Chapter 6

An invitation from Lord Chaos?

Surrounded by exquisite cobblestone and an arched ceiling, the enormous windows openly displayed the beautiful night beyond. Stars shimmered amidst heaven's shadows in an entourage for two pale crescent moons glowing in the night. The series of fountains and shallow channels were all around, tracing through the grand halls now deserted. No sign of decay or dust was present; instead a hallowed palace built upon the foundations of an ancient mountainside resided there, untouched by age since the day it was built over three thousand years ago.

This was the realm of Chaos' Elven Court, tucked away from the Earth yet not in a world all apart from everything else. It existed within Tokyo yet was not there in the city. And here in his domain, every stone shimmered the faint reflection of a crystal illusion forging every last detail.

She reached the portico of the fifth level, ducking around the pillars and nearly tripping into the nearest fountain. After widly waving her arms about and kawaiily shrieking in a frantic attempt to keep her balance, she continued through the ruins. The winds were gentle tonight, yet rustling with anticipation in sensing their master's return. A moondial was perched atop the spouts of the central fountain, sparkling waters showering down, their misty spray cool and refreshing.

Her aqua-green eyes darted to the enchanted lanterns dangling from the archways, each one bearing the kanji for the different titles of the court. With bare feet she carefully stepped over the median separating causeway from walkway. She paused at a set of large arches, the one central path opening into a rotunda that held three new different paths to take.

"Ah! It's sooo kawaii!" she sighed.

From across the fifth courtyard small cherubs fashioned from marble stone watched with knowing eyes and folded wings. Gazing out the windows she could still see the rest of the palace folds far below, stretching down to the base of the mountain. Stairs, aqueducts, chambers and gardens were all within her sight.

A maze of courtyards and pavilions awaited.

A shadow flickered, the eyes of a cherub seeming to light up as her magik drew closer. She looked from one corridor to the next, frantically musing which way to turn. From the collective pool the channel of water became a shallow waterfall that dropped outside to one of the lower levels.

"Wah!" she lamented. "Poor kawaii little Hysteria's lost again!"

"I raise you fifty."

Hysteria turned her head as she heard the distant sound of Lord Chaos' voice drift from the corridor to the far left. She beamed and excitedly hopped up and down on the cobblestone. "Wah! Hysteria finally found Chaos-chan!" And off she raced, listening to the nonchalant voices intermittently echoing down the corridors of the mountainside palace:

"I see your fifty...and up the ante to include all of Australia."

"Can he do that?"

"Well, it's not exactly like humans own deeds to entire continents. I'm in."

"What the hell; count me too."

"Sounds like fun. Deal me in."

Hysteria yelped as she nearly tripped on the edges of her Chinese dress, stumbling but managing to right herself before tumbling across the cobblestone. "Chaos-chan! Mayhem-chan! Havoc-chan! Where are you? Riot-chan? Ruckus-chan?""

"You're bluffing."

"Oh, am I?"

"Chaos, you could ever bluff. You always wind up with that dumb grin on your face when you've got a winning hand in this game."


"Oh yeah, he's bluffing."

"Riot, you're not exactly helping my hand here."

Finally Hysteria burst through a large set of closed double doors, panting and gasping for breath as she looked inside. Almost all of them had gathered there in the expansive gallery, archways and pillars decorated with beautifully intricate runework and images scattered everywhere. In the back corner there was a large rounded wall with enormous window blocks overlooking a lush tropical forest.

Havoc, Ruckus, Mayhem, Rampage and Chaos were all playing a game of Elven poker in the centre. A table carved in silver to resemble the S-shaped, tapering and twisting form of an enormous rampant dragon was their battleground for a more leisurely game.

The final hand was being played.

"Ah!" Hysteria bubbled, bounding over to the players. "Hysteria's not late for Chaos-chan's kawaii little gathering after all."

Looking up from his small horde of jewels and gold pieces, Mayhem shook his head at the insufferably kawaii Elven girl and returned to the game. "Baka baka."

"Hysteria, if you please," Riot said, gesturing for her to stand aside. "We're in the middle of the final hand here."

"Hai hai," Riot agreed. "Not that it would help me any." He sighed, looking forlornly at his small stack of gemstones which paled in comparison to the enormous horde Mayhem and Havoc held.

"Ooooh!" Hysteria exclaimed happily, leaning over Havoc's shoulder. "Havoc's four little Elemental magiks look just sooo kawaii all side by side, ne? Ne? Ne?"

"Fold!" Chaos, Ruckus and Riot chorused together, tossing their cards to the centre of the table.

Mayhem smiled darkly, pushing forward every last item in his growing winnings. "Alright, Havoc. I call your little bluff."

Havoc sighed, setting down his cards. All he had were six crowns and two roses, the lowest possible hand that could be played. "How'd you know?"

Mayhem chuckled, revealing his cards to be a more dominant set of four shooting stars and four castles, each star holding a suit to match each castle. "You tried that same trick with Hysteria thirty-two hundred years ago. I'm not about to fall for the same trick twice, no matter how cunning it is."

Havoc pouted in his chair as Mayhem gathered up the cards with a simply gesture.

"Card shark," Riot grumbled, flicking his last coin at Mayhem's face. Mayhem caught the coin in his hand without even looking up as he stacked his winnings.

Chaos nodded. "Hai. Mayhem, you should try your hand at these human card games. I figure we might be able to buy a few small planets by the end of the day."

"These human games bore me," Mayhem replied evenly, flipping an Even tarot over. "The combinations are so simple that it would take a child to solve them. What's the fun of that, I ask you?"

He set the card down on the table, the face flickering as it took shape to reveal a the dark silhouette of a Shinto torii standing far at the end of a cobblestone pathway, the entire face shrouded in mist and hazy mountain peaks. And there he could see a shadowy figure walking down the path.

Mayhem frowned. "Yurei? What would a ghost be doing here?"

Chaos leaned back in his chair, staring up at the open dome on the ceiling, twin crescent moons shining overhead. Ever since the Venus Senshi had unwittingly unleashed Riot and Ruckus days ago, they all had been fairly quiet. Perhaps that was best for all involved; his kawaii little playmates got time to catch their breaths while he put all his focus into resurrecting this illusionary realm. They all had taken time for privacy, each one retreating to their own private "chambers" within the illusion.

Chaos scowled, thinking back to the mysterious dragon that had invaded Hysteria's game. Something wasn't right about it's presence; were they not the only ones here in Tokyo with incredible powers?

