Reiki for Animals
Joanne Turner
Reiki Therapist
For poorly pets ...
        ... who have seen their vets
Hello and Welcome!  My name is Joanne and I am a bristol based Reiki Therapist.  I am 1st and 2nd Degree qualified and a Practitioner Member of the UK Reiki Federation.  I give treatments to people and animals.  Animal treatments are given at your home or stables and are charged on a sliding scale.   Click here for my TREATMENTS FOR PEOPLE
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a holistic treatment, meaning it works with the 'whole' being.  It is a form of energy therapy that treats the energy system.  The therapist acts as a channel for 'chi' or 'Universal Life Force'.  This relaxes, gives energy, promotes wellbeing and encourages personal empowerment.

We are energetic beings and the additional chi received during Reiki increases the frequencies with which we vibrate, on every level, from the individual cells to the aura.   The vibrating cells 'relax' and are able to release toxins, flushed out of the system by drinking plenty of water.   The muscles relax and are able to release tension.   The chakras (the body's energy centres) begin to come into balance and to clear, enabling suppressed emotions to be gently and gradually brought to the surface.   The mind begins to relax and clear and the energised aura provides the personal empowerment needed to work through the surfacing issues, allowing progression along the journey to health, happiness and enlightenment.
Holistic Partnership Healing - Treatments for Your Pet and You
Holistic Partnership Healing seeks to provide Reiki for animal and carer, promoting a partnership approach where carer and animal work together holistically to find energetic solutions for both . I am studying Holistic Partnership Healing with Reiki Master Pauhla Whittaker and if you would like to be a case study for me then your treatments will be free of charge (although travel expenses may apply). 
Important Information
As with any complementary therapy for pets, Reiki is intended to complement medical treatment from your vet, and must never be used as an alternative to veterinary care.  Permission from you vet will be required.  You must by law take a pet to a vet if he or she requires medical diagnosis and/or treatment. The RSPCA Clinic ( and PDSA PetAid Clinic ( can provide low cost/free treatment if you are eligible.