Networking Activities

Vicki Ross was part of a election panel discussion on 'The National', a Canadian Broadcasting Corp. news program. The show was devoted to Wilkes-Barre, PA and the US presidential election. Wilkes-Barre was chosen because of PA's role as a swing state in the election.

Susquehanna Green Party Committee member Vera Scroggins has a radio talk show on WHRW, 90.5 fm on dial from SUNY Binghamton-- has about a 30-mile radius -- from 6 to 7 pm. on Fridays-- call her at 607-777-2137 -- make statements and dialogue with Vera and her co-hosts. The station broadcasts over the Internet as well, so you can listen in at
Even if you can not hear her over the air, you can call and talk to her. You too can be on the radio-- make yourselves heard.

Part of the Steering Committee's ongoing effort is the establishment of contacts in the community at large. Here is a brief overview of more that has been accomplished in the past twelve months.