Lina's Birthday!
Chapter 7: Get Ready Already!
"F-Filia...." gasped Lina and Amelia in unison.
  "F-Filia...?" gasped Gourry and Zelgadiss.
  Xelloss watched Filia closely, and wanted to know what her reply would be.
  She stood up, and so did Xelloss.
  He moved towards her, as she still kept her eyes on the bottle.
  Before Xelloss was in kissing range, Filia asked Lina a question.
  "Is it as he says?" Lina looked dumb-struck. "It's not that bad to be kissed by a monster?" Filia said more specific.
  Lina's eyes softened. "Nah..."
  Filia nodded and sniffled. "Can we go someplace private, please...?" she asked.
  "Y-Yeah..." nodded Xelloss.
  And they disappeared.
  "I hope Xelloss doesn't do anything torturing to her..." mumbled Gourry.
  "Don't worry! Xelloss won't!" smiled Lina.
  "You sure about that?" asked Zelgadiss.
  "Well he could've to me, but didn't!" she shrugged.
  "Maybe it's because he wanted someone with fuller breasts...." thought Gourry mistakenly outloud.
  He was punched right after he realized that himself....

  "Filia...." started Xelloss in the astral plane.
  "Just make it quick, Xelloss!" she snapped.
  "Just hurry up! I want to get this over with...." she said trailing off.
  Xelloss didn't move closer to her. He stood his ground.
  After a long pause...
  "If you won't do it then I will!" growled Filia. She oddly walked up to the trickster, and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. She didn't move after that. She didn't even kiss him yet.
  "Why won't you kiss me." she asked.
  "If you don't want me to, I wont." he replied in a whisper.
  It made Filia shiver, because it was amazingly seductive........
  Xelloss eyes opened as he looked at her with his purple eyes. His hair flew in the soft wind, and so did Filia's.
  That's when Xelloss wrapped his arms around her waist. He held her gently, but tighten his grip that made her move closer. She didn't turn away; she closed her eyes and waited.
  Xelloss looked at her with an innocent smile, and used his right hand to block her hair from her mouth.
  Filia felt his sudden movement, and opened her eyes to see him right infront of her.
  His eyes were still watching her, but he was so close it made Filia cross-eyed.
  But before she could complain, Xelloss chuckled and closed his eyes to finally kiss her. The touch of her softness overwhelmed him, and he tightened his grip around her; carefully.
  Filia, eyes now closed, replied by tightening her arms around his neck and felt him move quickly "francais". @_@
  Author's note: Ouch! Xelloss is makin' the
moves! ^_^
  Filia felt warm. She was scared of what might happen next, but she felt warm and safe in Xelloss' arms. It made her worry, because he was a monster... but the feeling inside her made her heart race and lose track of reality.
  Xelloss couldn't have felt any better. He didn't even have one thought of killing anyone! And that's usually what he loves doing! He might have  found something better...!
  After long moments of standing and kissing.... Xelloss broke their kiss and stood hugging her. They were both in quite a shock.
  Filia couldn't believe how she could kiss a monster, and Xelloss couldn't believe he could kiss a Golden Dragon; and they both felt good about it!
  They could only hear eachother's breathing, and wondered how long they could stay in this embrace.
  Well... Xelloss wanted more than just a french kiss. He wanted more than just a hug....!
  Filia felt Xelloss' hand move lower than her waist and right before he could get the chance to feel under her skirt, she obviously punched him.
  She punched him where it
really hurts guys....! And that made the not-too-happy trickster fall to the ground, and re-appear before the rest of the Slayers; Filia came right behind him.
  Zelgadiss and Gourry saw Xelloss with a blue aura around him and wondered why he was grabbing
there.... then they go it.
  "You don't think---"
  "She actually--"
  They both turned to face Filiam who was being congradulated by the girls.
  "Way to go Filia!"
  "Serves him right!"
  Poor Xelloss stood up and choked. "I think we had enough of this game..." he whispered in a harsh voice.
  Zel and Gourry didn't want to be in the same position as Xelloss, so they agreed almost immediately.
  Fully recovered, Xelloss stood up with a smile. "
  Gourry and Zel followed the healthy trickster into the other room, while Filia and the girls satyed shocked.