"Are you finished playing, or can we get down to business?" Carnage said coldly, entering the Court. She took a seat across from Mayhem, at the rear paws of the dragon table.

"Pleasant, isn't she?" Riot muttered to his brother.

Ruckus nodded. "I swear she was born with a nasty disposition. That or she wasn't allowed to very close to her mother's--"

"Thank you, Ruckus," Chaos cut in, shooting Ruckus a glare. Any wrong word could easily set of Carnage and they would never be able to discuss their next big game. Abruptly the table stirred, the dragon's head coming to life as it rose up. Jaws stretched hideously long, its mouth opening wide and wider still as its head made a half-revolution to turn back and face everyone else seated.

Chaos pushed off the ground, and with little difficulty floated into the mouth. The crimson tongue of the beast rippled and morphed to become a throne of sorts, the fangs sloping and bending to become the armrests. The dragon's head titled down, eyes flashing and eerie sapphire as all the enchanted lanterns dimmed.

As they gathered each time for a new game, whoever was in control held the position to be seated within the dragon's jaws. This was their first meeting in thousands of years, and thus as master and the greatest Elven mage of them all, Chaos held control.

"Let the games begin again," he stated, a dark smile appearing on his face. "Welcome back, my court."

Hysteria glanced around the table. "Ne, where's Rampage-chan?"

A low purring growl echoed and abruptly a slender bestial skull appeared, glowing eyes wide and wild and staring at them all. Rampage nuzzled Chaos' arm affectionately.

"Ara ara," Chaos remarked. "Save it for another time, my little pet. We've got business to attend to."

Rampage bowed her head, the haunting skull fading into nothing and then abruptly reappearing at the tail end of the dragon table, Rampage leisurely perched on the spiralling tail, her claws resting upon the the silver spikes.

"If I wasn't so indifferent about this reunion I think I'd cry," Ruckus dryly said to his brother. Riot tried to stifle his chuckling, but didn't get very far.

Chaos gestured to Mayhem. "Mayhem, would you mind recounting what happened at the last gathering of the court? That would be...shimatta! It's been too long, that's for certain!"

Mayhem didn't even look up as he shuffled his cards. "Not much happened, really. Carnage spent most of the time chasing you around the chambers with a legion of carnivorous spellbooks, Havoc was busy cleaning his broadsword, Riot and Ruckus were away playing a game with some human princess, Rampage had latched onto some guy and was devouring his girlfriend, I was testing new player in my labyrinth, and Hysteria--"

"I think we get the point," Havoc cut in. "So, our last gathering was pretty much like all the others: uneventful."

"By our standards, at least," Ruckus agreed. "This leaves us with the question what new business we have to bring up. I for one find this new world, this place they call Tokyo to be rather intriguing."

Riot grinned. "The ladies are quite cute."

Hysteria nodded enthusiastically. "Hai! They're just all so kawaii, ne?"

Sweatdrops plagued the rest of the court.

Chaos rolled his eyes. "Getting back to something a little less cute, I wish to invite lords Riot and Ruckus to join me on scouting for new games."

Riot looked up, his curiousity piqued. "Are you suggesting we take on human identities?"

Chaos nodded. "Hai. Most of us have already discussed it before, and agree that by our own definitive ages we can pass as high school students. Mayhem here believes strongly that the Sailor Senshi themselves are high school students so we might even run into them from time to time."

"Where?" Ruckus asked.

Chaos opened his palm and a sphere of illusion came to life. He let it drop to the center of the table, where a three-dimensional image of the chosen school appeared.

"Jyuban High," Riot said, reading the sign. "Doesn't look all that impressive. Elven intuition playing a hand in this, Chaos?"

"More or less," Chaos replied with a shrug. "Carnage, Havoc and Mayhem have all declined, and Rampage is certainly out of the question. Now I ask you if you'd like to join me on Earth."

The twin brothers debated.

"A chance to create some romantic tension," Ruckus remarked with a smile, glancing over at Riot. "Care to join me, brother?"

Riot nodded his agreement, cracking his knuckles. "Sounds like fun. Where do I sign up?"

"Hysteria?" Chaos inquired, looking to Hysteria. "Have you decided yet?"

Hysteria broke out into overactive waterworks. "Wah! Hysteria can't decide! Both options are still just so kawaii!"

Mayhem rolled his eyes. "Baka."

Carnage growled, shifting about restlessly in her chair.

"Well, then at least that order of business has been settled," Chaos continued. "I'm assuming we all have decided on our players."

Havoc nodded. "The Sailor Senshi of this time would all make wonderful opponents in our games. By all counts there seems to be eight of these female soldiers."

"Nine, actually," Mayhem answered. "We haven't seen their leader yet, the one who holds the sacred mark of the crescent moon. And I for one suspect that there could be more."

"Ooooh!" Hysteria exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands. "More kawaii little Senshi for Hysteria to play with? It's just soooo kawaii, ne? Ne? Ne?"

Havoc sighed and tilted his head to the floor, closing his eyes and napping with his Blade resting on his shoulder. "Either way," he remarked. "This should get interesting very soon."

"Why waste all this time playing around with the Sailor Senshi?" Carnage spoke up. "The last time we did that we got sealed inside a small crate for three thousand years. Now I don't know about you, but I think we're due for some payback!"

"Oh, that's original."

Chaos slowly turned to Mayhem, his eyes narrowing. "Mayhem...!" he cautioned.

Mayhem on the other hand didn't even look up from the tarots he was shuffling, content on leaving his statement at that. "Cold revenge like that is a petty thing that humans due, but is most unbecoming for we Elven. This is a whole new generation of Sailor Senshi, and the opportunity is there to test them first before deciding any means of striking them down."

He continued to shuffle, effortlessly drawing out a single card and tossing it through the air into Carnage's hands. The face flickered to life to reveal a court jester in a hangman's gallery. The Fool destined to destroy himself.

"Contrary to what your ego would believe," Mayhem stated. "You are not God, Carnage."

Carnage snarled, standing up and crushing the card in her hands, the tarot bursting into flames. Defiantly she glared at Mayhem, ready to unsheath her claws at a moment's notice. "You want to see how many witty remarks you can make with your tongue hanging out the back of your severed head, Mayhem?"

Mayhem paused in shuffling his Elven tarots, eyes slowly raising to meet Carnage's furious gaze. Abruptly a watery serpent came to life, swirling waves coiling up like gales of wind as the aquamancing beast returned the snarl at Carnage.

"Such callous words," Mayhem chided her. "Do you honestly think you can get past my defenses with such petty words?"

