking at each of the senshi, her soft voice hiding a sharp edge. "Somehow, after the release of Chaos, Amy Elisabeth lost control of her mind. Stashia, who was watching her the entire time, took this opportunity to corrupt her again. She was successful. Not only did she try to kill me, but she also tried killing the Moon Princess. She also killed Sarah." June slammed her fist into her palm angrily. "Man, if I had known about this sooner...I would've been able"

"There wasn't anything you could do, June. Stop blaming yourself," Tanrei said softly. "Now that Amy Elisabeth is gone, you're the acting second-in-command. You have to be strong, for all of us, and the new members of the Elemental Team."

"New members?" Ami asked, curious.

Tanrei nodded. "Sailor Flame and Sailor Oak, the elementals of Fire and Wood. Over the last few days, I've sensed their energy in the vicinity of Juuban. Sooner or later, we will encounter them." She turned to Tenchi. "What about the Elvens? We do not know so much about them, except for the fact that they're a major threat."

"Well, Tanrei. You didn't meet them in battle. You died before that. The Light Senshi and me had the opportunity to confront their magic. And to die fighting against them. This will take so long if I tell details. They also were allied to the Raiders." Tenchi answered. June face seemed to loose calm at the mention of that group, but she could controle her emotions.

"Then, who unleashed an Elven?- asked Artemis

"As I said before, I unleashed Lord Chaos himself. The short version is that we went to a party, this collector had a new adquisition. The ^Pandora Box^. When it was going to fall I rescued it and then we heard a voice of this Chaos…well the rest is history…"

"I have to add he's a good fighter. He owns some kind of magic." Michiru said.

"Well, Chaos's free, tu at least his games won't start until all Elvens are free."

"I unleash another one…the one called Mayhem.." Ami said shyly.

"Me, too. She was a girl who thought everything was kuwaii. She want to play this stupid game, and what she did was destroy the Sacred Tree…I will avenge." Rei was very angry. "Well, at least the tree it's O.K. now."

"Anyone more has released an Elven?"asked Luna.

No one answered.

"Usagi-chan, tell your experience" Luna said

"Princess, you too?" asked Tenchi. "You unleash and Elven?"

"Well not really…I was sleeping…" all her face became red The Planet Senshi laughted.

"You don't have to tell what you were dreaming about…" said Minako with a big smile.

"Well…" Usagi said, and then continued "A stranger visited me. A little after I realized that he was Lord Chaos; he was there to release his pet, and he did. I think it was called Rampage."

"That means they're four Elvens free, and four Elvens sealed" said Rei.

"What is the plan? What we're going to do? "asked Ami.

"First of all, we're going to give you a Transformation Crystal. With the power of the Ancient Age." Thot said, and jumped just as Luna did to gave every Planet Senshi one Crystal.

"I recommend you not to use the crystals unless you learn the Ancient Magic."said Tenchi, then turned to June. "Sailor Eclipse will be your teacher…everyone of you has a protector god and an Ancient Title." Said Tenchi.

"I have to ask the gods to have their respective powers available for you. Selene, has gave you her powers, Usagi, because you're from her Line, the Line of Serenity; but I have to teach you how to use it."

Makoto took her Emerald Jupiter Crystal first.

"We're going to kick some Elvens…"

The Senshi took her crystals.

"Finally, I have to tell you your transformation words; in my case they're ^Shade make up!^" Tenchi said, her Crystal Earth crystal started to shine, and she morphs into a purple and green senshi suit, with the symbol of Earth, and a tiara with a purple heart.

"This is how it works…the Title of your planet will give you the powers." Added Tenchi.

"When will we start learning?" asked Haruka

"I don't think June's ready…" said Usagi, remebering the death of Sarah.


"Well, bye." Said Tenchi. She left with Thot. June and Tanrei did the same.

"Princess…" said Hotaru "Do you think is neccesary to call Galaxia?"


"Earth forgot to tell Galaxia's past!" said Luna


"Tomorrow you'll know. I'm not th best one to say this" said Luna. "And I believe it isn't necessary to call her"

"It is" Usagi said. "Because our big enemy is more powerful than the Elvens themselves."

"Who is it?" Rei asked.

"I don't know yet…but it exists" Usagi remembered what the Moon Queen said when she was sleeping after Stashia's attack. Everyone looked at each other, the new fight was starting…..


It watched them.

With glowing eyes the wraith watched these young women talk of the future. What was the future? That which had been destined, one might say. Yet others would argue it was undecided and forged by the actions of us as individuals.

Oh, such a beautiful world this was!

So much had changed in the years it had been exiled and then sealed off. Exiled to darkness where the moon never saw the stars, and then sealed to a black and cold place where it slept yet never dreamed.

Yet that time was over.

And now it had returned to witness a breath-taking new City of Lights. All because one dragon jewel had been shattered with the falling of a sacred tree. It had weaved through the shadows of this city called Tokyo, watching, learning. But then it returned here to this temple.

