The Twist
Chapter 7: Battles of Questions
"Fall back! He's too strong!" yelled a winged creature.
  "You will do no such thing!" yelled Filia. She held her mace beside her proudly, and looked at the approving Xelloss.
  They were walking along the huge room, as they heard Shfitz sounds again. The room was so big, that Lina's Dragon Slave would only be able to destroy one quarter of it. The walls, were the same as the tunnel; so light, and yet so dark, of the sad colour blue. Although, only anger lurked through the fighting pair. They had been faced by numerous amount of creatures, and by now, they were getting fed up.
  The bug-eyed animals were circled around the two, and were preparing to attack as their spears appeared in their hands. Filia and Xelloss couldn't see past them, because there were so many. More and more irritating 'Shfitz' sounds echoed in their ears, and made them want to scream for it to stop.
  Filia looked around at the creatures before her. She watched as Xelloss faught them with his bare hands. He was enjoying himself with all this killing, and that made Filia want to get this over with. How could Xelloss pleasure killing so much...? He must have really loved killing the dragon race. That thought made Filia's mind go berserk. She was going to make sure nothing would hurt her race, and killing these... these things! Was the only way to do so!
Filia roared, and screamed, creating a large blue energy blast in her wide mouth. Xelloss ran behind her, avoiding to get in her way. She angrily blasted the creatures before her. Millions and millions of them died by the touch of her blue blast, and Xelloss just grinned behind her.
  He was glad not having to fight these bug-eyed things on his own. He could hear the slight breathing of the dragon behind him, and that's the only thing he heard in the once battled room.
  "Are you alright?" he whispered quietly close to her ear.
  Filia, breathed harder, and turned to face him. "I will NOT have any more of my people killed!"
  Xelloss' face faultered, as he realized what she had. She has been thinking about her people dying, and the only thing that popped in the monster's mind, was that he was the one who had killed them.
  Filia turned sharply, and folded her arms. She was upset now, and felt awful for killing so many creatures. She almost killed their entire race!-- Just like Xelloss almost killed hers.... Her arms fell to her side slowly, and she sadly looked back at Xelloss. He was inspectiing the creatures she had just killed.
  Now Filia understands; Xelloss was just doing what he had to, when killing those dragons. Just like Filia had to just now. Otherwise... otherwise he wouldn't be here teasing her all the time, or helping her fight these creatures. He had helped her that first time... but-- She looked at Xelloss inspecting one of the fallen creatures, as he grinned at their blood. No. Filia shook her head. He pleasures in killing. But--
  "Why, Xelloss."
  The moster looked up, startled. "What?" he asked.
  Filia's head was low, and full of sorrow. "Why do you pleasure killing so much... why..." she paused, waiting for an answer, but received none.
  "I--" Xelloss lost his words. He couldn't tell her why. It just-- made him happy.
  "WHY!?!? XELLOSS!!! ANSWER ME!!" Filia screamed, and cried. Xelloss walked up to her and tried to calm her down, only resulting in beatings.
  "WAS THIS HOW HAPPY YOU WERE WHEN YOU KILLED MY ANCESTORS!?!?!?! HUH?!?!" she punched him, and struggled, as he held her hands down firmly. She cried and cried at the thought of her race being beaten by the person who stood before her. She punched Xelloss more, and felt the power sneek into her body, once more. She slowed, and calmed down, realizing that her pain would probably only make Xelloss happier. She fell from Xelloss' grip, and cried in her palms on the bloody floor. The stench of the mosters rotted her nostrils, and she coughed up the smell of death around her.
  Xelloss looked down at the crying blond. Her question echoed through his mind. "
Why..." Yes, why. It just gave him pleasure.... just like antique pots give Filia pleasure, but-- that answer wouldn't help right now, now would it. Xelloss found it hard to believe himself. If he killed Filia, would that give him pleasure? Yes, yes it would. But why. Is this how he was created? To be able to taste the blood of others and enjoy it? Killing Filia would bring no sorrow. But that one question will always remain. Why.
  "Filia--" Xelloss felt sorrow through his body, and he wanted to comfort Filia, but didn't know how he could help. He leaned down infront of her, and looked at her with his open eyes.
