Title:  New:  The Power of a Wish
Part:   1/1
Author: T’Thrill
Series: TOS
Romance Code: K/m
Rating: NC-17  m/m
Summary:  It’s the day after Jim’s birthday and he knows exactly the wish he would like to see come true.

Warning:  This story contains very explicit m/m sex.  If you are not interested in and/or offended by such things, you will find reading this a complete waste of your time so
please move on.  If you are under 18 years of age, please move on.

Sorry guys, it has not been beta’ed.  Today is WS’s birthday and I wrote this quickly and wanted to get it posted right away.  If there is anything serious wrong, just let me know and I’ll fix it.

Disclaimer: Copyright 2000 by T'Thrill. This is an original work of amateur fiction based on Star Trek. This work makes "fair use" of Star Trek copyrighted material; it is not intended to infringe on the intellectual property rights of Paramount, Viacom or other owners of copyright
in Star Trek or any of their assignees or licensees. The author's copyright extends only to the original material in this work.

The Power of a Wish


The day had been a long one.  The mapping expedition was offering no surprises and the ship was running to perfect standards.  The crew had been a little rowdy last night at his birthday party, but none had gotten out of hand, or at least not to the extent that there was anyone who had been put on report. All of this made for exceptional reports to Starfleet, however Jim couldn’t help but wish for something to come up that would break the boredom. 

Boredom was not quite correct.  It was more than that, it was restlessness.  He could not sit still in the command chair and he was driving the bridge crew to distraction by his constant wandering and peering over their shoulders.  He glanced at the chrono and saw that it was another two point four hours before beta shift came on.  He was looking forward to getting back to his cabin and starting the book that Bones had given him as a present.  He knew the book well and had read it many times on chip, however to have an actual printed copy of Alexandre Dumas’, “The Count of Monte Cristo,” would prove to be one of the finest additions to his collection of antique books.  He could smell the leather that bound the book, feel the softness of the paper and the gentle texture that the print created on each page.  ‘Damn, Kirk,” he thought to himself, ‘remember when you would think of a person in this way?’ 

It had been awhile since he had felt the touch of flesh beneath his hands.  With his reputation of being “James ‘Tom-cat’ Kirk,” his old academy buddies would find it hard to believe that it had been six months since he had been with anyone.  There had been no opportunity lately.  And, if the truth were known, there was no desire.  They had left the patrolling assignment along the neutral zone and been assigned to this mapping expedition.  Although not against regulations for relationships to take place between commissioned officers, it had been his policy not to engage members of the crew in sexual liaisons, and that is all he had been with for months.  In actuality there was only one member of this crew that he was sexually attracted to.  And, although he had had never been known to throw an attractive male out of his bed, he had never considered himself drawn to a male as he was to this one.  This was more than attraction; Jim Kirk was falling in love.  ‘If only I could have one birthday wish that would come true...’

Feeling the necessity to roam the bridge once more, he rose from the command chair and prowled the stations, checking the gauges and watching the screens.  He found himself standing behind a dark head of hair.  He leaned across the shoulder of the crewman and observed the unchanging gages before him.  He was very aware that he would only need to take one step forward and his body would be in contact with the back of the head.  He could, with just one step, hold the head between his hands and brush his groin against that lovely neck. He stood there mesmerized with the thought until the face looked up at him with a questioning expression.  Jim stood up and nodded to the man and went back to the command chair. 

He sat there, staring mindlessly at the view-screen but allowing the fantasy to draw him in.  If he could have taken the step forward, if he could have pressed himself to the curves of the neck and felt the warmth of the flesh against him and allowed his body to react to the pressure, how would the man have reacted?  Would he have jumped to his feet, backed up and asked if the Captain of the Enterprise had gone mad?  Or, would he have leaned into it?  Would he have moved his head against the growing mass? Teasing and taunting and then turning in the chair to face the bulge.  Would he have unfastened the clasp to the regulation trousers and parted them?  Would he have pulled the brief’s over the bulge and allowed the organ to caress against his mouth and cheek?  Would he have used his tongue to touch the accumulating moisture forming at the tip and then licked the full length of the shaft?  Would he...

“Captain?  Captain Kirk...” The sound of the yeoman at his elbow brought him back to the present.

“Yes?” he asked, looking toward her and hoping the crew had not noticed his lapse in concentration.

“I have the shift-end reports ready for your initials.  Are you all right, sir?” She asked.

“Yes,” taking the data pad from her, “I was concentrating on the fuel consumption rates and trying to estimate the time needed before we switch over.”

“That’s why you’re the Captain.  You are the only man I know that could calculate that in his head, other than our Mr. Spock, of course.”  She smiled at him.  It was another of her obvious flirtations, but Kirk had no intention of risking his career on a relationship with a non-com.  And this was certainly not the person of choice, if he had a choice.  No, in these last months there had only been one on this bridge, in this system, in this galaxy that he desired.

Beta shift reported and Kirk stood and gave the seat over to his replacement.  Tonight Sulu would be in the center seat.  “Well everyone, have a restful evening and a good night.”  He made a hasty retreat toward his quarters.  He rode the lift to their deck with Spock and as they reached Jim’s door, Spock asked if he wanted to meet later for chess.

“Okay if I let you know later?”

“Certainly, Captain.  I will be in the science lab if you wish to reach me.”

“The science lab?  Haven’t we just come off of a shift?  Why don’t you do something to relax?”

“I am.  I am going to work in the science lab.”

Jim smiled at his friend.  “Very well, Spock.  If I decide on chess, I will contact you there, later.”

Spock nodded and Jim went into his quarters.  Lying on his desk was the book that he wished to enjoy.  He decided a shower, drink and then the book was the way to relax this evening. 