These women, all so beautiful, all so young. And they were all born with a magic now used against the Elven lords of Chaos. Soon he would come. Intrigued, the wraith faded back into the shadows. And for a brief second two eyes of seductive, deep violet flashed in the darkness.

Eyes in the dark watching them all....

* * *

It was fast approaching nightfall as they walked out from the sacred grounds of the Shinto temple. The meeting of the Sailor Senshi had left them all with a number of answers and at the same time a number of questions.

With Michiru and Haruka on either side of her, Hotaru walked down the path leading towards the enormous torii that marked the entrance to the temple. The evening was so peaceful now it seemed hard to believe that not so long ago Hysteria had tried to tear it apart.

"We'll drive you home, Hotaru-chan," Michiru said.

That implied she was going to be alone for the remainder of the night. And she suspected as to why. "And after?" Hotaru asked.

Haruka didn't realize she was growling until Michiru shot her a look. "We go hunting for Chaos. I for one am not about to simply sit here and wait for him to stage his next game."

Hotaru nodded. She felt torn in a sense between two worlds. On the one hand, she felt safer in being left at their house like she was their daughter. One the other, they seemed to be treating her more like a little girl and not the Sailor Senshi she really was. However Hotaru suspected this was a more personal grudge against Chaos, one Haruka seemed especially wanting to exact.

If they wanted to take down Chaos personally, then who was she to argue? There were others of his court already out in Tokyo, and still more hiding in Pandora Boxes scattered somewhere across the city. Let Uranus and Neptune settle things with Chaos; there were other concerns for the rest of the Senshi.

Hotaru looked up as she heard a new set of footsteps echoing across the cobblestone path. Emerging from the flight of stairs came a shadow, and then a young man. Dressed in black pants and black jacket, a slender black tie fluttering around his white dress shirt, he unhurriedly made his way into the Shinto shrine grounds.

Haruka had switched sides, talking quietly to Michiru; she presumed about how to track down Chaos using Michiru's mirror. But Hotaru found herself watching the stranger more intently now.

Shining blonde hair danced around his face, a thin trail that could become a small ponytail draped over his right shoulder. The winds tugged at the edges of his jacket. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of shades. She could not see anything behind the sunglasses.

Like watching a wandering ghost cross between realms.

They brushed shoulders.

He continued walking ahead, slowly turning his head. From behind his shades he stared at her for a moment, as if sensing something within her. In the dying sunlight Hotaru caught sight of a flash of crystal blue in his eyes.

And then he was gone.

Hotaru blinked, searching the temple grounds again. The young man had only been a step or two behind her and she had been watching him the entire time. Yet now he had vanished like a fading dream one forgets when waking up from a deep sleep.

"What is it, Hotaru-chan?" Michiru asked.

Hotaru shook her head; had she simply imagined that?

There was no more chance given to think about it. With Haruka and Michiru, she walked down the front set of stairs, unaware of the Wanderer watching their every move from atop the temple's torii. Slowly he removed his shades.

"Sailor...Senshi?" he said quietly.

* * *

"Will you quit pacing already?" Lord Mayhem sighed, shaking his head. He was leisurely seated, legs dangling over the edge of the rooftop. His garments had reverted to an older Chinese-style shirt with a tight collar and sloping hemline across the chest. Draped over his left shoulder was crimson sash that tucked into his equally crimson belt.

Chaos continued to restlessly walk the perimeter of the roof of the Tokyo tower's observation deck. In the distance a brilliant setting sun cast hues of scarlet, ochre and gold across the once blue skies.

"Chaos is upset because the kawaii little Senshi are being poor players, ne?" Hysteria piped up.

Chaos stopped, turning to her. "Yes, something like that," he replied icily. "They're still not having any fun. I can't tell you how disappointed that makes me. I thought these Sailor Senshi were good sports, and yet they have been reduced to hurling petty insults at me. Perhaps I was wrong to select them."

"When you push hard against something, it tends to push back just as hard if not even harder," Mayhem stated.

"Oooooh!" Hysteria said. "Mayhem made a kawaii little proverb, ne?"

Mayhem scowled, looking very unimpressed. "Baka."

"I fear I've been out of the game too long, I'm getting rusty in choosing my players," Chaos sighed, staring out at the skyline of downtown Tokyo. "What about you, Mayhem?"

Mayhem shrugged. "I've already selected my opponent for my games. But if you wish for me to find some new recruits I'm sure I can produce."

Chaos glanced over at Hysteria. "What about you?"

Hysteria happily clapped her hands as she jumped up and down. "Oooooooh! Hysteria just wants to find some kawaii boys to play her games with!"

"You just had to ask, didn't you?" Mayhem muttered, rubbing his temples as if he had a sudden migraine. "You just can't drop them, you know. It's against the rules of Elven games to do that, Chaos."

