Curriculum Vitae Kornyeyev D.Y. <BGSOUND SRC="music.mid">
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Dmytro Kornyeyev

Business address:
Department of Physiology
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center,
Lubbock, TX, 79430-6551, USA
Phone: (806)-743-25-61

II. Education and Degrees

November 1993 - November 1997 Ph.D. Student
Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

September 1988- July 1993 Student of T. Shevchenko Kyiv State University
Biological Faculty, Department of Biophysics
for the profession "Biophysics" Kiev, Ukraine

M. Sc. in Biophysics (1993) T. Shevchenko Kyiv State University
Biological Faculty, Department of Biophysics

Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Sciences) in Plant Physiology(1997)
Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Kiev, Ukraine

Thesis Title: Studying the photosynthetic apparatus state by means of the
method of chlorophyll fluorescence induction

Abstract. The dissertation is devoted to the development of new
approaches to studying the photosynthetic apparatus state by means of the
method of the chlorophyll fluorescence induction. The new kinetic
parameters, the determination of which is based on the calculation of the
derivatives from the induction curves, have been proposed. The approaches
to the estimation of the sizes of the light harvesting antennae and the
pool of the electronic acceptors for the QB-reducing photosystem 2
complexes have been developed. The characteristics of the functional state
of the photosystem 2 complexes in subchloroplast fragments originated from
different regions of the thylakoid membrane have been obtained. Changes of
these characteristics have been investigated under conditions when membrane
proteins of chloroplats are phosphorylated. The influence of the
unfavorable environmental conditions and the defects of the biosynthesis on
the state of photosynthetic apparatus have been studied.

IV. Professional Skills

- chlorophyll fluorescence analysis,
- CO2 fixation,
- oxygen evolution,
- P700 measurements,
- low temperature spectroscopy,
- isolation of intact chloroplasts, fragmentation of thylakoids,
- native gel electrophoresis with staining for the activity of superoxide
dismutase (SOD) or ascorbate peroxidase (APX),
- enzyme assays (SOD, APX, GR, FBP-ase),
- determination of ascorbate, glutathione and hydrogen peroxide content in plant tissue
- Arabidopsis cultivation,
- DNA extraction, PCR, DNA cloning
- LabView programming
- web-page design (
Notes for lesson about PHOTOINHIBITION

V. Professional Membership

Ukrainian Society of Plant Physiology
Ukrainian Biophysical Society
American Society of Plant Biologists
New York Academy of Sciences

VI. Awards and Grants

1997- ISSEP grant No. PSU074010
1997-1998 - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine fellowship for young
1999 - National Academy of Sciences award for young scientists

VII. Current research interests

Application of various fluorescence techniques to retrieve information about biological objects. Chlorophyll fluorescence induction (theoretical and practical aspects); heterogeneity of photosystem II; phosphorylation of the photosystem II proteins; influence of environmental stresses on photosynthetic apparatus; effects of herbicides and plant growth regulators on photosynthesis, influence of the antioxidant enzymes overexpression on the photosynthetic performance at low temperature.
More information about the project entiteled "Testing cotton plants overexpressing antioxidant enzymes"

VIII. Publications

1 book, 36 articles, and 29 communications to scientific meetings

Recent selected papers(1998-2007).

Kornyeyev D., Hendrickson L. (2007) Energy partitioning in photosystem II complexes subjected to photoinhibitory treatment. Functional Plant Biology 34: 3, 214-220 (contact the authors me to receive pdf file or hard copy of this article)

Logan B.A., Kornyeyev D., Hardison J. and Holaday A.S. (2006) The role of antioxidant enzymes in photoprotection (minireview). Photosynthesis Research, 88 (2) 119-132. Click here to read the article.

Narendra S., Venkataramani S., Shen G., Wang J., Pasapula V., Lin Y., Kornyeyev D., Holaday A.S., Zhang H. (2006) The Arabidopsis ascorbate peroxidase 3 is a peroxisomal membrane-bound antioxidant enzyme and is dispensable for Arabidopsis growth and development. Journal of Experimental Botany 57 (12): 3033-3042.

Kornyeyev D., Logan B.A., Tissue D.T., Allen R.D., Holaday A.S. (2006) Compensation for PSII photoinactivation by regulated non-photochemical dissipation influences the impact of photoinactivation on electron transport and CO2 assimilation. Plant Cell Physiology 47. 437 - 446.

