Hi peoples, I've got a little news not all that much but some. I found out through my investigations that the actor Charlie Sheen, who was recently released early from prison due to his "good behaviour" actually appeard before the same judge 'Judge Mira'. In fact it  was Judge Mira who released him. Is it just me or is that ironic, concidering Robert was thrown in prison, without any new charges, his appeals have been rejected and it's all quite strange. Both actors faced alost identicle charges yet Robert is still in prison. A little bias if you's ask me. I've also heard that many of the letters fans have sent have been returned to them. I'm not sure if this is because he's been moved or what but I will try to find out.OK. So all in all that about all I have to say so keep an eye out for any further developments.

Guess what all you faithful followers, well there's actually not much to guess. Nothing has happened and unfortunately Robert is still in prison. But let us just pray that his spirits are high and that he has the strength to make it through. I do promise that once I find something out I will let you know. So I guess I'll see you all later and please check out Tulips Page for a question.

Since I only started this page pretty much today it would be pointless for me to go back on every single incident concerning Robert. However for those of you that have been hiding under a rock somewhere I wil refresh your memory.
I believe that you must be aware of Roberts re-occurring drug problem which in the last occasion has landed him in prison. Since approximately August of 99, Robert has been serving time for breaking his probation. Judge Mira (whom we all feel has some sort of prejuduce towards him) felt that there was absolutely no way of rehabilitating him and sent him to prison. He is serving a three year sentence minus time already served.
Roberts last appeal against the sentence was denied recently and there have been reports that he was quite upset about it but is learning to deal with it. I have not yet discovered if he is to appeal again.
I'm sorry that this page is so short but hopefully I will be able to give you news on a weekly basis to keep yo informed. And by the way if anyone has any info that could be of use to me, don't be affraid to e-mail me okay.


Hi, there everyone. I have a little news for you. Basically, the last major event in the chapter of Roberts life has been quite good. What actually happened was on his birthday (which in fact is April the 4th). A huge protest was held outside the the theatre where his new film Black and White starring Brooke Shields which also was released on the same day. The streets were filled with his fans and admirers and not to mention his older sister. They were rallying for his freedom and although his status has not changed, it made people more aware that he was wrongly imprisoned and that he should be moved to a rehab.
I have also heard reports that his one time friend Jennifer Aniston went to visit him in prison. It was said that when she discovered he was heavily into drugs she distanced herself from him (as she is known to be anti-drugs). However she spoke to him and it is said that it meant quite a lot to Robert who has evidently been forgotten by many of his other Hollywood friends. I'm sorry to say that in fact that's about all thats new. I will keep you posted with any other further developments.


Hi there peoples. Well to put it briefly- again! Nothing much has been happening but I thought I'd actually write to tell you this. Just remember that although nothing major is happeneing, it doesn't mean that you can either write something on the message board or write him a letter. He needs support reguardless of what the day brings.
Untill next time.