Chaos smiled darkly. "Oh, I most certainly know that. But the rules say nothing about switching hosts."

"Oooooh!" Hysteria exclaimed. "Chaos will choose a kawaii new Elven to play his kawaii little game, ne?"

Chaos nodded, a dark flicker of decadent delight in his eyes. "Exactly." He stretched out his arm and motioned to the winds. "Would you care to play a game with me, Rampage-chan?"

Out from nothing two malevolent, sapphire blue eyes opened in the quiet air. And Rampage growled her approval.

* * *

The midnight was once again approaching, and a search of the city was turning up nothing of the Elven lord of Chaos--or any members of his Court for that matter. Not even Michiru's mirror could find them.

"Are you sure your mirror isn't broken?" Haruka asked.

Michiru shook her head. "They say it's seven years bad luck to break a mirror," she said with a wry grin. "No, I just think it's not used to tracking down Elven magik. If we give it time, perhaps it will turn something up."

Haruka sighed and looked out at the rest of the city. Standing atop one of the fancy pixelboard advertizement signs they could see a lot of the nearby streets. The lights and sounds of the nightlife were all around them. Yet there was no Chaos lurking around there.

"Fancy meeting you ladies up here," came an all too familiar voice.

Haruka and Michiru, both clad in their sailor battle fukus, turned around to see a young man in a striped, black suit approaching them, his face hidden by shadows and the wide brim of a hat.

"Excuse me," he asked, walking right up to Haruka. "Do you have the time?"

The young man lifted his head, the shadows leaving his face. Beneath the black suit and hat was the smirking face of Lord Chaos.

"You!" Haruka shouted angrily. Nothing else was spoken before she tried to level a swift punch. Her clenched fist only met with cool air as Chaos' entire body flickered in rapid movement.

Then he was behind her, tapping her on the shoulder. "You missed me, Uranus."

Haruka's eyes narrowed and she whirled, trying to give him a savage swipe in the cheek. But Chaos moved again, this time reappearing leaning on Michiru's shoulder.

"Ne, Michi-chan," he remarked. "What say you ditch the tomboy, and you and me head off to Italy for a European party? There's a leaning tower of Pisa I need to straighten out."

Haruka's eyes alone were fit to kill as she glared at Chaos.

Michiru gave an enigmatic smile. "Tempting, Chaos, but I'm afraid your nowhere near as entertaining to be around as my Ruka-chan."

Chaos feigned disbelief, dramatically clutching his heart. "Oh, Michiru, that hurts! Really, that does!"

Haruka pulled out her Space Sword, levelling the shining blade with Chaos' face. "Enough of this crap, Chaos."

"Careful," Michiru cautioned. "We don't want to send debris flying onto the streets below."

"Why do you think I'm using this?" Haruka replied. "Space Sword Blaster!" She launched a volley of fireballs at Chaos.

"Now that's the spirit!" he exclaimed proudly. He stretched out his arms, palms opened to the skies. Abruptly the fireballs changed their direction, gathering in each of Chaos' palms and awaiting new commands.

"Na ni?" Haruka hissed. How could Chaos control one of her attacks?

He started juggling the fireballs. "Oh, did I forget to mention this?" Chaos inquired. "I have the ability to absorb the attacks of magic used against me, and then channel them back through my body. That's why only your former queen could seal me away in that Pandora Box. And considering how you so rudely used this trick on me at the art gallery...."

In a seconds he snapped his fingers and the fireballs were snuffed out instantly. Michiru frowned. She was willing to bet that this ability Chaos bragged about was only linked to the fact that he was very adept with forging illusions.

And with that performance out of the way, his lordship Chaos spread out his arms and gracefully dropped over the edge of the building.

Haruka glanced over at Michiru. "Do you think we could be so lucky that he might slip and break his neck on the way down?"

Michiru shook her head. "We could only wish, Haruka. Come on."

They leaped over the edge after Chaos, landing on the sidewalk with relative ease despite the massive drop. The people on the sidewalks gawked at the two sailor fuku-clad women, and the laughing silver-haired Elven lord.

"Come out, come out, my little friends!" Chaos proclaimed, crooking his index finger.

Out from the crowds emerged another Chaos, dressed identically to the first. And then came another. And another. And yet another. Within minutes there was a legion of identical Elven lords of Chaos, each one a carbon copy of the next.

"What the hell?!" Haruka exclaimed, drawing her Space Sword. "Since when did this become a convention?"

"His flair for the dramatic is beginning to wear thin," Michiru said. "We should end his game right now."

Haruka gave a wicked smile, raising the Space Sword. "You read my mind, Michiru."

She lunged for the closest Chaos doppelganger, the blade neatly slicing off his arm. In wordless shock, the imitation Chaos stared at his severed arm, a thick blue water gushing out from the stump. Haruka bisected the remainder of the Elven lord, and he burst apart, becoming nothing more than a bubble of water that drenched Haruka.