  "How did he recover that fast...?" asked Amelia.
  "Filia? Do you know?"
  She sighed. "He's a monster." she replied. Then in a lower voice, "I should've expected that...."
  Music was heard loudly from the other room, and the Slayers all had smiles on their faces.
  (The song was Windstorn Mix - Breeze.)
  "Let's just go in. Who cares!" shrugged Lina. So the girls went into the dance room.
  "WOW..........." they gasped.
  It was about as big as a gym, but one end of the room was a stage, and the other was a bar. The middle was alot of dancing space.
  The music rang in their ears as colourful lights went on and off. It wasn't a strobe light yet, but it still looked cool.
  "S-SUGOI....!" (japanese for awesome) Amelia said starry-eyed.
  Lina was smiling with joy, but Filia wasn't too pleased.
  Her eyes were dizzy with swirls....
  "Isn't this great, Filia--" started Lina but stopped as she noticed how dizzy her friends was. "Filia...? Are you okay?" she asked waving her hand infront of her.
  "What? Is there something wrong?" asked Amelia. "EHH??? FILIA!!"
  "D-D-D-Dance....." repearted the dragon-girl. Over...and over... and over...
  Lina and Amelia looked at eachother, and motioned for Filia to sit down by the bar.
  "D-D-D-Dance.... Can I Da-Da-Dance....?" she repeated.
  The three girls reached the bar, and Amelia started to wonder where the guys were.
  "Sit here, Filia." gestured Lina.
  The dizzy dragon sat at the bar. But there was no bar tender to get her a drink. With her eyes still swirly, she banged her head on the table--- and left it there.
  Lina and Amelia looked at her curiously, then started whispering to eachother.
  "What's wrong with her?!"
  "I dunno!"
  "She kept on saying..."
  "Yeah. What was that about?"
  "Then she said 'Can I dance...' remember?"
  "That's right. That's right...."
  "But why?"
  "Can she dance?"
  "Maybe she can't!"
  "Is that why she's so out of it?"
  "What other reason would she have?"
  "Well the lights are all--"
  "Screw the lights! She can't dance!"
  The two looked at Filia, and noticed a blue aura around her.... (again depressed.)
  The song changed into another. (Sucks to be you'. By Prozzak....)
  "Oo oo oo." sang Lina and Amelia.
  "Sucks to be you..." sang Gourry appearing.
  "I know. I know." agreed Xelloss also appearing.
  "....." Zelgadiss popped up, but let the music do the singing.
   They just appeared from behind the bar counter.... and Xelloss had a beer bottle in his hand.
  Filia kept her head on the table.
  "Well it's no fun if Filia won't dance!" complained Amelia.
  "Isn't there anything we can do?" asked Gourry.
  "Xelloss....? Why is your face turning evil?" asked Lina, twitching.
  "Who me? Oh.. I'm just thinking."
  "About what?" asked Zelgadiss quite seriously.
  "I dunno..... stuff." replied Xelloss with a shrug.
  Lina sighed. "Come on, Filia. Don't feel too bad... we can teach you how to dance...! I bet Xelloss is worse than you!"
  The dragon lifted her head and glared at the sweat-dropping trickster.
  "T-That's not true, Lina-san... I can dance...!"
  "Prove it!" demanded Amelia. "No monster of your evil can experience the wonderful grace of dancing!" she pointed angrily at him.
  "Not all dancing is good, y'know." mumbled Gourry, but received a punch from Lina.
  "Who cares if someone can dance or not." mumbled Zelgadiss as he crossed his arms against his chest.
  "Gourry, can you dance?" asked Lina.
  "No." he replied simply.
  "I can sing!..... And dance a little..."
  "I dunno yet."
  "..... HI-MI-TSU! That's a secret!"
  "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HAVE A
  "Calm down, Lina..." shivered Amelia.
DANCE!!!" she screamed making everyone fall over.
  "Lina-san...." whispered the finally-speaking Filia. "I really don't want to..."
  The red-haired sorceress glared at her. "Why NOT?!"
  "Well.. I... can't...."
  "Fine." smiled Xelloss. "If Filia won't dance, I wont."
  "Why?!" asked Gourry.
