From: Thomas Murrell Thornhill III
c/o Box 1755 U.S.P.S.
Nevada City, California, U.S.A.
August 30, 1999

Foreman, Nevada County grand jury
P. O. Box 6100
Nevada City, California

Ladies and Gentlemen of the 1999-2000 Nevada County grand jury:

The accompanying information packet which I sent to THE COUNTY OF NEVADA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS August 19, 1999, is for your information only at this point.
Whether it becomes the basis for a formal Complaint will depend on how THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS chooses to deal or not-to-deal with the situation.
My base contention is that there is a strong probability that THE COUNTY OF NEVADA has between 10-18 employees, all of whom claim to be Attorneys, who are not currently legally Competent to be "representing" anyone, but are probably still collecting their salaries and benefits from THE COUNTY OF NEVADA.
I believe that probably constitutes payroll fraud at minimum.

Because of the nature of this information, I must request that each member of the grand jury send me a written acknowledgement.
A single sheet of paper saying, "Yes, I have read and understand this material." and signed by each member would seem to be quite sufficient.
If I have not heard from you within two weeks, I will have to assume that this information has been "lost" or otherwise diverted.

The subsidiary issue is that I believe I have reasonable cause to suspect that you, each and all, have been denied certain information about your authority and the nature of your job by some of the same parties mentioned above.
I believe you have been bamboozled by your "trusted advisors".

From a really drastic point of view, I believe you should seriously consider revoking your Oath of Office to the courts if it is different from the Constitutional Oath of Office, returning any monies you may have received from THE COUNTY OF NEVADA, and, after each taking a Constitutionally valid Oath of Office, thoroughly investigating the court system.
After reading this information, I hope you will feel the same way.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Thomas Murrell Thornhill III


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