The others charged.

Haruka hacked and slashed her way through them all, splattering watery gore all over the sidewalk. People were screaming and scattering in every direction as more and more Chaos doppelgangers were emerging from stores, cars, or anywhere else.

Michiru elbow jabbed one Chaos into the ground, his face bursting like a water balloon on impact with the cement. "How are you doing, Haruka?"

"They just keep coming," Haruka said, taking off the head of another Chaos. The head slammed into a building, leaving a big, watery blue splatter mark on the wall. "But they just keep coming. It's like Nehelenia's mirror paradery all over again!"

Michiru grimaced; now that had been an unpleasant encounter, with those glass-like Nehelenia imitations just rebuilding two of themselves for each one destroyed. And then she smiled as she realized one large difference between the mirror paradery and Chaos' doppelgangers.

One had been painfully real. This wasn't.

Michiru kicked another Chaos out of the way, buying herself some time to produce her mirror. "You're wasting your time," Michiru said, glancing over at Haruka.

"Are you saying that I waste time when I'm with you?" Haruka asked, a wicked grin on her face as she slashed the army of Elven lords. With each vicious swipe a number of them were torn apart, reduced to a thick watery liquid that drenched Haruka's already soaked clothes.

Michiru nodded. "There's a more efficient way to ending this game."

She aimed her mirror at the imitation Elven lords. "Submarine Reflection!"

The beam from the mirror shot up into the skies, revealing a crystal illusion hiding in one of the large pixelboard signs. Haruka's eyes narrowed as she launched another volley of fireballs. The illusion was consumed and then shattered.

The army of Elven lords vanished instantly.

Haruka distastefully tugged at the ends of her soaked, pleated skirt. "Damn, this feels disgusting."

Michiru nodded, feeling her own wet hair. "Ara, but Chaos seems to be lacking in his imagination. This is so...unoriginal for him."

And then came the clapping: long, slow, deliberate applause.

The two Outer Senshi quickly found the source: it was the real Lord Chaos, seated leisurely upon a light pole as if watching a sporting game. Nothing had really changed in his appearance; the same Chinese-styled clothes were still his, though his long silver hair had been tied back in a ponytail.

"Brilliant," he said. "Absolutely brilliant. So tell me, my fine Sailor Senshi, what you intend to do about...her?"

And beside him appeared a long, slender face. It was like a dragon's jaws, long and sloped yet in every way it appeared skeletal, the colours a bleached white. Starting at the middle of the beast's skull was a row of curving spikes that followed the curvature of the skull until the skull itself disappeared.

For in truth, all they could see was the head of the beast, its neck and body gone yet possibly there somewhere in the midnight air. Small rows of jagged teeth poked out from its upper jaw, and frighteningly large, golden yellow eyes stared at them from black sockets.

"What is that?" Michiru whispered.

The beast shifted, revealing that there was more of the visible body than just the head: three enormous and vicious claws moved about, two sets for each of what might have been its upper limbs. One set of claws rested upon Chaos' shoulder, the other clenching the shaft of the light pole.

"Shimatta," Haruka muttered. "Is that his little pet Usagi talked about?"

Michiru couldn't help but smile. "You were expecting a cute little puppy, Haruka?" She focused back on Chaos. "You're games have gone far enough. We won't stand by and watch you tear apart this planet, Chaos."

"Oh please!" Chaos scoffed, waving their accusations aside. "If I was really bent on destroying the world then I wouldn't have bothered with you girls. I would rather then put Havoc on one end of the Earth, Carnage on the other and let them work their way to the middle.

"Your human existence is short and pointless, without excitement, without danger and without any fun. We merely inject a little chaos into your lives, making for a very interesting world. Now what's the problem with that, may I ask you?"

"Arrogant bastard," Haruka swore.

Chaos shot her a dirty look. "This is sad: even after having so much fun slicing and dicing my carbon copies you're still not having any fun!"

He glanced over at the creature beside him. With a gleefully malevolent smile Chaos said, "Ladies, meet Rampage." And with that he made a gesture to the beast. The enormous beast growled. Lord Chaos then gestured to Haruka and Michiru.

"Rampage, eat ladies."

Rampage's jaws opened to reveal her teeth. Suddenly the demon beast leaped onto the ground, head bouncing around in the air as if attached to a neck or body. There was a definite sense of inertia her head jerked down upon striking the ground. The claws sank into the sidewalk, leaving enormous footprints in the dry cement.

Even Haruka found herself backing away as Rampage began to advance, a crazed look in the beast's eyes.

Chaos chuckled. "Bon appetite, Rampage."

Not that Rampage actually would eat them; fact was that it wasn't Rampage's style. His little demon-beast preferred just to cause the usual widespread panic and destruction. But it was fun watching everyone scatter as she smashed through the city.