  "Because I want to see if she's better than me, so I want to see her dance first." he shrugged.
  "What a lame excuse, Xelloss..." mumbled Zelgadiss.
  "I can't help but agree." mumbled Filia.
  The music ended, and another song came on.
  (Brave Souls. Give A Reason Slayers NEXT Opening in English)
  Lina sighed. "Suit yourself Xelloss. I can't change the way you feel." she smiled, and dragged Gourry to the dance floor.
  Amelia looked at Zelgadiss and shrugged. The two followed.
  "What do you mean by you 'don't know yet'? How could you not know if you can dance or not?" asked Amelia.
  Zelgadiss thought of how he should reply. "When I was a real human, I was the best dancer. But when Rezo changed me into this--" he looked at his hands flashing in the rainbow lights. "I never even tried."
  Amelia softened her eyes. "I'm sure you can dance, Zelgadiss-san! You look so cool! You have to be able to dance!"
  "I dunno if I should even try..." he said rather shyly.
  "If you try, I will!"
  Zelgadiss looked at Amelia and nodded with a short smile.
  "Thar's the spirit!" cheered Lina. They were in the middle of the dance floor, but didn't seem ready to dance...
  "Lina.. how am I supposed to dance in this thing?" asked Gourry pointing at his suit.
  Lina looked at Gourry, then at herself.
  "That's true.... and I feel sort of silly in my pajamas...." admitted Amelia.
  "I didn't bring any other clothes besides my sleep-wear..." shrugged Zelgadiss.
  Lina thought long and hard... "Let's ask Xelloss!" she concluded. "XEEEEELLOSSSSSS!!" she yelled.
  In the distance, Lina could barely make out Xelloss waving in her direction.
  Xelloss replied with a blue flash coming from his direction, and headed to theirs.
  The slayers' eyes widened as they jumped out of the way.
  The bright blue light passed them.
  "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!!? KILL US?!?!" argued Lina on the floor with a bandaid on her head.
  "Oi. Lina." interrupted Gourry.
  "These are clothes...!" smiled Amelia holding up a pink shirt.
  "Oh....!" paused Lina...... She looked back at Xelloss to say thanks, but he was too into trying to make Filia dance.
  "How are we going to change?" asked Zelgadiss.
  "Hmmm..." thought Lina.
  "We could just turn off the lights." suggested Gourry.
  "I guess that'd work!  LIGHTS!" the lights followed Lina's command.
  "Alright! Now hurry it up!"
  The only thing heard was the music...... until.
  "GOURRY!!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!!!!!!" screeched Lina.
  "SORRY!!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE A FLAT WALL!!!" he apologized quickly.
  "Those two always fight." mumbled Amelia, thinking nobody would hear her.
  "Yeah." Zelgadiss replied, surprisingly right beside her.
  "WAIT!! I STILL HAVE TO GET MY SHIRT ON!" yelled the frightened Gourry.
  "YOU DID IT AGAIN! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" screamed the sorceress.
  "Lina! Please don't turn on the lights! I'm not done yet!" begged Amelia.
  "Lina! Don't turn on the lights!" cursed Zelgadiss.
  Ignoring the two friends, Lina screamed, "LIGHTS!!!!!!"
  Rainbow colours flashed on Gourry receiving a big punch from Lina. And the funny thing was; he was stuck in his own shirt.
  Lina kept fuming. She was the only one ready to dance, and finally remembered about Amelia and Zelgadiss as she looked over at them.
  "Oops! Sorry guys! I didn't hear you tell me not to turn the lights off...! hehehehe...!" she tried to look innocent.
  Zelgadiss was furious. He was only wearing his boxers, (Not spedo. He changed.) and stood infront of the still shocked Amelia. Zelgadiss' shirt was the only thing that kept her decent.
  "NEXT TIME LISTEN TO US, WILL YOU?!" he demanded.
  "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" waved Lina, and walked backwards towards Gourry.
  "Zelgadiss-san..." started Amelia with a soft voice.
  The chimera turned to face her, with his eyes staring into hers so closely.
  "Um... Why do you have smiley faces all over your boxers....?" she asked pointing down.