Riot rolled his eyes, pushing away from the dragon table. "Shimatta, not again!"

Carnage's claws were suddenly unsheathed, the long slender blades glowing crimson in the enchanted lanternlight. Her narrowed eyes flickered in hues, a dancing fury of dark shadows in her otherwise black shining eyes. A temptest of unseen winds stirred around her, the gales invisible yet the air around her crackling and becoming a fiery red.

One hand revealing the tarot deck all spread out like a fan, Mayhem didn't even flinch. "Your move," he stated. "And I should warn you, if your anger gets the better of you this time it will be the last move you make. There won't be a Pandora Box to save you, Carnage."

"Kon chikusho!" Carnage swore, raising her chi. The entire court rumbled as she unleasheda fireball at Mayhem. The Leviathan darted ahead and crushed the flames with its watery jaws. It lifted its head to see a fiery demonbeast growling at it, the beast encircling Carnage. It became a Razorback, a creature of spikes and spines and claws that could tear Mayhem to ribbons on a whim.

"Wah!" Hysteria cried, ducking beneath the table. "Poor kawaii little Hysteria's going to be hurt!"

Chaos rolled his eyes, a mandala of spheres of illusion appearing around him. "Never a moment's peace," he muttered. Abruptly the Razorback and Leviathan collided with a barrier, magik crackling in electric arcs that craved scorching pathways across the court. Ruckus leaped into the air, hovering there as a spark of magik sliced his chair in half. Riot threw out a defensive barrier, viciously tearing the arc directed at him into thousands of small white hot sparks.

"Ha ha! Is this the best it can do?" he exclaimed.

Ruckus sighed, shaking his head as he adeptly maneuvered the magik that kept coming after him like it was working on a guidance system. "Pathetic. WINDSCOURGE!!" he shouted, unleashing his own tempest that reduced the magiks into twinkling gitter that rained down upon the court.

Hysteria spent most of her time shrieking and trying to outrun the legion of explosive magiks that were all seemingly conspiring to hunt her down. "Waaaah!" she screamed, launching a volley of her knives back at the lightening. "Do something, Chaos-chan!"

Rampage snarled, stray blasts streaking right through where her body might have been. But the parts of her that were there were at full work; fierce claws and fangs shredding any stray magik that came her way.

Chaos glanced over at Havoc, who was still quiet and resting and totally oblivious to the pandemonium. "Are you just waiting to make a grand entrance, or what, Havoc?"

Eyes remaining shut, Havoc was unable to hide his grin. "Would now be a good time?"

"Hell yes!" Chaos snapped. "I can't exactly run damage control with both their chi's at full force! And if I shut either of them up with an illusion, we'll never get my wonderful game going!"

"So you want me to catch their attention?"

Chaos's hair was dancing wildly around his face, his ponytail flapping hard against his back as he continued to enforce his barrier field. Abruptly a stray bolt shattered one of his illusions, grazing his cheek as it slammed into the walls behind him. Dust and smoke billowed out around Chaos' form as he reached back with one hand to wipe the trickle of blood from his cheek.

"Shimatta, now he's really managed to piss her off." Chaos glanced over at his silent comrade. "Now would be a good time, Havoc, or else I'm ending this right now!"

Havoc simply nodded, and with his eyes still closed he brought out his Blade and slammed it into the table to get everyone to shut up. Unfortunately he also managed to neatly slice the elaborate silver dragon in half with the blow.

Everyone gawked, Mayhem and Carnage dropping their battle auras as the floor beneath the table suddenly split in half, the stone tiling and remains of the table crashing into the next level below. Right before it disappeared into the shadows, the entire court watched the falling debris sadistically smash right through another floor of solid stone, a pillar of smoke and dust rising up to greet them.

Chaos glanced over at Havoc, cocking an eyebrow as over the next few seconds they listened to Havoc's skill crash through five more floors before coming to a deafening stop somewhere in what might have been a basement level.

Havoc shrugged. "Oops?"

"Yeah...'oops'," Chaos agreed wryly.

Riot laughed, seated leisurely upside-down on the archway. "We lose more furniture this way," he remarked, floating back into the air and flipping around to stand properly on the floor.

Chaos snapped his fingers, a crystal illusion replacing the table. "Yare yare. Look, you two can bicker all you want but right now a game's about to take form, one that will include us all. Can I at least assume you'll be in better form for the rest of our time here together and not try killing each other until we're outside?"

Mayhem and Carnage said nothing.

Chaos sighed, beginning his idea. "I'll take that as a yes. It's been almost three thousand years since we were sealed inside the Pandora Boxes by the ancient Sailor Senshi. In that time a lot has changed while we've stayed the same, sleeping in our chambers. Well now we're out, and I say that our next game should be one to commemorate this moment: the celebration of the return of my court, the Court of Chaos."

"What do you propose?' Mayhem inquired, flipping over a tarot card. His eyes narrowed as he saw the face: a legion of white masks and living eyes, dead pale faces parading about amidst the darkness. And in their path a young maiden dressed in pale white light, eyes closed and head raised to the skies above to unleash her own powers.

"Youma," he whispered, making a flick of the wrist to produce the Yurei card he had turned over a short while before. Two creatures of darkness, one drawn right after the other.

Chaos was unable to hide his smile. "A masquerade ball," he answered. "Hosted by myself, of course, it shall be nothing less than awe-inspiring. The best of locations, the finest cuisine and nothing short of spectacular for the entertainment."

"I'm assuming we'll get a chance to play in it," Ruckus remarked.

Chaos nodded. "Indeed. Our most illustrious attendants shall be the Sailor Senshi. Already I am seeing to it that they do come for at least a short visit. This will be an offer they really should not refuse."

Havoc sheathed his Blade. "Is that a threat or a promise?"

"A part of the hype if anything," Chaos replied. "After all, how much fun could we have all by ourselves without players on our own skill level?"

Hysteria clapped her hands. "Oooooh! Hysteria can decorate for Chaos-chan's kawaii little masquerade party, ne? Ne? Ne?"

"If she does that, I'm not coming," Carnage stated.

"I as well," Mayhem agreed, pocketing his two Tarots. "The last time we all did this, she had us dress up in those damned frill aprons and parade around like idiots."

"Aw, but Mayhem-chan and Carnage-chan looked just soooo kawaii in Hysteria's kawaii little frilly aprons!" Hysteria said. "Don't you all want to wear them again for kawaii little Hysteria? Ne? Ne?"

Came the resounding answer of: "NO!"

"Wah! Everyone's so mean to poor kawaii little Hysteria!"