One set of Rampage's lethal claws was raised into the air, raking itself down on the sidewalk. Haruka and Michiru leaped aside as three large gouges were left behind. Rampage whirled, pouncing into the roadway.

The drivers of the backed-up cars watching the fight panicked as Rampage began moving towards them. It was almost humorous to watch a bunch of people scream and race from their cars hellbent for anyplace else.

Rampage smashed through the rows of cars, knocking the frames apart and spilling jagged pieces of metal all over the street. That didn't even slow the beast down; Rampage continued to devour and rip apart not only the cars, but also the road, telephone poles, mailboxes, guardrails or anything else that had the unfortunate luck of being there right at that moment.

Haruka delivered her full attack, but it never managed to find a body to strike. The ball of energy simply collided with a fire hydrant, sending up a geyser of water.

"Looks like we have to aim for the head," she remarked as Michiru dropped in alongside her atop the roof of a car.

Michiru nodded. "Hai, but do you have any suggestions for keeping Rampage still enough to aim properly?"

The two leaped off the car as one of Rampage's claws left a massive footprint in the frame, sending the roof into the floor of the vehicle. Fires were breaking out and a near mass hysteria was erupting. Rampage roared amidst a shower of electrical sparks from the downed power lines. It was starting to look like Rampage didn't even care about the Outer Senshi anymore.

"Yes!" Chaos laughed. "Wry Havoc!"

"He's still in a Pandora Box," came the voice of Mayhem. Seconds later he dropped down on the lightpole next to Chaos'.

Chaos frowned. "Dammit, that's right."

For a moment Mayhem watched Rampage carve a path of destruction through Tokyo. "Chaos, she's tearing up the entire street," he said.

Chaos shrugged his shoulders. "What do you expect? She's been sealed in a box for a couple millennia. How irate would you feel?"

"But I think that's more damage than we want to wreak. If Rampage goes into her berserker mode, I won't be the one sweeping up the mess this time."

And with that, Mayhem turned and disappeared.

Chaos rolled his eyes. "Spoilsport," he remarked. He whistled to Rampage, who abruptly stopped her onslaught and glanced back at him.

"Rampage, heel!" he called out.

Her head flickered from view, reappearing next to the Elven lord. "That's enough for today," he stated, scratching her head. His eyes darted over to Haruka and Michiru. "But tomorrow's a whole new game for you to play."

He chuckled as a mandala of crystal illusions repaired the dismembered street. Haruka and Michiru glanced around a road that looked even better now than it have even been before Ramage attacked.

"Oyasumi nasai, ladies," Chaos stated.

Both he and Rampage disappeared once more.

"I seriously want to rip out his tongue and slap him with it," Haruka said.

Michiru nodded. "But it looks like he's finished playing for the night; I doubt we'll find him again unless he makes another appearance. We should get back to Hotaru-chan."

* * *

For a few more minutes she stared in silence at the ceiling, her body sprawled out over the covers. Voilet eyes blinked, watching the shadows on the ceiling play with the moonlight creeping in from her window.

Hotaru sighed, rousing herself from her bed.

For some reason she couldn't get to sleep tonight. And it was nothing to do with being restless or fully awake. Ever since a few hours ago, a strange uneasiness had gripped her. She couldn't shake it even now. After their meeting with the other Senshi about Chaos there had been this disturbing feeling in her heart. Yet she was uncertain if it was simply about Chaos' Court...or something else.

But what other danger was out there?

Was this the same feeling as when Galaxia had first arrived? In the beginning she had believed that Nehelenia was the most dangerous threat they were facing. As it turned out she had been wrong; they should have feared who had had the power to break Nehelenia's seal rather than Nehelenia herself.

But that was all in the past.

She had decided to continue living with Haruka-poppa, and Michiru-momma rather than with Souchi-san, her father. Hotaru smiled to herself; it seemed somewhat childish to still call Haruka and Michiru by those titles, but it made her feel comfortable. Like she had real family once more.

Hotaru reached to her beside and turned on the lamp. A bright glare forced her to close her eyes, and then slowly adapt to the light. She looked back at the lamp and smiled. On a trip with Haruka, she had spotted this lamp in an antique store and wanted to buy it. Haruka had been very generous in adding this one to her already vast collection.

She ran her fingers down the smooth, black surface of the polished lampstand. It seemed very old, with old Chinese kanji and the image of dragon etched in white. For a moment the faint idea that this might be a Pandora Box entered her mind, but she had never seen one of those sapphire gem locks anywhere on the lamp. That was the only way to distinguish a Box from any other object. Hotaru shook her head; no where on the lamp had she ever found or seen such a gemstone.

Even still, it was a beautiful addition to her collection.

A tremor rippled through the house, and she gripped the covers as she felt her room rattle. But it was only a tremor; nothing that could do serious damage.

There was a loud crash! from her bedside table, and the light died out. Hotaru waited until the tremor passed before crawling out of bed and opted to take the long way around the room rather than slicing her feet on the broken pieces. Finally she located the bedroom lightswitch and turned it on. The damage wasn't bad. At worst her new lamp was broken.

