The Twist
Chapter 11: Will Crying Awaken?
The soft whisper of Drescara's voice was heard in the huge hall now full of fresh, monster blood. He was whispering to Filia, trying to get her up off the floor, and trying to ask her what happened to Xelloss.
  "Please, Filia, tell me what happened!" he said, holding the limp Filia in his hands.
  Filia gave no response, and Drescara quickly checked her pulse. He held her skinny wrist, and fel the soft, slow, thump, thump.
  He sighed in relief, and looked at her sadly.
  Her face was stained from tears, and her hair didn't look all that blond anymore. The poor girl was still crying, even though she was knocked out.
  Slowly, Drescara picked up Filia, and steadied her in his spiked arms, so that he wouldn't cut her.
  "Let's go."
  With that, his beautiful wings spread wide, as he flew swiftly through the dark room.
  Corpse after corpse, he saw creatures' bodies everywhere. They died as soon as their mother did. He wondered why he wasn't dead, but realized he shouldn't question his gift.
  "Almost out, Filia. Almost free of this mess." he whispered.
  They neared the opening in which Filia and Xelloss fell through, and Drescara easily flew up the tunnel with stunning speed. He noticed the opnening was covered with rocks, so he cursed, and flew faster.
  While covering Filia, he used his spiked arm to smash through the wall, and out they flew, from the now destroyed cliff.
  Drescara floated high in the sky, with Filia still limp, and looked back at where the battle took place.
  "I can finally go home...." he sighed. "After I get you home, that is." looking at Filia.
  With a fast twirl, he sped quickly to the Fire Dragon Temple.
  The fast, cold wind made Filia shiver, as she slowly opened her eyes.
  The first thing she saw was Drecara's wings, and then the Temple.
  "No!" she gasped.
  The winged creature slowly came to a halt, and looked at the girl in his arms.
  "Why?" he asked.
  "I can't go back to the temple. Take me East. I am no priestess, I'm merely a dragon girl." she cried.
  Drescara nodded, and slowly turned towards the east, where she would meet Valgaav.
  "I..." she started with a choke.
  "What is it?" asked the still flying creature.
  "I can't believe he'd save life, when he lives to take it away."
  Drescara thought, and decided to speak. "Maybe that is why
his life was taken."
  Filia whiped her eyes, and held onto the creature. "Yes." she whispered. "Maybe."
  "Hehe! These pots are so shiny, Filia will cry when she sees them!" cheered Jillas. The red wolf smiled, and placed a bright yellow jar on a soft sheet.
  "Yeah. She'll love it." Agreed Gravos. "If she comes back," he added sadly.
  "Do you think she wont?" asked the know-it-all wolf.
  "Just shut-up before I knock your head so hard you'll fall into the shining water behind you!"
  "Hey! I'm the one who should be saying that!" growled the big green one-eyed Gravos.
  "Oh yeah!?"
  Jillas whacked Gravos with his wet cloth, as his enemy jumped up and down with pain.
  "Why I oughta...!" Gravos pushed the laughing Jillas back into the pot he worked so hard on, and made it roll on the cloth.
  "HEY!!" screamed Jillas as he tried to catch the very expensive pot.
  "--Oh." finished Gravos.
  The bright yellow pieces were shattered everywhere, as Jillas fell to his knees.
  "NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo!!" he cried. Tears like waterfalls were flowing out of his hard shut eyes, as Gravos just carefully patted his back.
  "I worked so hard....!" he moaned.
  "There there..." comforted Gravos.
  They heard strong footsteps out the window, and quickly looked at eachother. They both ran to the window, and widened their eyes.
  They saw a tall creature, slowly folding its rainbow shining wings behind it's back, and holding their dearest Filia.
  "Filia!" cried Jillas and Gravos. They ran to the door, and opened it quickly.
  Drescara looked from the unconcious Filia, to the two frightened friends infront of him.
  "Wh--What have you done to our Filia...!?" stuttered Jillas.
  The long armed, and spiked Drescara narrowed his eyes. "Give me proof that you know this lady, and I shall answer your question."
  Gravos scratched his head, and looked at Jillas. Jillas did the same.
  "What are we supposed to show him?" asked the red wolf.
  "Uhhh.... a picture!" smiled Gravos.
  "Good thinking!"
  Jillas quickly ran into the house, and Gravos waited outside with Drescara. After a while with hearing Jillas trash the house, he finaly came out with tears in his eyes.
  "We don't have one...."
  Drescara sweat-dropped. "Then tell me something. Who does Filia travel with?"
  "Travel?! She doesn't!" explained Jillas.
  "Then who was she with on the quest to protect the Dragon Temple?"
  "She was with someone?!" gasped Gravos.
  "This won't work..." mumbled the awaiting creature. "Alright. Just let me in. She needs to rest." he decided. "You. Jillas, I presume? Get her some gold wet cloths, and you, Gravos... get her something to eat."
  The two nodded, and went to work.
  Drescara stepped into the house, as his jaw dropped to the floor. "This is definately not Filia house! I'd think she was neater!"
  Filia opened her eyes at the comotion, and looked at her house/shop. With one look, she fainted again.
  "Let's just get her to bed." confirmed the creature.
  He slowly stepped into another room, and sighed as he saw the cleanliness of it. Spotless. "So Filia does live here."
