Tuchuk Slave Girls Dancing

All information found on these pages is a consort of John Normans works of Gor
an such words an Documents are used as Reference only an Will be ™John Norman.

Rules on Dancing

These Pages were formed to Help those of the Girls of Tuchuk IR ,
In their performances as a dancer and How they should use each thing
within the lesson to help those of other places to perfect their
seduction into each dance proclaimed in such reffrences.

"The dancing of the female before the male, that she be found pleasing
and he be pleased, is one of the most profound lessons in all of
human biology. Others are when she kneels before him,
when she kisses his feet, when she performs obeisance,
when she knows herself subject, truly, to his whip."

- DANCER OF GOR, Pg. 193