"Hm? Na ni?" she wondered aloud.

What caught her eyes was a brilliant sapphire that had been hidden inside the lamp. A violent convulsion rocked her room, sending Hotaru tumbling backwards.

The world pitched upside-down and beams of golden yellow light crackled all around her room. She could hear herself scream moments before the deafening explosion.

* * *

Hotaru coughed, choking on the dust. She curled into a ball, hands gripping the covers. Her body was shivering, though she wasn't sure if it was from the cold or from her physically weak state.

She touched her forehead, brushing the dust and sweat off. Her head was throbbing and when she drew back her hand she saw blood. The cut along her temple was superficial, but she winced none the less when she found it.

Violet eyes surveyed the room. The light overhead was flickering, cast shadows all over the place. Her bed was now at a slant, her desk had imploded on itself, her bookcase had fallen over, and numerous lamps littered her floor.

Where her window had once been there was now an enormous, gaping hole. She could feel the cold night air rushing into her room as she struggled to rise from her bed.

From outside someone's voice happily proclaimed, "Ha ha! I feel better!!"

Cautiously Hotaru made her way to the hole, leaning against the edge for support. The rim of the hole was smooth as if having been melted. Pushing aside a few bangs of her raven dark hair she looked out to the front and saw someone bounding across the enormous driveway.

"Are you responsible for this?' she demanded.

The stranger paused in his celebration and turned around. His face was caught by the lights, short golden blonde hair wildly dancing around his face in the winds. Jade green eyes looked up at her.

He bowed slightly. "Hai. His lordship Havoc, at your service. But in a way you're also responsible for such a beautiful scene of destruction. After all, you did release me."

"What?" she exclaimed.

And then she remembered the lamp and the hidden sapphire. So he had been trapped inside the jewel. And her touch had brought him back into Earth.

Havoc leaned against the car. "Ah, and who might I inquire are you?"

"H-Hotaru," she answered. That wound seemed to have hit her harder than she thought; everything was reeling and her senses were starting to shut down. She frantically tried to keep from falling through the hole, where the ground was a one storey drop below.

Was this a concussion?

Abruptly everything went black.

The last thing Hotaru recalled was feeling her knees give way and falling over. The last thing she recalled seeing was the Elven warrior desperately leaping into the air to catch her before her fragile body struck the ground.

* * *

Hotaru's eyes fluttered open.

How much time had passed? One hour? Two?

Moaning quietly she sat up only to realize that she had been laying down on her bed. She glanced around the room, searching for an answer. The last images she could recall were of a spinning world and the Elven warrior flying towards her.

After that....

Hotaru found him still attending to her.

Seated in the doorway, his back leaning against the frame, was Havoc. "Ah, you're awake, Sailor Saturn," he remarked. "Daijobu?"

"Hai," she answered. That anemic spell had passed. She felt her head, and then registered what he had spoken. "Sailor Saturn?" she asked, unable to believe that he knew who she was.

Havoc nodded, holding up her transformation stick. "Found this when I saved you." He stood up, his entire form now cast in shadows by the hall light.

"Well," he remarked with a dark grin that was visible despite the shadows. "So it appears I was unleashed by a Sailor Senshi of all people. I never forget a face...but I don't recognize yours." He tossed her the transformation stick. "Here. I doubt I'll need this."

She eyed him suspiciously as she caught the stick. What sort of ploy was he up to?

Havoc seemed to take insult to that. "What? You were expecting I simply annihilate you while you're hurt? Please, give me some credit, Hotaru-chan; that's not my style. But if you want to fight now, then I'll be more than happy to oblige you."

He slowly moved past her, pausing at the edge of the hole in her wall. The hall light cast a haunting shadow upon his face, and she saw the X-shaped scar marking his right cheek. "I await your decision, Hotaru-chan. You have five minutes before I see what other damage I can do to this city."

Without saying anything else he dropped out the hole. She walked to the edge and stared down at him. She clenched the transformation stick.

"Why are you doing this?" she whispered.

First he rescued her, and now he wanted to fight her. What kind of warrior did something like that? Hotaru's eyes narrowed. There were times when they had no choice but to fight. That was the destiny of a Sailor Soldier.

Hotaru held up her stick. "Saturn Planet Power: Make Up!" She closed her eyes as the magic encircled her, turning her into Sailor Saturn. The Silence Glaive appeared in her hand, and she spun it around in her hands.

Havoc grinned. "I knew you wouldn't let me down, Saturn. Now what this world needs is some good, old-fashioned property damage. Hm...what to smite? What to smite?"

She dropped down from her room, taking a defensive stance.

Havoc gestured to her. "Ladies first."

For a moment Hotaru regretted the decision she had already made. But it was her duty as a Senshi to protect not only the Earth, but her friends as well. There was no telling what Havoc would do if she let him go.

