GOOD NEWS : God Loves You 


  • A minister faithfully proclaimed the Gospel in an open-air meeting in Glasgow. At the conclusion of his message, an unbeliever stepped from the crowd and said: "I don't believe what the minister said. I don't believe in heaven or hell. I don't believe in God or Christ. I haven't seen them," Then a man, wearing dark glasses, came forward and said: " You say there is a river near this place- the River Clyde. There is no such thing. You say there are people standing here, but it can't be true. I haven't seen them - I was born blind! Only a blind man could say what I have said. You are spriitually blind and cannot see. The Bible says of you, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spritually discerned." (I Cor. 2:14) - W.B.Knight
  • A nurse on night duty in a great hospital in Chicago mistakenly gave a lethal dose of wrong medicine to a little boy. Her error was not detected until it was too late to save his life. Was she not sincere on what she did? Certaily! Was she not conscientiosly performing her duties? Certainly! She was sincerely- wrong! She was conscientiously - wrong! Many sincerely say, " All religions are good. They all lead to heaven." Many say, "Let your conscience be your guide. If your conscience tells you a thing is all right, it is OK." But they all are wrong. All religions are not good. All religions do not lead to heaven. There is only one way to heaven. Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me (John 14:6) - W.B. Knight
  • An ancient fable once told of a sovereign who held a prisoner at his will in  his castle. One night, wishing to be malevolent, he said to the prisoner, " I will give you a chance to escape. You have one night to do so. There is a way out of this place. " Having said that, he left him. The hopeful prisoner left his way around his cell and discovered a hidden panel which is eventually led him from one secret passage to another. He spent the whole night searching eagerly for a way out of his prison. Upon a daybreak, he stumbled into his own cell again. The door flung open and the sovereign announced, I have given you a chance to escape but you failed." "You lied," cried the prisoner, there was no way out!"  "There is," came the reply, " I did not lock the door of your cell last night and you could have just walk out a free man." Just like this nameless prisoner, we too, tend to think that the salvation of God is something complex, like the doing of endless good works, or through some extreme personal sacrifices, or prolonged and intense meditation, or some esoteric and mystical practices, et al.But the way of salvation ordained by God is incredibly simple, like the possibility of this prisoner going through an unlocked door - " ... Sirs, what must  I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..." (Acts 16: 30-31) 

Know the fact:

Sin and the Sinner
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3: 23)
Death and the Judgment of God
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 6:23)
God's Love and Provision
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8)
Salvation by Faith in Jesus Christ
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shlat believe in thine heart that God hath raised him form the dead, thou shall be saved (Rom. 10: 9-10)
What you must Do to be Saved
- Repentance : Trust the Lord Jesus to give up your sins
Repent ye, and believe the gospel (Mk. 1 :15)
- Acceptance : Accept the Lord Jesus to be your Savior and Lord
That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:15- 16)
Assurance of Salvation
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Rom. 10:13)
Security of Salvation
And I give unto them eternal life: and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand (Jn. 10:28) 

Adapted from Personal Evangelism by Y.T. Wee

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Message for English (non-Indonesian) readers:
One of simple way to tell other about Gospel is by using Wordless Book or Wordless Bracelet. I try to make it in the Indonesian version in this page, but for you, non- Indonesian readers, lemme recommend you to go to this link: The Wordless Book Page, -a page of Gospelcom.Net- to read about Gospel (Wordless Book) in English. It's really a brilliant page! It tells about what each color means. Beside that, there is also History of the Wordless Book.

Kuning melambangkan SURGA, tempat tinggal Allah dan surga juga merupakan tempat tinggal yang disediakan Allah bagi anak-anak-Nya. Jalannya terbuat dari emas (Wahyu 21:21). Namun Allah adalah kudus dan sempurna. Di dalam surga TIDAK BOLEH ADA sesuatu yang disebut... Dosa!.

Hitam melambangkan DOSA. Allah memberitahukan bahwa semua orang telah berbuat dosa dan telah kehilangan kemuliaan Allah (Roma 3:23). Dosa harus dihukum, dan upah dosa adalah maut (terpisah dengan Allah selama-lamanya di Neraka).

Merah melambangkan DARAH Yesus Kristus. Allah Bapa mengirimkan Anak Tunggal-Nya ke dunia ini untuk mati disalib bagi dosa-dosa kita. Alkitab berkata dalam Ibrani 9:22: ".. dan tanpa penumpahan darah tidak ada pengampunan". Jadi Tuhan Yesus mati untuk mengambil hukuman dosa kita.

Putih melambangkan HATI YANG SUDAH DIBERSIHKAN oleh darah Tuhan Yesus (Yesaya 1:18). Bagaimana caranya supaya hati kita menjadi putih? Akuilah bahwa saudara adalah orang berdosa, percayalah bahwa Yesus Kristus adalah Juruselamat saudara dan mintalah Dia masuk ke dalam hatimu dan menyelamatkanmu dari segala dosa. Lakukanlah hal ini sekarang juga kalau saudara belum pernah melakukannya. Pada saat itulah Allah menjadi Bapa kita dan kita menjadi anak-anak dalam Keluarga Allah (Yoh. 1 : 12)

Warna hijau mengingatkan kita pada tumbuhan yang bertumbuh. Jadi warna hijau melambangkan PERTUMBUHAN. Setelah kita menerima Tuhan Yesus sebagai Juruselamat, Ia ingin agar kita semakin bertumbuh menyerupai Dia (II Petrus 3:18). Empat cara agar kita bertumbuh: Merenungkan dan melakukan Firman Allah, berdoa, bersaksi (menceritakan tentang Tuhan Yesus kepada orang lain), dan berbakti di gereja yang percaya dan mengajarkan Alkitab.

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