called CD, the first man in my life. CD was born on the 29th of January in 1996. His sire is CH PAVESI BLUE JUSTIN (Ch Pavesi Blue Jenderra x Pavesi Blue Joesi) and his dam is EW-95 BW-95 JwA´94 WINDWARRIOR´S AFLAMING BLUE STAR (Ch Pavesi Blue Jondolyn x Multi Ch & W Secret Admirer´s Bridesmaid). CD is the only child of his succsessful father.

CD is HD and OD free and free from all eye illnesses. His eyes were investigated last time on the 4th of February in 2000.

On the 31st of October in 1999 in HELSINKI WINNER SHOW was CD´s great day!
CD bacame BOB and FINNISH WINNER 1999 out of 25 Australian Cattle Dogs judged by Mrs Wendye Slatyer, Australia!!!

CD the proud father of two Windwarrior´s litters (H- & I-litter) and Sawdust´s A-litter in Germany. CD´s children are living in Finland, Germany, Austria and soon in England.

Some more photoes

Tiny CD

Big Mouth CD

CD three months old

CD on snow

CD 11,5 years old

CD 11,5 years old

CD´s way to be WINNER 1999

"Do I really have to stand???"

CD eight weeks, finally standing nicely

CD six months old with looooong legs, far from the Winner title

CD one year old, still long legs and far from Winner title

CD ready to conquer Helsinki Winner 1999!!!

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Viimeksi Päivätty 21.08.2007Tuulia Heikkinen