Hotaru raised the glaive over her head. Havoc watched with interest as the blade of her glaive began to glow fiercely, blinding white light swallowing her up.


Suddenly the light exploded, its burning heat engulfing Havoc. "Hey!" he exclaimed, shielding his eyes. "What the hell?"

There was a split second of utter silence.

And then came the deafening explosion that rocked the area. As the light died down, Hotaru surveyed the wreckage. Now Haruka & Michiru's large driveway was reduced to half its original size. Numerous trees were now splinters at the bottom of the crater she had created. All the front windows of the house were shattered.

Hotaru sighed, shaking her head.

It never had to end this way. But at least the odd threat Havoc had posed was now gone. Or was it? Hotaru turned her head as walking up from the epicentre of the crater was Lord Havoc. The only possible signs of damage he had taken were a few scorch marks on his jacket.

The Elven warrior was still alive, having deflected one of her most powerful attacks. Havoc laughed, a gleefully malevolent grin now appearing.

"Sugoi!" he exclaimed. "Such power in that weapon, Sailor Saturn. However I'm afraid it holds little effect against me. But none the less I must commend you on your wonderfully destructive little toy."

He held out his left hand. Clouds of magic spiralled around his arm, gathering form and strength as they increased. Havoc's gaze into her eyes was unwavering.

"Want to see my little toy, Saturn?"

She kept her defensive stance; regardless of her answer, she knew he was going to bring out his weapon. And then it appeared. Her violet eyes widened.

Havoc's weapon looked like an enormous, double-edges broadsword mounted with a thin wooden stick. The blade itself, a dull grey, stood as long as Havoc was high.

"Masaka," she whispered.

He swung the blade around with ease. "Ah, I see your impressed. I call this the Blade, forged from the ancient dragon mines five thousand years ago. Now witness the power that my weapon holds within its blade! RUMBLE QUAKE!"

Hotaru leaped aside as Havoc raked the blade down on the ground. From the air pressure alone, a gaping hole streaked across the driveway, catching Haruka's car. The black sports car was send tumbling through the air, crashing down as it rolled into a tree.

She winced as she saw the damaged vehicle; Haruka wasn't going to like that in the slightest.

"That was my attack using only a quarter of its full power," he stated. "If I felt like it, I could take down four or five of those distant, shining towers with a single stroke."

Havoc swung the Blade around again, smashing it into the ground for a second attack. Hotaru gripped her glaive and waited for his attack to charge closer.


The glaive's powers erupted in a barrier field, one that met with the force of the Rumble Quake attack. Both magics pushed furiously against each other, white hot sparks raining down as more of the ground was thrown into the air.

Seconds later the attack died down.

Hotaru brandished her glaive, jabbing its base into the ground as she stared defiantly at Havoc. Havoc simply stood there in the aftermath, blinking. He hadn't even bothered to pull his Blade out from the ground; he could only blink in stunned surprise.

"That's the first time anyone's ever managed to successfully block one of my Blade attacks," he said. "I...I'm impressed."

He pulled out the Blade, letting the broad side rest on his shoulder. There were a few minutes of unsettling quiet as the two stared at each other. Havoc never moved, and neither did she. For the time being it seemed they were evenly matched: neither one could send an attack without the other blocking it.

The stand-off ended.

With a loud battle cry Havoc leaped into the air, flipping the Blade around so that its savage tip was aimed at Hotaru's head as he descended. She sprang back as he let the Blade sink to the wooden hilt into the ground.

Hotaru charged, swinging the Silence Glaive in the hopes of wounding Havoc with its blade. Havoc artfully dodged the attacks, at one point in time leaping onto the shaft of her weapon.

"You lose," he teased, poking her forehead with his index finger.

And with that he vaulted backwards and pulled out the Blade. Now it was his turn to charge, brandishing his enormous sword. Hotaru desperately tried to block his strikes and swipes, but Havoc was wielding his massive weapon like a fencing sword.

"Sugoi," she whispered. At this rate there was no way she could hold her own against him!

And then Havoc managed to knock the Silence Glaive from her hands. Hotaru felt her throat grow dry as with outstretched hands she watched the glaive clatter to the ground.

Havoc nudged the tip of the Blade beneath her chin. She stared evenly into his eyes; she was not afraid to die. Her only regret was that she couldn't see Haruka and Michiru once last time to say how much she loved them for all they had done for her.

"I won't kill you," Havoc stated evenly. "It would be against the rules of our Elven games to do so on a first encounter. Besides I would sooner destroy an entire city than a talented warrior such as yourself."

He eased the Blade out from beneath her neck, bringing it up to her cheek. "However, I do this of all my opponents who lose to me." Havoc gestured to his scar. "My mark becomes yours to share. I only ask that you brace yourself, Hotaru-chan, because this is really going to hurt."

