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         Starting webpages is kinda like buying pizza.  If you buy the pizza then you get to choose what goes on top.  Well the same thing goes for Webpages, when you start one up you also get to choose what goes on top.  In this case the name Thorowgood went at the top.  But it could have very easily have been Garrison or Dukes or Cox or Inglis or Humphrey or 100 other names associated with our family.  It doesn't really matter what's at the top, what matters is what it represents.  In this case it represents our history as far back as we can research information.  We have had genealogists in this family that have been gathering information for years.  There were people like May Vaughn, Bonita Humphrey and John Harvie Creecy who did it all without the aid of a computer and somehow managed to keep it all straight.  Others like Marian [Dukes] Thorowgood and Elizabeth [Inglis] Thorowgood enjoy finding that one little fact that makes a family line complete even though it drives some of us crazy.  Some like Deck Humphrey hit the road and document an incident or fact right from the source.  And then there are those, like William Robert Thorowgood, Jr., who carry on the tradition and help to keep the research going into the new millennium.  Most of the information you will soon see here may be of little interest to you but then there will be that one little item that brings back a memory that will be important to just you.  That's what genealogy is all about and I hope you get the bug just like us.  Once you get it, there ain't no cure! 

         We are always interested in hearing from visitors to this site, be they friends, relatives or strangers.  Please feel free to drop us a line and let us know how you liked your visit.


Paul Treanor, researching for information on work being done on the Thoroughgood House, using Alice Granbery Walter's book, finds that on pg. 156 she states that a whole year (1644) of County Court Records is missing. If anyone has information about these records please contact Paul via e-mail link above,

Surname List

Family Matters

  Family Photo Album


  Open Letter to Descendants of Capt. Thoroughgood

  Letter to Paul Treanor from Mayor Oberndorf


  The Library of Virginia Genealogy Home Page

  The Clampett Family Centre

The Association for the Preservation of the Adam Thoroughgood House


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This site last revised: April 11, 2006