Ruckus rubbed his temples. "My dear Hysteria, have you ever once stopped to consider why that is?"

Havoc turned to Chaos. "What about preparations? I know how you love things to be rather extravagant, Chaos."

Chaos waved it aside. "What's the fun in that? This coming Saturday night; that's all you need to know and all anyone else other than myself will know. The more spontaneous for everyone involved, the more fun it is."

"Tomorrow is Friday, then," Riot said. "Care to enlighten us on what exactly do we do with the remains of the week before the party?"

"Simple," Chaos replied. "Find a costume for the party. I guarantee it will be something no one will soon forget." Chaos opened up his palm to reveal a crystal illusion. Seconds later his elegant clothes became a black, tight-collared high school uniform. "As for me, I just have to make certain I'm not late for classes tomorrow."

"Would you like us to join you?" Ruckus inquired.

Chaos shook his head. "Iie. I've got other business there to take care of. Transfer next week, after you've enjoyed the masquerade. And remember to dress formally, for the fun is just beginning. Welcome back to Earth, my Court."


* * *

Each member held with them a special part of the moonlit ruins that was their own personal realm to exist within. Thus here the runes upon the enchanted lanterns were all of 'Mayhem' unlike the alternating titles in the larger hallways.

He sighed, his steel grey eyes glancing down at the emerald-tipped roses; it was hard to let go sometimes--especially when you didn't want to. It had been so long since they had visited these places, and now with their entire race gone it was the only true memory they had left of home. This was the only place in the entire universe he would have been content to exist in. There was no other place for him to call home.

Kneeling down Mayhem plucked one of the roses, the petals changing colour upon the touch of his fingers. Emerald green became ocean blue and then a full-bodied crimson that covered the entire rose.

He stood amidst rows of hedges and roses, an etherial rose garden before them as angelic cherubs of stone fiercely guarded over the flowers. The roses were of all different shades of empathic magik, their rows twisting and flowing, covering hills and lining cobblestone pathways, climbing trellises and encircling gazebos.

Mayhem watched the petals change once more, becoming steel grey to match his eyes. And there he could see an Elven strategist staring back through the reflection.

"Yurei..." he mused. "What sort of ghosts are coming back to Tokyo?"

He blew on the rose, its delicate petals breaking apart and dancing out with the winds. They scattered with the midnight air, going their separate ways. And then to escort them on their journeys came the gentle piping of an Elven flute. Mayhem lifted his head, and saw Chaos leisurely seated on the edge of the gazebo roof, legs dangling over the side.

For a long time Chaos played, and Mayhem closes his eyes in remembering some place like home. Notes drifted across the memories of time, and in that moment nothing else mattered to him. Yet all too quickly Chaos piped the last note, and the gardens were silent again.

"I remember you playing that the first time we met," he said. "You were up in that old tree just like you were now, playing those very same notes."

Chaos nodded. "You weren't exactly the most talkative Elven back then, Mayhem. When I held out my hand in greetings it took you forever to shake it."

"I was abandoned by my parents," he answered evenly, the distance between his heart and the words he spoke making it all sound so warm and soothing. "The only reason we met was because I showed signs of the ancient magiks and was taken to the school because I had uses for it. I never did like the reason I was put there in the first place; I had no reason to want to talk to you."

For a long time they stood in silence, watching the twin moons glimmer in the starlit skies. "This isn't like you," Mayhem said finally. "You've never been so quiet for so long; back in our prime there used to be legends about how you could be running three games at once all across the solar system and not even break a sweat."

Chaos shook his head and sighed. "I don't know about this world, Mayhem, I really don't. When I began resurrecting this place it took a helluva lot more effort than ever before. I spent three straight days summoning the magiks to create this realm again. There was a lot of background static clouding up the crystals."

Chaos turned around, leaning back and propping his elbows on a statue. "Ne, you think our powers are declining?"

"Doubtful, Chaos. We've stayed the same, and when we were first unleashed our powers returned to us in full possession. No, it's not what's wrong with us. It's what's wrong with this world."

"Na ni?"

He studied the Youma and the Yurei Tarots. "There's something else here, Chaos, something that rivals our own powers if not outmatches it entirely."

"Interference with our magik," Chaos said, punching his fist into his palm. "I say, bad form. And speaking of that...."

"Don't bother saying it," Mayhem cut it. "To be perfectly honest she needed to hear that. Besides, it's not exactly like you didn't have control; I commend you on not resorting to your illusions to trap us and make us silent."

Chaos waved a hand in the air. "If I did that, I'd never be able to get you all hyped up for my masquerade. And you still wouldn't be having any fun."

He nodded. "Hai hai. Just watch your back, Chaos. Carnage is even more restless than before, and she will kill you if she sees the chance to do so."

"But that's what makes life so interesting!" Chaos countered. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a masquerade to plan, Senshi to invite, and on top of all that I've got to get up early tomorrow because it's a school day too!"

Mayhem rolled his eyes. "Baka baka."

With one final laugh Chaos vanished within an illusion, leaving Mayhem alone once more. He plucked another rose from the garden, forging a droplet of water in his hand and letting it drop into the petals. The flower blossomed, turning into the colors of the sea.

And within the oceans of the rose he watched the blue-haired genius he knew to be a Sailor Senshi sleeping peacefully in her bed. "Lady Mercury," he said. "I trust you will not disappoint me on the night of the masquerade."

The rose was crushed in his hands moments later, her image lost in the violent ripples of blue that slowly turned to scarlet.

* * *

The ruins were vast and littering the entire stretches of his domain. A few scattered lanterns bearing the mark of "Havoc" were here and there, but more than anything he lived and fought by the light of the twin moons high above. Scattered patches of green grass were stiched and overlapped with broken stones, half standing pillars, toppled columns, and the skeletal remains of temples and other once rich and beautiful buildings.

There was silence, the winds picking up with a mournful howl on occasion, yet not enough to be deemed as true noise that would give this place life. And then came his footsteps, slow and unhurried if not meditative in their procession.

Havoc emerged from the shadows of columns stipling the belly of a gutted temple, his Zanba sword in one hand. His shirt was removed, and the front of his bangs held back by a solid white bandana across his forehead. Fateful with each step he took, he made his way down the winding stairs until he reached the battleground he was searching for, until silence became sound.

It was partially clear of debris, a stone dais overlooking the cliffshores that faded into near obscure shadows far below where he could hear the surf pound against the rocks. Pillars without a ceiling to support were in perfect rows at the front of the dais, the very back being dangerously exposed to the cliffs without railing or barrier. One wrong placement of his feet and he would plunge to his death.