  Zelgadiss blushed. "Um.. Well... you see.... It says 'Be Happy' all around my waist and smiley faces all over the rest and.... I just...." he sighed and gave up. "I just thought it was cute."
  Amelia looked at him seriously, but couldn't hold it in. She started laughing. "That's so cute, Zelgadiss-san! Hahaha!"
  Zel sweat-dropped. "Can I have my shirt back now?" he asked still blushing.
  Amelia nodded, and started to take it off, but then realized she had to keep herself covered. As a priestess of Seyruun, she shouldn't be going around flashing people.
  "Um... can you turn around Zelgadiss?" she asked shyly.
  Zelgadiss jerked back realizing his mistake. "Uh.. right! Ofcourse! Sorry..." he turned with his eyes closed.
  Amelia quickly changed into her short pink shirt, and threw on her baggy black pants.
  "Okay! I'm ready!" she smiled and turned to face Zelgadiss. The look of him in boxers made her laugh again, but she just patted his back and walked to the struggling Lina and Gourry.
  Zelgadiss sighed feeling humiliated, and looked over his shoulder at the princess. He figured it was worth it after all.
  With a smile now on his face, the chimera picked up his baggy blue jeans with about ten pockets, and pulled on his big baggy white shirt. A zipper was near his neck, and the heat of the smoke in the room made him pull it down to his chest. He was ready.
  "LINA! MY ARM ISN'T THAT FLEXABLE...!" whined Gourry.
  "Hold still then! You're such a baby! You don't even know how to put on your own shirt!" Lina argued.
  She was looking nice tonight... Her hair was still down, but she wore nice navy pants, with a tight sky blue shirt on, covered with a navy hooded cardigan.
  Gourry on the other hand, was wearing khakis, with a long black t-shirt that said 'The Slayers Forever' on the front. (It was supposed to be on the back.)
  "Oh who cares, Lina." shrugged Amelia.
  "I don't!" she replied.
  "I DO!! The tag is bothering me, Lina! Turn it around! Turn it around!"
  "Ugh! Fine!!!" Gourry turned into a chibi kid, as Lina pulled off his shirt, and put it back on properly.
  "There! Are you satisfied?" she asked.
  "Thank you Lina!" Gourry hugged her.
  Of course, Lina struggled furiously. "GET OFF GOURRY!!! STOP TOUCHING ME THERE!!!"
  Zelgadiss sighed as he walked up beside Amelia. "They never change, do they."
  "I guess not." nodded Amelia. "Hey! I wonder what Xelloss-san and Filia-san are doing?"
  "Huh? Hmmm..." replied Zel looking over at the two suspiciously.

  "Ne, ne, Filia-san. Everybody else is already ready! Just try dancing, will you?" begged Xelloss.
  "NO! Why do you care so much anyways?!" yelled the dragon-girl.
  "Come on....!"
  "Here. I'll make it easier for you!" Xelloss disappeared and re-appeared with a new outfit.
  Filia laughed.
  His pants were lower than his waist, showing his boxers whenever he bent over..... and they were a dark shade of purple. His shirt was also dark purple, and it said MAZOKU (monster) on the front with large white letters. His arms were crossed with satisfaction.
  Filia kept laughing.
  "Ah! So
now you're amused! How about when you're changed?" Xelloss snapped his fingers, and Filia disappeared laughing, but re-appeared in shock.
  She was still wearing her pink dress, but it was much shorter, and tighter near her chest. *She twitched.* A purple bandana replaced her regular priestess hat, and the magic amplifier on her forehead was gone too.
  "Xelloss...." she growled.
  "Yesssss?" he asked sweetly.
  "Where--is--my--MACE!" she screamed.
  "My, my.. You're very demanding....! Here's your mace, (he gave it back) and here's a shirt you can wear overtop of that if you want."
  Filia grabbed the white over-shirt, and put her mace down beside her on the table. She didn't even say thanks.
  "Hey, atleast I gave you shorts!" smiled Xelloss as he sat back down beside her.
  "At LEAST." repeated Filia.
  "NOW can you dance?" he pleaded.
  "Come on!"
  "Really???" Xelloss jumped out of his seat excitedly. "You mean it?"
  "Awww....!! Filia!!!"
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