Standing in the sonics stream he began to think of his daydream on the bridge.  He knew that he had kept his body, mostly, in check, but as he removed his briefs, he did notice there was a small amount of pre-ejaculate dampening them.  He was definitely going to have to keep his thoughts under better control.  To fantasize in his room was one thing, but to allow himself to become distracted on the bridge was something else entirely.  He left the shower and threw on his favorite light blue robe and poured himself a glass of the potent clear beverage, a bottle that had been a birthday present last night.  Actually, for as little consumption of alcohol that he managed to partake in while onboard the ship, the crew must think him a closet alcoholic.  He had received this bottle, a bottle of Saurian brandy and a flask of Romulan ale, with no card attached to the illegal substance, but Uhura sure had a grin on her face.  He could have stocked a liquor cabinet with last night’s take.

He took the glass of alcohol and the book and piled the pillows just so on his bed for a night of relaxation.  He felt the firmness of the aged leather cover and ran his fingers over the faded gold imprint of the title and ran his hand up the hard spine of the book as the leather warmed beneath his hand. He knew there was something else that would be long, warm and firm beneath his hand that he would rather be stroking. 

As much as he wanted to enjoy this book, he knew his thoughts were going to be elsewhere until something beside his literary needs were satisfied.  He spread the edges of the robe and brought his knees up and spread them.  His hand went between his thighs and began to massage his scrotum, bring himself to arousal.  Jim enjoyed taking his time, even when he was alone.  He had all evening; there was no reason to rush.  Spock had mentioned a chess game, but chess was not what he needed.  He needed the touch of that flesh to his flesh.  Not just anyone, he wanted to see a dark head between his thighs, stroking him, teasing him, tasting all that he had to offer.  Then he wanted to lay him down and taste that which he had only imagined. He wanted to suck each nub to hardness and let his tongue form a wet trail down the body an there, below the hard abdomen he would finally be able to...

The door signal interrupted the delicious fantasy.  He rose quickly and pulled the robe closed in the front, making sure there was enough of a gathering of material to hide that which was so ready underneath.
He walked to the outer area and as he reached the comm desk he said, “Come.” Oh yes, he did want to do just that, so badly.

The door slid open and there he stood, waiting.

Kirk looked curiously at him, “Come on in. I thought you were going to relax this evening, maybe get some rest.”

“I had started to the science lab, I thought there might me some experiments that I could get involved with.  But I decided that was not what interested me this evening.”

“Oh?  Here have a seat.  Then tell me, what does interest you this evening?”


Flustered by this honesty, Jim placed his hands against the edge of the desk and leaned back against them.  “Me?  In what way do I interest you?”

“The way you command, the way you are always in charge, the way you know everything that happens with this ship just by the subtle changes in the noise she makes.”  He looked down and back up to the gold eyes of his captain, “The way you stand behind me, lean over me and I can feel the heat from you.  The way I think you would like to stand closer.  The way that I wish you would.”

Jim reached out a hand and stroked the dark head.  Softly, deeply he looked into the dark eyes, “I’ve wished for you to be here, like this.  If we begin here, tonight, I don’t believe I’ll be able to let you go for a long, long time.  Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Is forever long enough?  I have never loved anyone like I find myself loving you.” He brought his hand up and touched the bulge beneath the blue fabric.  A bulge that the man was attempting to hide, but failing to do so.

The feel of the touch almost caused Jim to go to his knees.  He reached for the man and pulled him up.  They looked at each other, clearly seeing all that had been hoped for, dreamed about, between the two of them expressed on each face.  Jim spread his feet and pulled the man to him.  For the first time their bodies made contact.  Their lips and groins pressed against each other’s at the same moment.  The long withheld desire of each exploding to the surface.  Mouths consumed and tasted and learned the flavors that only the imagination had supplied before. 

Jim pulled the regulation shirt over the head and flung it to the floor.  There was now an urgency to feel, to see, to experience this man’s nakedness.  His hands went to the clasp but he paused a moment to look to those eyes.  Was this what he wanted him to do?  “Yes!” The response was whispered with passion.

Jim’s hands roamed over the now exposed naked flesh of his lover.  This body that he was going to spend the rest of his life getting to know. He explored down the ribcage and across the flat abdomen and his hand brushed against he silken steel of the heated cock.  He felt the man gasp in pleasure.  Yes, he was going to bring much pleasure to this man.  He pulled him close and felt the hardness grazing hardness, only the blue fabric between them. 

This was his lover.  He had never thought of anyone in that way before.  He had had sexual partners, one night stands, playmates and lays, but never before had he had a lover.  That had always seemed too confining before.  Now it was the perfect phrase.  Jim led them to the sleeping alcove.  He pushed the book out of the way and laid down pulling the man on top of him. “You are my lover,” Jim whispered to him.

“Yes, always!”  Two hands went to the sash of the blue robe and untied it.  The robe was pulled apart and pushed off at the shoulders.  Now nestled together they felt their flesh formed to flesh.  Imagining the ways that these bodies were going to fit together time and time again.  “I want to taste you, Kiptain” The words breathed into his ear.

Jim pushed against the muscular shoulders, separating their faces and he looked deeply into the dark eyes.  “Pavel, you are my friend, your are my lover.  I never want you to refer to me by rank again.  Not behind these, or any other, doors.  No one is in charge here."

Chekov fell into the man underneath him.  His mouth consuming Jim’s.  “I want to taste you, Jim.” His tongue began to trail a path down the golden body.

Jim spread his knees and pulled them up.  He looked down to see a dark head between his thighs, stroking him, teasing him and tasting all he had to offer.

‘Wishes do come true,’ was the last coherent thought Jim had for some time.