But he hadn't feared that for hundreds of years, and so be began to train himself once more in the art of the Blade. He moved swiftly, adeptly, the sheer size and weight of the sword meaning nothing to him. He parried, thrusted, brandished, kicked and twisted through the air, never once making more noise than the tides below.

A stray movement he made caught his reflection in the moonlight striking the finely crafted metal. The X of the scar upon his cheek seemed to glow in the pale midnight hours here. He smiled darkly at the memory, and then took a defensive stance. A legacy of his weapon. How long ago had he challenged its previous wielder to battle, lost and received this very scar? The pain of flowing blood, of his face being cut like this, had long since grown distant and numb.

The words of the ancient wielder echoed inside his head: "You see this scar upon my face. It was given to me hundreds of years ago by its former owner, a warrior who had no equal. In my brazen arrogance I lost to him. His mark became mine. And now I am the warrior who has no equal. Your mark becomes mine now. It's a legacy of the Blade. Never dishonor it."

Havoc stepped back, pivoted and with a loud battle cry mercilessly swung the Zanba sword. The Blade cleaved in half a free-standing column, the razor-thin, slanted cut being but a thin black line on grey stone. The column was still, and then abruptly lurched, the upper half sliding off and crashing onto the ground below Havoc.

One hundred years after the scar had become a part of him, he found the wielder once more. That night the Blade had become his. That night a once legendary warrior had breathed his last as his lifeblood had flowed out from him.

Havoc remained still, holding out the Blade and staring intently at the air before him even as the ground trembled with the tumbling column. As the last tremor faded and the dust became as clear as the air all around him, he closed his eyes and sought out her image. The face of the one who bore the royal mark of Saturn.

If he should find her once more, if he should be so honored to do battle with the Mistress of Silence Glaive, it would finally be a battle like that one so long ago. Should she fall and receive the mark, he would patiently await for her return, to claim the Blade as her own weapon and become its warrior without equal. And if he fell to her, if this was to be his final fight with this treasured weapon, then he could think of no better one to lose to than Sailor Saturn.

Havoc's emerald green eyes narrowed. "Until the masquerade then."

* * *

Cherry blossoms, delicate and pink petals, rained down all around them. Rows of thin, brown trees were everywhere, kept in perfect rank. They were walking through an orchard that stretched out to the horizon any way they turned. Yet they were not walking, but rather sitting leisurely within the orchard that spanned their domain.

Ruckus turned his head as a chorus of giggles echoed through the trees and the rainfall of petals. A brief image of two little children playing together appeared and faded ten steps from them. He smiled, stretching out his arms before lacing his fingers behind his head and sitting back against the base of a tree trunk.

That was but one of the countless echoes of romance existing in their realm. Chaos had agreed to create this 'haunt' as it were despite the difficulties involved; those were not merely but actual fragments of emotions past. All that he saw was from human memories of love, friendship, romance, laughter, passion.

"Ne, you're rather introspective tonight," he remarked, tilting his head to the higher skies of the orchard.

Laying back on one of the branches, cherry blossom petals decorating his white garments, Riot sighed. "Hey, if Chaos said to take a day off who am I to argue?" He motioned down the rows of trees in the orchard. "You know, no matter how many times I come here I never get tired."

"It is quite beautiful," Ruckus admitted. "I'd forgotten how soothing it was to watch these dreams. But now's not the time for nostalgia; after all, we have games to play."

"I just can't wait to see some action," Riot remarked, leaning over just enough so that he could stare down at his twin. "Sure doing those extravagant games like this masquerade is fun, but it's not our style."

"Indeed," Ruckus agreed. "But there will be romantic tension. The atmosphere there will be perfect to make for some interesting encounters...especially among those Sailor Senshi."

"Think we can break a few ties that bind?"

Ruckus shrugged. "By all accounts their comradery holds them tightly together. Anything we do will have to be quite impressive."

Riot waved the notion aside. "Hmph! Humans are such fickle creatures. They only choose what emotions will suit their whims at the moment and then toss them away. They take love and even envy or hatred for granted."

"Just a brief look into their eyes reveals the truth," Ruckus said quietly.

"A truth you manipulate, brother," Riot countered. "We both can seduce with a glance, and that's all we need. Jealousy, lies and betrayal among young girls is not uncommon, especially if it's over a handsome young boy."

Ruckus caught a handful of petals in his hand. He watched them stir in his hand before they were swept away by the wind once more. "And if you are wrong?"

Riot grinned. "Then we've finally met our match. It's kind of exciting, don't you think?" Riot dropped down from the branch, landing perfectly on the grasses. With quiet steps he walked towards a brief memory of a mother and daughter embracing.

"Mommy, I love you!" she cried out happily

Riot glanced away, suddenly uneasy. "You remember the first time we were held like that?"

"Hai. And she betrayed us both."

"Strange how one girl could possess us both like that," Riot said. "And yet we couldn't see past the manipulation and deception. Not until she had already used us both for her own devices."

It surprised Riot when he felt the gentle arms of his brother wrap around his shoulders. "Daijobu," Ruckus' quiet voice soothed. "We'll always be here for each other. My soul is yours, brother, and nothing will ever come between that again."

Riot smiled and nodded. "Hai." He looked up at a sky raining down fragile cherry blossoms. "So, what are you going to wear to the masquerade?"


* * *

To some, it would have seemed like just another room. But to others, especially those among the Court, it was a whole other nightmare to experience. The chambers were large and luxurious, walls coloured in pink, yellow and blue. There was a large bed with fluffy sheets and puffed up pillows, all with little heart designs and super deformed versions of all the characters from the Elven Court of Chaos. Posters of cute female idol singers littered the walls, one ending where another began. Stuffed animals of all shapes, species and sized littered the floor, the bed, the table, the bigscreen TV, the bookshelf, the tropical plants, even the enchanted lanterns.

Clothes were flung in every direction, to the point where they now covered virtually everything in a layer of cloths, polyesters, cottons, and all other strange sorts of garments and styles. Accessories were spilled over, tried on, disguarded, tried on again and mixmatched all within the same hour as their initial trial. Lipstick and make-up and hairstyles were debated, tired and tried again.

And finally, in utter exasperation, the entire illusionary realm Chaos had created was rocked by the horrified shriek of:

"Kyaaaa! Poor kawaii little Hysteria can't find a thing to wear! Waaaaaah!!!"


