Cold Blood Warm Heart

Cast: Adam Cheng, Chilam Cheung, Gallen Lo, Nadia Chan, Louis Koo, Jessica Hsuan, Christine Ng, Maggie Cheung Ho Yee, Astrid Chan, Eddie Cheung, Wallis Pang

My Rating: HHHH1/2

CBWH is another favourite TVB series of mine. A lot of stars were in it, even though most of them were not as famous as today. ( like Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan etc..) It was the first of TVB big production in " Tin Dei" series. ( Tin Dei Nam Yee, Tin Dei Ho Ching, Tin Dei Yau Ching) It's very good in my opinion because great performances from all main characters.

CBWH Brief Summary:
Adam was a cop who lived with his father's friends, because his father left his mother for another woman.(His father was a rich guy played by Kwan Hoi San) His father's friend had a son "Gallen" and a daughter " Wallis." They lived happily. Gallen was also a cop, but he was in a different team.

Julian was a new cop who was transferred to be a team leader of Adam's team. Adam was a cop for many years, but ended up being just a sergeant. They didn't get along well at first. Anyway, after Julian learned how to get along with them, everything was great. Julian can learn a lot from Adam's experience, and Adam was also willing to teach him. Julian lived with his older sister "Christine" who was a teacher. She was engaged to be married with one guy, but they broke up later. Julian had Louis as a close friend. Louis came from a rich family. In fact, Louis was Adam's nephew.

CBWH Adam's father had another two wives besides Adam's mother. The first one had a son "Poon Chi Man." Poon Chi Man had two daughters - Astrid and Maggie. The second wife had one son "Lee Zhi Hung" who was Louis's father.

Louis and Julian fell in love with the same girl "Nadia." Nadia came from a bad family. When she was little her family was quite rich, but after they put all their money to cure Nadia's illness, they went bankrupt. Her older brother and her older sister blamed her for their difficulties. After Julian learned about Louis's love for Nadia, he decided to step aside, without knowing that Nadia was in love with him not Louis. Anyway, they couldn't deny their feelings, so they went out together finally.

On the other hand, Jessica, Wallis's friend, was heartbroken. She used to date Gallen and their relationship went well for a while, until Gallen met Maggie and he fell in love with her immediately. Unfortunely, to Maggie, Gallen was just a toy. Maggie was rich and spoiled, she didn't care about Gallen at all. (I think this was one of the reasons why Gallen changed.) Later on, Gallen started to enter dirty business and corruption.

Gallen killed one police officer and framed Adam for the murder. Adam had to go to jail and this affected his relationship with Christine. Christine tried so hard to help him. She asked the famous lawyer for help, but he ended up liking her. Gallen also quitted his job as a cop and tried business. Julian and Nadia's relationship went well, but later they had a problem about Nadia's brother. Nadia's brother was in dirty business and Julian knew that. Her brother sometimes took advantages on Julian and Nadia's relationship. Anyway, her brother tried to change and be a good man, unfortunately he died. Nadia kept blaming Julian for his death, so they broke up. Louis also tried to came between them, too.

CBWH Many years later, after Julian came back from his training in England, he became friends with Jessica. Jessica still not over Gallen yet, so she kept asking Julian to ask Gallen out to talk to her. Gallen was interested at first, because he still love her. But he thought his business was more important, so he went out with Astrid who was rich instead. Jessica was hurt for the second time.

Adam felt hopeless with his sentence, so he decided not to see Christine anymore. As time passed by, the lawyer managed to help Adam out by using a false witness and Christine finally went out with him. (maybe it was because she felt sorry for him that he was withdrawn his lawyer license.) Julian finally went out with Jessica, and Louis also went out with Nadia. Unfortunately, Louis helped his father and Gallen hid something from the police and Nadia found out, so they broke up. While, Julian lived with Jessica quite happily, but it didn't last long. Gallen came back for Jessica........

Well....many things happened later on. The lawyer married to Christine and died because of cancer. Gallen hurt and killed a lot of people. Nadia was blind because of an accident, while she was trying to help Jessica. Jessica tried to kill Gallen and killed herself, unfortunately, Gallen was alive. Gallen blamed Julian for Jessica's death and tried to revenge. Gallen kidnapped Nadia and drove Julian crazy. Julian, Adam and the cops tried to find Nadia,but failed. Gallen was caught to be a witness for Columbian drug dealers case. Adam went to ask him about Nadia. Julian kneeled down and asked Gallen. Gallen didn't tell him anything, suddenly a Columbian killer came and tried to kill Gallen. Julian tried to help Gallen, but he was shot instead. Gallen was killed and Julian ended up in coma. Adam figured out where Nadia was by thinking about Gallen's words. Nadia was sad to see Julian was in coma, so she left.

Many years later, Adam was with Christine and her son. Louis still worked in his bank.Nadia came back and reunited with Julian at the tree where they used to make wishes.

In my opinion, the storyline of CBWH was ok. Maybe it's not fresh or unique, but it 's sure worth watching. I think Gallen's character turned bad too easy, he used to be quite a nice guy in the beginning. The main characters were cops, anyway there was nothing much about the cases, except for the cases that Gallen was involoved. CBWH was just like other old big productions of TVB, always focused on love relationships. Anyway, love relationships in CBWH was quite good in my opinion. I like Chilam and Jessica's relationship the most, they were so happy together. But I think the last part of CBWH was too rush and not so good. I don't like the way they made Nadia's character. Nadia, after she found out that Chilam was in coma, she left him. I think TVB just wanted to make a so-called touching ending, by made them reunited at that tree. Moreover, I think after you saw how much Chi Kin (Chilam's character) love Ah Suet (Jessica's character), do you think it was believable that Chi Kin came back for Nadia's character that fast?? I know they were lovers before, but I think they could make it more believable. Overall, I think it was a nice story with a rush ending.

The best part of CBWH was its cast. You will sure get to see good actings from CBWH cast. You can see a veteran actor like Adam Cheng, his acting was good, I think it was nothing special for him, since he is a great actor. I enjoy his acting in The Greed of Man more than in this one. Gallen is always good at portraying villain roles , so there were no surprises for CBWH. His acting was so great. To me, the most surprising one was Chilam. He had improved a lot from The Legend of a Condor Hero 1994 and The Remembrance. He did an outstanding job here in CBWH, esp. those crying scenes --- it was sooo great. You got to see it by yourself, it was really touching. Louis's acting was not so good, and there was nothing much in his role. He was like a minor character in CBWH because he was not as famous as today. Nadia's acting in CBWH was good, but it was also nothing special, she always gets this kind of roles - good girl roles, so there were no surprises. Jessica's acting was also quite good.


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