Are you ready to make an easel?  Why sure you are!! You use PSP don't you? That's what I thought! Then you are an artist and every artist needs an easel!

First you will need to download my  
Selection Files
Unzip the selctions to your selections folder. If you do not have one  you will need to create one.
1. Open a new image 400x400 transparent, 16 million colors.
2. Add a New Raster Layer and name it easel. Go up to selections/Load from disk and choose the mheasel selection. Set your foreground color to white and your background null and flood fill your selection. Deselect (ctrl d)
3a.  Go back to layer 1 and add a New Layer named Left Leg. Load the mhleftleg selection. Set your foreground color to pattern and choose your favorite wood pattern and flood fill your selection. Keep selected. GO to Effect/3d effects and choose Inner Bevel and apply the settings below. Rotate right by 5. Use your mover tool and drag it more toward the center.
3b. Duplicate your left leg layer and rename it right leg. Go to image/mirror. Use your mover tool again to align it.
4.  Choose your layer named easel and add a new layer. Name it clip. Set your foreground color to null and your background color to white. Choose your preshapes tool, set to rounded rectangle and draw upward from the center top of your easel. This is the clip that will hold your wonderful creations! I used Eye Candy 400/ silver chrome to decorate my clip. You may use what you wish.
5.  Add a new layer named clip bottom. Select your preset shapes tool and use the same settings as in step 4. We want to draw the rounded rectangle a little bit wider than the clip and apply the same preset or filter you did for your clip.
6. Add a new layer named top brace. Set your background color to your wood pattern. WIth your preset shapes tool, same settings, draw a line across the bottom. Apply the same inner bevel as we used earlier in step 2.
7. Add a new layer named brace. Draw another round rectangle below  the one you just made only make this one a little wider. Apply the same inner bevel.
8.  Add a new layer named centerpole. Draw a thin pole in the center wit your preset shapes tool, same settings. We only want it to go a little further down past the bottom brace. Apply your inner bevel.
9. Add a new layer named shelf. Use your preset shapes tool set at rectangle this time and your wood pattern should still be your background colour. Click on your deform tool and while holding down the control key, push on the top left node to move it inward. Now push in on the bottom center node. Grab the top center node if needed and push it inward to make it appear flat. You may need to repeat the top left node again. Pull out on the side nodes so that the bottom corners are mesh with our legs. Double Click to apply the deformation. We're almost done!
10. Go back to layer 1 and add a new layer named bottom leg. Click on your arrow on your color palette to switch the wood pattern to your foreground color. Choose your draw tool set to single line, Line width 6, Antialias checked. Draw your line out at an angle starting at the bottom of your left leg until it meets the bottom of the brace. Repeat the process for the right side. Apply the same inner bevel we've been using.
11.  Go back to layer 1 and add a new layer and name it last brace. Yeah!!! With your draw tool, same settings, draw out your last brace beneath your shelf and apply the same inner bevel.
Now, if you'd like to, you may go back to your easel layer, select all and paste an image of your choice into the selection or you may be more creative than I was and paint away a creation of your own!  Make layer one invisible and merge! You may now add a background to layer 1 and merge again!  Yeah!! We did it. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Don't forget, you may want to crop or resize your image.
Copyright © 2001 Mari's Designs
You may not copy the images or any part of this tutorial. If you wish to link to it for a group or forum, Please send me an email and ask permission first. When permission is granted, it is for the link only!! You may not post any other part of this in any groups. Thank you for your cooperation.