* * *

In a domain of darkness, upon a throne room of shadows she sat, shades of darkness and light in rich ocean blue rippling across her chambers. She sat leisurely upon a highback throne, one arm draped over an armrest and one leg draped over the other arm rest. Her body was titled towards one corner, and her other free hand gripping an ancient cadeceus with Elven runes decoarting the golden shaft that supported a faceted diamond.

Shadows pulled away to reveal a stone cavern illuminated by enchanted lanterns that burned with eerie blue auras. Pillars with inscribed runes of the ancient powers were scattered across an enormous atrium, the very height becoming a glass dome that stared up at twin moon in crescent form. Fountains and waterfalls flowed around every corner, carved into the rock walls and floors, the sounds of the rushing water strangely soothing in such a seemingly forbidding realm.

With a simple gesture, Carnage watched as the waters at the base of a waterfall in front of her throne suddenly erupted in a bubbling and churning frenzy. Blue became a white haze, and in there the image began to form. And it was Tokyo, the city ablaze at night with thousands of glowing lights that stretched far across the reflection she was seeing.

Carnage scowled; those Sailor Senshi were still alive, still here on Earth. And all Chaos wanted to do was treat them to this pathetic masquerade ball. Hell, all he wanted to do was flirt with those...those humans!

"Yurusenai," she whispered. "Yurusenai. Yurusenai! YURUSENAI!!"

With a furious shout she unleashed her Razor Edge, the magik exploding from her palm and shattering the image. Tokyo became lost in the downpour of mist, foam and water until it became just a soothing waterfall once more.

She would destroy every last one of them, and their precious world they fought so hard to protect. All for vengeance, for taking the one single life she had held precious. Carnage stood, and left her throne room. If she was obligated to join the masquerade, then so be it. The more Senshi were there, the more of them she could hurt.

Carnage's ocean shadow disappeared, and her realm faded into darkness. The lanterns dimmed until darkness and the crimson runes of "Carnage" were all that remained. "Sailor Senshi," she hissed.

They would pay for his death, their blood becoming his, her lover they killed so long ago.



Chaos grinned. "Miss me, Michiru?"

"Well I had nothing better to do on a Thursday night so I thought if you were looking for the same thing."

"I'm afraid you're fighting an uphill battle when it comes to entertaining me," Michiru replied. "Haruka is by far your superior in those matters."

Chaos sighed at her remark. "Ara ara. I'm not going to ask. You know, you're half as much to blame here, Michiru. You flirt almost as good as I do."

Michiru chuckled. "More you lack the subtlety most of us tend to use."

"Hai hai, but the where's the fun in that?" Chaos sat up, and with a slight of hand suddenly produced a series of elegantly decorated invitations.

"What are those?" she asked.

"I wish I could say I was here mainly for pleasure," Chaos admitted. "But this is also about business. There's a masquerade on Saturday night."

"Ah, and you would like Haruka and I to attend?"

That wickedly childish smile reappeared on Chaos' face. "More than that, Michiru. I have here enough invitations for all your fellow Sailor Senshi."

"And if we decline?"

"Then I would be most disappointed. But I doubt any of you will, not under these circumstances. After all, nobody wants a war. Consider this an excuse to have a little fun...becuase you never know who you just might happen to meet."

Michiru stiffened; Chaos' entire court was now unleashed. And this masquerade party was one he was hosting to celebrate their return to Earth. No wonder he wanted them all to attend.

"Have I tempted you enough?" Chaos inquired.

Michru shook her head. "I look forward to it. Though I doubt Haruka will feel the same way."

Chaos wave it aside. "Just tell her it's a chance for payback and then she'll go!"

A small trio of crystal spheres of illusion danced across the air, winding themselves around Chaos' form. With a final, formal bow he slowly faded from sight. "I look forward to that night, Michiru. Please do save one dance for his lordship Chaos."

And then he was gone entirely.

Michiru walked over to a bench that was beneath a large, shady tree. Taking a deep breathe and pulling her hair off of her shoulders, she decided to thoroughly examine the invitation and read it's contents.

"I wonder how I should tell Haruka about this..." Michiru said aloud to herself. "..and how she will take it."

Laughter mixed with chatters in the background grew closer to Michiru, and a soothingly familiar laugh caused her to turn around -- Haruka -- and with her, Hotaru.

"Haruka-chan! Hotaru-chan!" Michiru stood up and motioned them to come to her.

"Ohayo, Michiru!" said Hotaru as they came near to Michiru.

Michiru nodded her head and smiled at Hotaru. "Haruka-chan." purred Michiru as they embraced.

As they released, Haruka glanced over Michiru and noticed the invitation in her hand. "What's that?" Haruka pointed to Michiru's hand.

"Oh. I'll tell the both of you. Come sit on the bench I was at... it's in the shade." snickerd Michiru and they headed over to the tree.

"So just what is that? It looks like an invitation. It's very pretty!" Hotaru said.

"It is an invitation, Hotaru." Michiru began. "I saw Chaos and he gave it to me. He is holding a masquerade ball and wanted me to g..."

"He asked you to go with him to the ball? Well what did you say??" a defensive Haruka exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Haruka. I wouldn't want to go with anyone but you, and I think I made that clear. He said that all the Senshi were invited." Michiru looked away.

"Oh, of course. He would have to throw a ball to celebrate their return." Haruka said with a sigh.

Michiru's face clouded. "Do you not want to go?"

"No, I'll go. It should be interesting to see if he can throw a good party!" laughed Haruka as she threw her head back in the wind.

"Ooh. That's a lovely breeze." Michiru said and smiled.

Hotaru moved in closer to the other two. "May I see that invitation, Michiru?" asked Hotaru.

"Sure. Catch!" came from Michiru as she tossed the card to her friend. Just then, another breeze came and sent the card flying.

Shrieks of "Oh!"'s came from all three of the girls.

"Gomen, Hotaru." said Michiru.

"I'll go get it... where did it land?" a puzzled Hotaru said and she scanned the ground. Her eyes found the invitation and saw it being picked up by a woman.

Recognizing the woman...

"Setsuna-chan!" exclaimed Hotaru.

Setsuna smiled and waved to her friends as yet another breeze blew through her long hair.

"The wind is really picking up!" sighed Setsuna. She gave the card to Haruka.

"Check it out, Setsuna." motioned Haruka.

"What is it?" questioned Setsuna as she took the card from Haruka's hand.

They all proceeded to tell her of the ball.

"I guess the only thing to do is to go....and get a date." said Setsuna with a sigh. Pointing at Haruka and Michiru, she said "You two shouldn't have any trouble finding a date."