  Filia whiped her tears from her eyes, and sniffed, as she slowly looked up at Xelloss.
  Her face was stained with tears, and her eyes were watery with more. Her once golden hair was now destroyed, and tangled. Her pink dress was now covered in an ugly colour of fresh blue blood, from the creatures they attacked from before.
  For the first time in Filia's life, she saw sorrow in the tricksters face. He looked at her with concern, and had the eyes of a puppy waiting for a bone, or a treat. Filia felt a tear tickle her cheek, and land on her hand, which grabbed her dress by her thigh.
  Xelloss reached for her face, and suddenly stopped before it reached her, but resumed its destination, and whiped the tears from her cheeks. In a slow, quiet whisper, her slowly said,
  "I'm so sorry...."
  Filia closed her eyes with a deep sigh, and felt a strong power leave Xelloss' hand. It happened so often. She felt the power so often. She's with Xelloss so often. And the power was coming from Xelloss. Even if he did kill her ancestors..... that was the past. And this--- is now...
Hmmmmmmmm.... HAHAHAHAHAAH!!! Perfect...." laughed an echoing voice. It sounded cold, and heartless, and shocked the two.
  Xelloss jumped back from Filia, as she too, stood up alarmed, and ready to attack.
  "Show yourself!" she cursed.
  "You dare tell my master what to do?" with a bright flash of white feathers, a winged creature came into view from the far end of the room, who spoke with a proud, and yet silly voice.
  "You!" yelled Xelloss, shocked, and somewhat disappointed. It was the same winged creature they attacked before. Xelloss only managed to kill his friend, though.
  Filia fell over, and mumbled, "Xelloss.. you can handle this, right?"
  "Why ofcourse, my dear." he said with a smile. Filia blushed, and walked over behind the ready Xelloss. He held up his hand protectively, and Filia held her mace, also ready.
  A sudden rush of feathers flew around the two, making them back to back, as Filia let out a gasp from shock.
  Surrounded once again. But this time, Filia didn't see the bug-eyed idiots from before, she saw the winged creatures, with sharp spikes on their arms, and huge wings on their backs.
  "Oy-oy.." sighed Xelloss with a shrug.
  "Oh don't sound so disappointed with these mates. After all, they do mate with our master." said the cold voice from before.. He appeared before Filia, and eyed her suspiciously. Just another winged creature, just another enemy.
  Filia eyed him back evily, getting experience from Xelloss, it makes it easier.
  "Hmph. You must be the priestess." he waved his hand, and mumbled, "You can have fun with her, boys. We just need her dead." The creatures around him looked at eachother eagerly.
  "After you're done with her, I presume?" asked Xelloss, sickly.
  The creatures roared with pleasure, and made Filia's stomach turn.
  "That's a splendid idea! Thank you, Mr. Mettalium!" it laughed.
  The winged creature disappeared from infront of Filia, creating a bright blue flash. Then re-appeared before Xelloss. Only when it re-appeared, it seemed to be an ugly bug-eyed creature.
  Xelloss eyed him angrily, and cursed the ridiculous looking thing.
  "If you were ever, EVER a monster, you'd be such a disgrace, that you'd have to beg not be kicked onto the god's side." spat the trickster.
  "Oh? And what would happen if I told your beastmaster that you were falling for a dragon? Oh, right, a dragon of the GODS side? Hmmm.... that would be so fun to watch! Although.." the bug-eyed creature moved closer to Xelloss, and whispered so that Filia wouldn't hear. "didn't that already happen?" It stepped back, and roared with laughter, that ended up in an echoe of Shfitz.
  Xelloss' eyes narrowed, and watched the creature carefully. How did he know that..... How did this bug-eyed disgrace for an overworlder know that....!??!?!
  Xelloss wipped a green ball of energy at the laughing creature before him, but missed as it disappeared.
AHAHHA!!! Finish the priestess! But don't kill Xelloss." the echoing voice faded, until it vanished into the overwhelming silence.
  "My pleasure..." with that, the speaker moved towards Filia, who appeared to be the idiot from before.