Kornyeyev D., Logan B.A., Allen R.D., Holaday A.S. (2005) Field-grown cotton plants with elevated activity of chloroplastic glutathione reductase exhibit no significant alteration of duirnal or seasonal patterns of excitation energy partitioning and CO2 fixation. Field Crops Research 94 (2-3) 165-175. (PDF file)

Kornyeyev D., Holaday A.S., Logan B.A.(2004) Minimization of the photon energy absorbed by 'closed' reaction centers of photosystem 2 as a photoprotective strategy in higher plants. Photosynthetica 42 (3) 377-386. (PDF file)

Kornyeyev D., Holaday A.S., Logan B.A. (2003) Predicting the extent of photosystem II photoinactivation using chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters measured during illumination. Plant & Cell Physiology 44 (10) 1064-1070. (PDF file)

Kornyeyev D., Logan B.A., Allen R.D., Holaday A.S. (2003) Effect of Chloroplastic Overproduction of Ascorbate Peroxidase on Photosynthesis and Photoprotection in Cotton Leaves Subjected to Low Temperature Photoinhibition. Plant Science 165 (5) 1033-1041. (PDF file)

Logan B.A., Monterio G., Kornyeyev D., Payton P., Allen R.D., Holaday A.S. (2003) Transgenic overproduction of glutathione reductase does not protect cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (Malvaceae) , from photoinhibition during growth under chilling conditions. American Journal of Botany 90 (9) 1400-1403. (PDF file)

Kornyeyev D., Logan B.A., Payton P.R., Allen R.D., Holaday A.S. (2003) Elevated chloroplastic glutathione reductase activities decrease chilling-induced photoinhibition by increasing rates of photochemistry, but not thermal energy dissipation, in transgenic cotton. Functional Plant Biology 30 (1) 101-110. (PDF file)

Kornyeyev D. Informational potential of the chlorophyll fluorescence induction method. "Alterpres" Kiev, 2002.-188 p. [In Russian]. ISBN 966-542-168-9. (Download PDF file at

D. Kornyeyev, B.A. Logan, A.S. Holaday (2002) A chlorophyll fluorescence analysis of the allocation of radiant energy absorbed in photosystem 2 antennae of cotton leaves during exposure to chilling. Photosynthetica 40 (1) 77-84. (PDF file, 1.466 Mb)

Payton P., Webb R., Kornyeyev D., Allen R., Holaday A.S. (2001) Protecting cotton photosynthesis during moderate chilling at high light intensity by increasing chloroplastic antioxidant enzyme activity. Journal of Experimental Botany 52 (365) 2345-2354. (PDF file)

Kornyeyev D, Logan BA, Payton P, Allen RD, Holaday AS (2001) Enhanced photochemical light utilization and decreased chilling-induced photoinhibition of photosystem II in cotton overexpressing genes encoding chloroplast-targeted antioxidant enzymes. Physiologia Plantarum 113 (3)323-331. (PDF file)

A. Kochevenko, Y. Ratushnyak, D. Kornyeyev, O. Stasik, L. Porublyova, S. Kochubey, T. Suprunova, Y. Gleba: Functional cybrid plants of Lycopersicon peruvianum var 'dentatum' with chloroplasts of Lycopersicon esculentum // Plant Cell Reports 2000, 19 (6), 588-597. (PDF file)

D.Y. Kornyeyev Inhibition of glutamine synthetase activity by phosphinothricin results in disappearance of the peak M2 of the chlorophyll fluorescence induction curve // Photosynthetica 1999, 36 (4), 601-604.

D.Y. Kornyeyev The antenna size of QB-reducing photosystem 2 complexes in different fractions of subchloroplast particles // Photosynthetica 1998, 35 (2), 269-272

A. S. Kochevenko, Ya. I. Ratushnyak, D. Yu. Korneev, O. O. Stasik, V. V. Shevchenko, S. M. Kochubei, Yu. Yu. Gleba Photosynthetic Apparatus in a Cytoplasmic Hybrid of Cultured Tomato Carrying the Nucleocytoplasmic Incompatibility Trait // Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 1999, 46 (4), 474

S. M. Kochubei, G. I. Kufrik,D. Yu. Korneev Characteristics of Light Fragments from Different Thylakoid Regions of Maize Mesophyll // Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 1999, 46 (4),490-495.

S. M. Kochubei, O. I. Volovik, D. Yu. Korneev, L. V. Porubleva, and V. V. Shevchenko Organization and Functional Activity of Intergranal and Granal Fragments of Pea Thylakoids // Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 1998, 45 (6), 695-701

S. M. Kochubei and D. Yu. Korneev Demonstration of Qb-reducing Complexes of Photosystem II in Stroma-exposed Regions of Thylakoids after Membrane Protein Phosporylation Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 1998, 45 (6), 15-

Kornyeyev D.Yu. The antenna size changes of photosystem 2 complexes differing in QB reduction. In Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects (Ed.: G.Garab; Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1998) Vol.II, pp.1161-1164.

Kochubey S.M., Kornyeyev D.Yu., Shevchenko O.V. Differences in characteristics of photosystem I and II complexes from various regions of thylakoid membranes. Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects (Ed.: G.Garab; Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1998) Vol.I, pp.401-404.