
"if all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all"
            - William f. Buckley Jr.

News- Formal Pics have been Added! To see ALL images, dont close the annoying Ad to the right of the screen untill ALL images are loaded.

Hello special one's!

[x] New pic's have been added! I've been a busy boy...

[x] School's out...FOREVER!

[x] I'm the new 'publicity officer' for the Dapto Junior Soccer Club...lol...Volunteer work rocks!

[x] Last night was quite interesting...indeed!...lol

[x] I'm so bored with this layout...i need Photoshop!!! I really want to create a new site, something a bit more eye catching. Dont get me wrong, i do love this simple layout...it's special...but i think something a little more fun and funky wouldn't go astray!

ok, untill next time:

Dezzy xx

P.s. If you havnt already done s
o, add /tupper_2 to your favorites! Do it now! lol
P.p.s. Keep checking back for updates and plz sign my guestbook- im desperate.

                                                              Nov 14th, 2004!
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This page was created on the 23rd of April 2004!
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