  The creature carefully lay Filia on her bed, and wished he could help more. Then he pulled up a chair, but decided he'd break it if he sat down. Looking out the window, he noticed the nice grass around the area. It was peaceful there. How could such a horrible thing have just happened just two hours ago?
  "Terrible." he thought aloud. "Hmm? What's this?" he wondered, as he saw a brown basket, and a pink cloth. He carefully unwrapped it, and gasped as he saw an egg.
  Carefully, and gently, he leaned lower, and examined it. "A dragon egg...?" he wondered. "Then who's the fathe--"
  "There is none," interrupted Jillas. "Boss doesn't get close to anyone, because it just ends up in tragedy."
  Drescara had the image of Filia crying over Xelloss in his mind, as he shook his head slowly. "Then.. where did this egg come from?" he asked with curiosity.
  "It's special, and my boss before Filia was Valgaav. He came back like that, and we are waiting for him." he said as he whiped his eyes.
  "Here." said Gravos, as he placed the food on the table next to Filia's night lamp. "I'm not much of a cook, but I'm sure she'll eat anything by the way she looks."
  "Maybe." added Drescara. "If she won't stop crying."
  "Huh..?" Jillas and Gravos both leaned closer to Filia, and saw tears flowing down her cheeks.
  "What happened?! What's going on?!" demanded Gravos.
  "There was a big battle, and a man named Xelloss Mettalium--"
  "XELLOSS?!?!?!" screamed the two.
  "SHHH!" whispered Drescara. "Yes, Xelloss. He didn't hurt her. He couldn't touch her, actually. And he died, saving her life." His face was serious, but the two boys seemed to have a doubts. They needed more information.
  "How? Why? What?!" asked the still confused guys.
  "I musn't speak of it now. All we must do is wait, and hope Filia will be okay."
  They nodded, and asked, "Then how can we help?"
  "Just leave her, and let her rest. That's all she can do."
  "Alright." they walked out the door quietly, and with sadness in their eyes.
  The two turned to the tall Drescara.
  "You might want to clean up the place before she faints again...."
  Filia's breathing was slow, and scratched, but atleast it was something.
  Drescara waited, but knew he should leave as soon as she awakens again. He had to return to the Overworld, and take place of his once-mighty father.
  Slowly, he watched as Filia's eyes started to twitch. Another dream, perhaps? Wondered the creature.
  Then Filia's eyes widened with shock.
  Drescara jumped to his feet, and stared at Filia. She sat upright slowly, and looked at the creature.
  "Drescara...." she whispered.
  He walked up to her, and smiled. "You should sleep, my friend. And I must now go. Now that you are well, I should return to my homeland."
  "Xelloss... he's dead, isn't he." she whimpered softly.
  "Filia. You must understand. That is only up to his creator, Beastmaster."
  "But she wouldn't want him to live. Not after he liked a Golden Dragon." she cursed.
  "Perhaps, but there's always a chance. And besides, he gave his life to let you keep living. Would you want to put that to waste?"
  Filia didn't answer.
  "No." stopped Filia. "If Beastmaster decided to make another Xelloss, it wouldn't be the same. I don't want to see another Xelloss."
  "Filia... please try to understand that what's done is done for a reason. Don't waste your life crying, because there's always a reason to stop."
  "I understand...." she sniffled.
  "And Valgaav? He would love to have you as a mother. Please, don't let what me and Xelloss did be for nothing." he patted her head carefully, and smiled gently.
  "Thank you, Drescara." Filia looked up at him from her bead, and forced a smile. "As much as I am upset, I am grateful for what you and Xelloss did. Thank you."
  "Your welcome." he headed for the door, and turned with a smile. "Don't worry. Everything is done for a reason."
  With that, he left her alone, in the dark room.
  A shadow flew across her bed, as Drescara spread his wings out into the sky. With a flash of bright bluw, he was gone....
  Filia quickly whiped the tears out of her eyes, but couldn't stop crying. She stood up, and looked out the small window.
  The grass was dark, being only lit by the moonlight, and she sobbed as it reminded her of Xelloss sleeping beside her.
  "How could this be...! How could Xelloss be gone...?!" she cried.
  Jillas and Gravos could hear her sobs from the next room, but they both knew there was nothing they could do to stop her.
  She leaned against the wall, and slowly slid down as she finally sat on the carpetted floor.
  Her hand whiped the tears once more, as she pulled her hair back from her face. She looked out the window once more, and saw how beautiful the night was. Dark, misterious, and wonderful. Just like someone she knew....
  She shook her head, and remembered the day she last saw Lina and her friends. They ran off, and she smiled a goodbye to Xelloss. That very same day she found herself singing her song, and just now, she realized it was about Xelloss. All the times she sang it were all the times she felt lonely, or sad, and all that time, it was about Xelloss.
  She grabbed tissue from a box on the table next to her cold food, and blew her nose. She finally, then, forced herself to stop crying, as she prepared herself to sing that song, one, last, time.
Somewhere in the world...
  Somewhere in the dark......
  I can hear the voice that calls my name...
  Might be a memory...
  Might be my future...
  Might be a love...
  Waiting for me.

