As you can see I’m Wiccan. I have been Wiccan for about 2 years now. It didn’t seem like being a Christian or Catholic was what was meant for me. It just didn't seem right for me and I didn't feel confortable with it. So I looked around to see if I could find a religion that I could relate to. I found out about Wicca and I was interested. So I checked out some books and went online to see if it is what I wanted to do. At first when I told some of my friends they were worried that I would be doing “Black Magick”. But I reassured them that it was allright. When I told my mom about it she was a little skeptic at first but she understands that Wicca is not bad and that what I do is for good only. Just Like the Wiccan Rede says, "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will" For more info on what Wicca is please visit: http://www.wicca.com/celtic/wicca/wicca.htm

A Little Ranting and Raving: Wicca is NOT I repeate NOT a religion that worships "satan"!!! For craps sake we don't even believe in "Satan" or "Devil" or even a "Hell"!!! I also hate it when people say "A lot of people get dragged in and become suicidal or worse..." AGGG!!! I hate it when people makeup all this B.S. A) We don't believe in the Devil, because we believe that if you give evil a name, you are giving it power, B) We don't believe in "Hell" either. All of that bad junk that SOME (not all) preachers or churches,the movies, and parrents tell you about us is mostly not true. Yes, some of us do magick and yes some of us do spells. But we don't and actually can't harm anyone. It is against the Wicca Rede. If someone tells you that they worship the "Devil" or that they are going to put a curse on you and say to you that they are Wiccan, then they are wrong and lying to you. We Wiccan's don't harm anyone. Now, I understand that maybe you don't like Wicca or think that your religion is the only right one, well that's your opinion. But don't go out and tell people that we are evil and discriminate against us. I don't appreciate it when people discriminate my religion. We just would like you to respect our religion like we respect everyone else’s and like you respect other religions. And please...before you start bashing some religion or really anything else, get all the facts straight and do some research on it!!!
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