Michiru put her head on Haruka's shoulder and smiled.

"No, we won't." they both replied.

"Well I'm sure you'll get hooked up somehow. Don't worry, Setsuna-chan." remarked Hotaru.

"Oh, I'm not worried about that. I need to figure out something to wear! I'll make my outfit! I have the perfect idea!!!" an excited, yet composed Setsuna said.

"Well," said Michiru, "let's go then!"

* * *


"How can they wear these things?" he muttered, tugged at the collar practically choking him. "This is just so uncomfortable." With no other options he undid his collar and sighed in relief as his windpipe seemed to open up to the morning air.

Hoisting his school briefcase over his shoulder, he enjoyed the liesurely stroll that was slowly helping him wake up. No doubt everyone else in the Court was taking this lull time to sleep in. He knew Havoc would have been up all night training with that Zanba sword, Riot and Ruckus would have probably enjoyed reading poetry, and Mayhem no doubt brooded over a game of chess. Rampage was probably back on Earth somewhere; he could only hope she was having fun with Haruka and Michiru. Carnage was the only uncertain one, and as for Hysteria....

Chaos shuddered, trying not to think about that. At least they were all the lucky ones; he was busy planning how his masquerade was going to look, forging specially crafted illusions to cater to his ideas.

A colorful poster taped to one of the lamp posts caught his eye. "Three Lights return tour?" he remarked. He took a closer appraisal of the ponytailed trio of male singers. "Not bad, but they're doomed if Hysteria gets her hands on them."

Time passed, and Chaos spent a good portion of that getting utterly lost. It came to the point where if he wanted to show up on time he would have to use his illusions. "Shimatta," he sighed. "I promised not to use my illusions while I'm in this persona, and here I am breaking that before I've even arrived. Oh well."

Flying through the air, he managed to finally locate the institution with little time to spare. "Tenth Street High School," he stated, reading the sign as he neatly landed on the sidewalk leading into the courtyard.

Chaos glanced down at his watch. He had made it to school pretty much on time. The only problem left, with only two minutes remaining before the first set of chimes rang, was trying to find his homeroom. Humans put way too much faith in something as trivial as time. It gave more troubles for everyone involved.

Chaos walked through the front doors of the school and down its halls. "Classroom one-one," he read, consulting his paper. "That sounds like it might be the second floor...or the third floor for that matter."

He sighed. "My realms never had such bizarre layouts," he lamented. On the other hand, he only knew his Court's world so well because he had created it. So nothing was perfect; that's what made this place all the more fun!

With no other venue open to him, Chaos climbed the nearest flight of stairs and began to search the second floor. The overly large wing of the school made finding his class even tougher.

Abruptly there came a faint sound of frantic footsteps. Chaos paused as they seemed to grow louder, closer, now accompanied by pants and laments on being late.

Female voices, no less, he realized.

Chaos turned around and was rather startled to feel someone run right into him. He managed to catch his balance, but looked down at the crumpled school girl at his feet.

"Daijobu?" he asked.

There had been two girls charging hell bent down the halls, both with long blonde hair that reached down past their waist. One wore hers straight, the other is some strange set of buns that grew into ponytails on either side of her head.

The one with the long, straight hair seemed to blush.

"Gomen nasai!" the odango-haired one said, slowly picking herself up off the floor. It was evident she was somewhat stunned by the collision.

Chaos helped her up. "It's alright. I should have watched where I was going anyways." He paused as she got to her feet. "Have...we met before?" he asked.

The odango-haired blonde regarded him curiously. "Um, I don't know! Have we?"

Chaos shrugged; strange in that he could have sworn he had seen this girl before. But the only question was when.

"I don't believe we've met," the long-haired blonde said, her voice partially distant as she stared at him.

Chaos smiled, albeit a little nervously just by the way she was staring. "I'm new here," he admitted. "And I'm kinda lost. Any idea where this room number is?" He handed the blonde girls a piece of paper with the classroom number written on it.

"Hey!" the one with the odango hair piped up. "That's our homeroom!"

"Well," Chaos said. "At least I have the pleasure of being escorted there by two such lovely young ladies."

Both of the girls blushed incredibly.

"Still got it," Chaos said to himself. "Damn I'm good!"

Suddenly the chimes sounded.

"Come on!" the blonde with the straight long hair exclaimed, grappling onto Chaos's wrist. "We'll all be late if we don't get into the class by the end of the bell!"

"Wha--hey!" Chaos shouted as he was literally dragged down the hallways by the two frantic schoolgirls. "Could you slow down?! You're strangling me!"

Abruptly their mad dash came to a stop, and Chaos was left to pant for air as he recovered. "I...thought...I was...going... to die," he gasped.

The last chime sounded and the halls grew silent.

"We made it!" the two blonde girls sighed in relief.

* * * * *

Ami was quietly read a book in the library, when she heard Usagi's voice carrying over.....

"Oh! Why do WE have to go to the library to study America? Why can't they just bring the books to us?"

Ami smiled to herself, as she put her book down, but froze as she heard a male voice replying.

"I agree whole-heartedly. We *ahem* humans shouldn't have to research things! In fact, I could have all the info I wanted at my fingertips if I felt like it! *mumbles* literally speaking..."

~No, that's not who I think it is~ Ami quietly put her book in her bag, and pulled out her glasses. She put them on, as she shoved back from the table, all the while telling herself ~That's not him, that's not him~.

Instead of heading straight over to her, Ami detoured, slowly walking up and down the bookcase aisles, avoiding being seen. As she got closer, she caught her breath...

Minako and Usagi were talking with Chaos!

Ami ducked behind the biblography shelf, not quite believing her eyes. She listened, wishing she was telepathic for a moment so she could warn her friends of who they were fraternizing with. Instead, she quietly called Makoto on her comm, but hesitated in the link-up. The girls weren't in any IMMEDIATE danger that she could see...should she warn Makoto? Better not, not right now. But soon or later, she had to tell her fellows about the danger the new "student" represented.

* * *


Hikawa Temple

"What's that so important you had to tell us, Michitu-san?" Luna asked.

"Chaos visited me yesterday's night…he wanted us all to go to a masquerade ball he's hosting…"

"To celebrate the complete unleashing of his court." Haruka added. "I wonder who released the last two elvens"

"Probably Minako-chan would have the answer" Artemis said.

"You?" Rei asked in surprise.

"Hai, I unleash Ruckus and Riot." Mina said, blushing.

"The thing is done and we can't do anything else about it." Ami spoke." Now we must decide if we go to that ball or not"

"I think we must go" Rei said.

