Dog behavior problems

I recommend my take titled Basic Dog Obedience. dog behavior problems Dog training collar. To TopQUESTION:I have a two year old Rottweiler. He is friendly and we live in an apartment building. He is fully obedience trained. dog behavior problems House training dog. I would like to train him to be capable of protection work. My concern is that he will become aggressive towards neighbors and children during the training period? Will this training program change his personality and make him unpredictable?ANSWER:If a dog has a good prey drive and good temperament before he starts training he is not going to have that temperament changed by bite training if it is done properly. Read the articles I have on my web site about drives. dog behavior problems Stop dog barking. There is nothing dangerous about prey drive work. In effect its a game for the dog. The dogs love the work (if they have prey drive). If a dog does not have prey drive then that dog can only be trained by using its defensive drive. I do not recommend this. There are too few trainers that truly understand this type of work and it is too stress full for most dogs.

Dog behavior problems

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