  "hhhiAAA!!" yelled Filia. She quickly wipped her mace in the creature's face, as it flew half way across the huge dark blue room.
  "For crying out loud! I'm not a priestess anymore, ok!?!?!?"
  With that, Xelloss held up his staff high in the air. "Filia!" he yelled. "Come here!"
  Filia whacked another creature, and moved close to Xelloss, knowing he was preparing for a big spell.
  With his staff held high in the air, it brightened into a blinding red light. Filia shut her eyes, and grabbed onto Xelloss. The glow of the monster's staff slightly faded, but Xelloss kept it held high.
  "Do you think you ugly mates will ever match up to my beauty?" asked Xelloss, with an evil echo.
  "You have no beauty! You're a monster!!" yelled the flying idiot that Filia wipped across the room.
  "Oh I have my beauty, and only a part of it is my art for killing. Because nobody could match that! HHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Xelloss screamed harshly, and a bright red ball covered Filia and him, as it expanded throughout the room.
  Every monster his spell touched, vanished, and Filia kept her grip on Xelloss, as his cape went flying around with a strong breeze. His power was still very great, even though Filia was clutching him. But eventually, it will fade away, and this frightened Filia. Not being able to know of Xelloss' protection greatly frightened her, for she wasn't as strong as him.
   The spell faded, and Xelloss fell to the ground on his knees.
  "That wasn't as easy as I'd expected..." he choked.
  Filia's hand was on Xelloss' shoulder, trying to comfort him with care, only realizing her touching him made it worse. She jerked back immediately.
  "I'm sorry." she stated.
  Xelloss winced, and looked around. All was destroyed, and a low dim light of red lay among the weary bodies. He smiled, and then frowned. That's just the way he is.
  "I'm so tired of this fighting... can't they just die already...?" whined the golden dragon.
  "You can, dear Filia." Xelloss smiled, and patted her head.
  "Alright then." yawned the blond. She sighed, and leaned against a side wall, ready to fall asleep.
  "Hmph." Xelloss sighed satisfied. He was able to pull off that big spell, alright. But is it still within his power? Or had Filia taken that already. So many questions.... this just might be getting confusing.
  Xelloss walked along the wall Filia was leaning against, and started to search for a doorway, or something, that could get them away from out in the open.
  Filia has been with Xelloss for awhile now, and they seemed to have grown closer to eachother. The thought of Xelloss being with Filia made him twitch. How could somebody say that!?! He didn't like Filia. No! Or did he--? No! No...... a monster and a dragon.... no.... no.................... it can't be that way, There's too many problems. Too many things to--- to handle. Xelloss wondered whether or not he would ever get his powers back. His beastmaster only told him to kill these bastards who call themselves monsters from the overworld. They're stupid, arrogant, annoying little pricks, who can only be capable of making a little kitty scratch on him and Filia. Hmmm... that reminded him of Gaav. Xelloss would never be able to kill Gaav. Especially at this state.
  "How annoying," thought Xelloss. All he could do were minor spells now. Well, to him they were minor. He could kill a couple more creatures, yeah. But that's nothing! Even Filia can do that! Was Xelloss being brought down lower than Filia, a mere golden dragon? How can that be possible?!?! Xelloss is a high ranked monster, who can kill her in a second! Will he be able to, still? This angered Xelloss more and more. As low as a dragon. How pitiful. If these creatures were so weak, couldn't Beastmaster send someone a little weaker than himself to handle it? No, it had to be Xelloss. Right. And he was going to show beastmaster, that he could complete this mission.
  But-- will he ever be able to get his real powers back? Would Beastmaster really make Xelloss as low as Filia? Why, in this specific mission, would she be doing that. Was it really because a monster couldn't relate to a dragon? Or was there some other reason Beastmaster had cast this curse upon him.
  And where did all of Xelloss' power go? If it was travelling into Filia's body, then wouldn't she be able to use it? Then why would Beastmaster want a person from the Gods' side to accept the power of a monster?
  So many unanswered questions. And so little time to find out their secret. All Xelloss knew, was that he was actually getting weaker, and all he could do later on, is count on Filia. How? That's a secret, that even Xelloss doesn't know. Yet....
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