  Rock me gently...
  Hug me tenderly...
  Till the morning breaks night fades away...
  I've spent my time in vain...
  Trapped inside pain...
  Don't let me down...
  Help me see the light....

  Feeling.... Bitter and twisted all along...
  Waiting through an empty life too long...
  I close my eyes... Listen to the wind...
  Longing to belong... To a higher place.......

Tears were falling down her cheeks, but she kept on singing, as if she was singing at a concert. Beautiful, loud, and from her heart. She never completed the song from that point, and now that she knew it was about the one she loved, she could finally complete it.

  Let me hear your voice...
  Let me be with you...
  When the shadow falls down upon me...
  Like a bird singing...
  Like a breeze blowing...
  It's calling me...
  Somewhere in the world.........

  Somewhere in the world.........................

Jillas and Gravos whiped tears from their eyes, and kept quiet. Her voice was so touching, and so beautiful, that it even touched their hearts.
  Filia changed out of her bloody clothes, and wrapped her blanket around her tired body. Drescara was right. All she could do was rest.

  Beastmaster watched the image of Filia fade before her eyes. She clenched her teeth to stop her from screaming in pain as she looked at Xelloss' body on the ground before her.  Black smoke was leaving his body, and his face was blue without life.
  "I will not create a new Xelloss. I knew this day would come. Filia, I saw it coming, and prepared myself for it. You saw it coming and didn't. Xelloss saw something in your eyes the day you had that vision. But he couldn't read it as I did.
  "Look at him. I can tell he is thinking about you. I can read his mind at all times. How can a powerful monster like him be defeated by a Dragon like you?" she wondered. "Maybe all those times those aquaintences of his made him praise life actually got to him."
  She stood up from the dark chair she was comfortably sitting in, and looked down at the dead Xelloss.
  "Hmmmmmmmmmmm....." Xellas' lips pulled back, revealing sharp fangs that could rip apart her skin, but didn't. She grinned evily, and looked down at Xelloss manacingly.
  Her voice echoed throughout the chamber her throne was in, and turned into a dark laugh that caught the attention of each monster in the fortress.
  "This shall be interesting....."
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YAY! Its short, but it's a chapter! Read the next one!