Dog gifts

Its a dog that is willing to carry the fight to the helper or suspect at any time anywhere. dog gifts Portland-sea-dogs. This goes well beyond a schutzhund field or a dog that is willing to protect his home against intruders. I tell friends that you need to experience fight drive in a dog to understand what it is and once you see it you will never forget it. Also it is not necessarily a dog that is vicious, sharp or dangerous to be around. dog gifts Association of pet dog trainers. That is a misconception with people new to protection training. My current police dog has extreme fight drive, yet he is very socialite. He is good with children and people. dog gifts Dogs. Anyone can walk in my office without any fear of being challenged or attacked. Yet when I work with him on the street he has an instinctual feel for bad guys. This dog senses a fight and goes into high gear. He exudes "fight drive" and when suspects see this they know that they are not dealing with a normal dog. They quickly see that this dog is doing more than just barking at them. He exudes a power and intensity that they can feel. They know he is willing to bite them and bite them with intensity. The beauty of this is that 99% of the time this takes the fight drive right out of the suspect and makes him comply with what I want him to do. To TopQUESTION:I have a question regarding a client that has a 5 year old un-neutered American bred GSD that is a fear biter.

Dog gifts

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