Country of Origin: Taiwan
Package Size:
Soup Base:
salt, monosodium glutamate, spices
Dehydrated Mix: shrimp, vegetables, seaweed
Oil Packet: palm oil, soy sauce
This is my first review of Ve Dan and as it goes with Asian ramen the poor English translation is evident from the front of the package. The flavor on the front is "seafood" but the flavor on the back of the package is "shrimp", the flavor is actually shrimp so this is what I will base this review on. Also noted on the front is the proud additon of vitamin E to the oil. Wow, this will go good with the 27grams of fat per serving! Anyway on to the review. The broth did not have the strongest of shrimp flavor it was your typical fishy tasting variety. Mostly a salty and highly MSG seasoned flavor which oddly enough I enjoy. Pieces of shrimp remind you that this is suppose to be shrimp flavor. The noodles are the typical kind found in SE Asian ramen, thin but they hold up well in the broth. The oil packet added a nice oily film to the surface but overall this is not a bad ramen.
Overall: 3
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Package Size: 3.35oz/95g
Soup Base:
salt, monosodium glutamate, dehydrated vegetables, chicken flavor, spices
Oil Packet: palm oil, chili sauce, pork flavor
Spicyness: 3
Comment: Again Vedan does not list much in the ingredient list. I thought it was a little odd adding pork flavor to a chicken flavored broth. The broth had a meaty flavor and I really could not detect a chicken flavor at all. Of course a salty flavor and a nice oily feel to the broth was present. Not much in the way of veggies just a few flakes of onion. The noodles were chewy and held up well in the broth. Overall a good ramen but not really a chicken flavor.
Overall: 4