Hotaru closed her eyes. There was nothing else she could do with the Blade so close to her face. All she could was brace herself for the pain.

It never came.

There was a loud clashing of sword against sword, followed by a shower of white hot sparks as magic collided with magic. Hotaru opened her eyes and saw the blade of another weapon keeping Havoc's own Blade away from her face. And there wielding the weapon was the young man she had seen before at the Shinto shrine after their meeting, the wandering ghost.

He said nothing as he and Havoc pushed against each other's weapon.

"Now who the hell are you?" Havoc exclaimed.

"No one of consequence, I can assure you," the newcomer said. "But I am also no one to be trifled with."

"I started this game with her," Havoc snarled. "I am not about to have it interrupted by some petty stranger like you."

If that was meant to be an insult, the Wanderer took no offense. Instead he pushed back Havoc's weapon from Hotaru and stood defensively between her and the Elven warrior.

"Who...who are you?" she asked.

He gave no reply, only a glance from eyes hidden behind a pair of shades. The blade of his sword crackled with magic, thin arcs of lightening curling around the glowing metal.

Havoc unleashed another attack, this one aimed specifically at the Wanderer. "Cut into my game, will you?! RUMBLE QUAKE!!!"

The Wanderer swung his blade, a whirlwind of lightening striking the onslaught. The Rumble Quake died instantly. As the cloud of dust blew past to reveal the stranger, Havoc smiled.

"Another wielder of magic," he remarked. "And such an impressive sword of the lightening magic at that. Where do you humans get those wonderful toys?"

Havoc raised the Blade once more. "Now, my mysterious party crasher, you can have the honour of experiencing the Blade's full power!"

Just as Havoc's arm tensed to deliver the cut, a quiet whisper uttered an attack:

"Dead Scream."

The Elven whirled, swinging the Blade away from the Wanderer's face as he saw a new attack charging towards him. Havoc stood his ground as he tried to cut the ringed sphere in half. But the attack suddenly turned into a shaft of blinding light that consumed everything around him.

Hotaru spun around. Standing right alongside her was sailor Pluto, long dark hair blowing in the winds. "Setsuna-mama!" she exclaimed happily.

"Daijobu, Hotaru?" Setsuna asked.

Hotaru nodded. A part of her was shaking uncontrollably inside from fear. Had either Setsuna or this stranger intervened a second later....

Abruptly the spinning blade of Havoc's weapon appeared from the dying light Pluto's attack, out of control as it buried half the blade into the ground. It missed both Hotaru and Sestuna by mere inches.

Out from the smoke emerged Havoc, knelt down on all fours as if in submission. His jacket was smoking and cut in numerous places. Blood trickled down from his temple, a part of his golden blonde hair now stained scarlet red.

"Sugoi!" he chuckled, his eyes hidden behind bangs and shadows. "Sugoi, Sailor Senshi! Such strength and power in your magics! I can't wait to meet you all again on a different playing field!"

Hotaru picked up her Silence Glaive.

Suddenly another Elven emerged from the shadows.

Lord Mayhem glanced down at the battered Havoc, who was trying to push himself off the ground without much success. "Geez, Havoc!" Mayhem exclaimed, hoisting him up. "We just can't let you go anywhere without you causing trouble like this, now can we?"

Havoc coughed weakly. "I felt rather frisky tonight. Being trapped in a confined space for a few thousand years will do that you." He glanced up at Mayhem. "So when did you get out of your rattrap, Mayhem?"

"That doesn't matter," Mayhem replied, extending his arm. The Blade shot out from its resting place into his hand. He nodded to Hotaru and Setsuna. "Now if you'll excuse us, ladies."

And with that Mayhem took a step back and was swallowed up by grey mists. The mists quickly dissipated to reveal an empty driveway. Both Elven were gone.

Hotaru sighed in relief that the ordeal was over--even though it was far from being finished. She turned to Setsuna. "Are you here because of this, Setsuna-momma?"

Setsuna nodded, her eyes narrowing as she watched the silhouette of Havoc disappear into the night. "Hai. I saw something twist in the space-time continuum unlike anything I've ever seen. This is just the prelude to it all."

Hotaru nodded, turning to the Wanderer. "Arigato gozai--"


It was nightfall now, and Raithe sensed freedom all around her. No longer would she have to be held prisinor in this horrible tree, but she could be free to command her warriors once more. Cauciously, her form materialized silently, in a black light, and walked gracefully from the tree, a pair of icy black wings spreading behind her. She streatched and smiled happily. Glancing around her, she looked to the sky.
"Shadow! Hawk! Where are you?!"
Two faeries suddenly floated down to her, and glanced at her.
"You two, spy about. I want to know what is happening in this beautiful world around me. Report back to me anything interesting you find." She waved her hand carelessly, and the two sprites flew off. Raithe smiled
again, this time showing her fangs and other teeth.
"The sent of fresh and lively sould is all around me! I will take them all, one by one!"