"It could be dangerous, we must elaborate a plan" Makoto said.

"Anyway, we Outers decided to go." Haruka said.

"I think we must go, all of us, then" Luna opinioned. "Usagi-chan, you've been silent all the time, what do you thing, shall we go?"

"Hai." Usagi said.

"She wants to confront them immediately, as it should be." Haruka said.

"I just can't wait to dance a romantic song with Mamo-chan!" Usagi said with emotion.

*General sweatdrop*

"I guess it's decided…" Michiru said, bringing the invitations to all the girls. "There's one for Tuxedo Kamen, too. Please, give it to him, Usagi."


"If you happen to know about someone who could be Setsuna's date…" Hotaru innocently said.

"I can take care of that!" Usagi yelled.

The Outers left.

"I'd better go, it's kinda of late." Makoto said

"Me, too. I gotta find a nice dress" Minako added. Artemis looked at her *sweatdrop*.

"Ja na, Mako-chan, Minako-chan" the three girls reminded said.


"That's my grandfather, I think I forgot to wash the dishes!" Rei smiled, blushed.

"I'm going now, too. I have to give this to Mamo-chan!" and Usagi left. Luna followed her. Ami opened the envelope and read the invitation, then she left the place, too.

"Oh, no! I forgot to tell the others that the new guy was Lord Chaos!" she realized.


Usagi run up the stairs of the building where Mamoru's apartment was. She was so excited about the Masquerade Ball, didn't care if it was a trap or something like that…but it was a Ball! Luna runs beside her:

"Usagi-chan, you ain't aware of what that invitation means!"

"It means a fabulous Ball! And I really want to go there!" Usagi replied.

"Remember those Elvens are dangerous, remember what they'd done to the Gold Millenium!"

"It will be so wonderful, so romantic…"

Luna fell on the floor. Sweatdrop in her back. Usagi was oblivious of the cat and she knocked the door:

"Mamo-chan, it's me!" she yelled happily

Mamoru opened the door.

"Usako! I didn't expect your visit today!" he said surprised. "Please, come in…"

"Thank you…" Usagi said.

"Is there any especial motive that brings you here?" Mamoru asked.

"Yes…Look what we've got, an invitation to a Masquerade Ball the Elvens are hosting…" she gave the invitation to Mamoru.

Mamoru took it and read it carefully.

"You're excited about this? I think this is a matter to be worried about…" he said with serious expression.

"Mamoru's right. We must be prepared for battle, this is not a matter of fun" Luna added.

Usagi blushed. "Gomen"

"Usako…" he smiled. "I'll pick you up tomorrow night…"

"Sugoi…" Usagi happily said. "Mamo-chan, do you know of someone who could be Setsuna's date?

"Maybe, there's someone…" Mamoru begin

"O.K…"Usagi said, giving him a fast kiss. "See you, then…"

"Ja na, Usako."

Usagi disappeared in a second, by the stairs.


"Announcing flight 455 to Australia; now boarding!" Mamoru glanced up briefly, then resumed reading when he realized it wasn't the plane he was waiting for. Mamoru was waiting for the 988 from the United

States. Mamoru was waiting for his college friend that was coming to spend some time with him. Mamoru wondered if he would have a good flight. Michael wasn't exactly a good flyer. Mamoru could still recall the days:


Back when Mamoru went to the States to go to college, he was assigned a foreign exchange home where there would be someone who knew a lot of Japanese. So, Mamoru was sent to stay at the apartment of Michael Florian, one of the college's biggest Anime freaks.

Mamoru remembered opening the door to the apartment and seeing wall to wall posters from just about every anime out there from Dragon Ball to Ramma 1/2 to Sailor V. The videos were all over the place and there wasn't much room to move. Michael wasn't exactly thrilled to be having a roommate himself, but they eventually got along pretty well.

In the States, Mamoru found out that there is just as much bizarre happenings there as in Tokyo. Michael is as big a danger magnet as Usako ever was. It was like the Death Busters all over again. One such incident was a humongous, homicidal pig named Voochko. But that was another story....

Unfortunately, Michael also knows just about all of Mamoru's secrets. Since Mamoru was used to living alone, he wasn't aware that he talked in his sleep ... until Michael started calling him "Tuxedo Kamen" every so often. That was so embarrassing. Mamoru shook his head. Usako was going to murder him if Michael started calling her "Sailor Moon" before he had a chance to explain things.


"Mamoru! Hey, are you falling asleep?" Mamoru was shaken out of his revere by a tall, brown-haired fellow wearing glasses. Mamoru blinked for a moment before he realized it was Michael standing next to him. When did the plane get in?

"Ah...Michael, did you have a nice flight?" Mamoru checked his watch.

What the...? Nearly an hour had passed!

"Oh, please! You've seen me on a plane. I was trying not to puke the whole time." Mamoru led Michael to the baggage claim. They got his bags and placed them in the trunk of Mamoru's car. Michael whistled.

"Nice wheels. I didn't know being a studio gopher paid this much."

"It's a long story." Mamoru started up the car and they got onto the expressway. Michael scrounged down into the seat and Mamoru turned red in mixed frustration and embarrassment.

"Relax. I haven't gone berserk on the road in a long time. I'm not about to start now." Michael moved up and wiped his brow. After awhile down the road, Mamoru filled Michael in on the new Sailor Senshi, the Dark Blood Riders, and finally, the Elven Court. Michael whistled again.

"J.R.R. Tolkien would be doing somersaults in his grave. So, what do we do about them?" Michael stiffened.

"WE don't do anything. I don't want you to get into any trouble, so I will handle this. Got me?" Mamoru glanced over and felt guilty when he saw Michael's down look.

"Maybe I was a bit hasty. There IS something you could do to help me out." Michael brightened at these words and sat up in the seat.

"Great! What do you want me to do? This is gonna be so cool." Mamoru thought for a moment and snapped his fingers. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the invitation for the Masquerade Ball.

"Lord Chaos is gonna be holding a Masquerade Ball and all the Senshi are invited. I'm going with Usagi and…well, I even got you a date for the Ball with Sailor Pluto. Just keep an eye on everything" Mamoru gave Michael picture with all the Outer Senshi.

"All right," Michael said, looking at all four of them. "Which one is Pluto?" Mamoru pointed to the woman with the incredibly long, green hair in the back. Michael's eyes bugged out a little and he got a

silly grin on his face.

"You did well grasshopper." Michael said, and patted Mamoru on the head. Mamoru couldn't help but smile, too.

* * * * * * *