
(Scene: Doctor Don Lewis sitting at a desk, doing paperwork. Doctor Ben Turner enters.)

Ben: Don? You got a minute?

Don: Sure, Ben, what's up.

Ben: (a bit mournful) Mrs. Thoms didn't make it.

Don: Same thing?

Ben: Yes, actually. Virology and pathology are still stumped.

Don: She was what? 42? (Ben nods) Wow. Her husband and I used to play golf together.

Ben: I didn't know you knew her.

Don: That was years ago.

Ben: So, what are you going to do about it?

Don: Do about Mrs. Thoms?

Ben: No, this mystery disease.

Don: Virology is working on it. I'm sure they'll have a handle on it soon.

Ben: Soon? Mrs. Thoms is the 14th person in the last 3 days to die under these same circumstances: Sudden high fever, rash, and numbness in the extremities along with sluggish response! We have to call the CDC!

Don: Ben, you're overreacting. We've been through this before. We just have to identify the virus, and apply the right serum.

Ben: Don, this isn't a breakout of the flu! People are dying. Vital, active, otherwise healthy people! You can't just sit on this.

Don: (thinking for a moment) Ben, do you like working here? No, I'm not threatening to fire you. Look, bed census is finally starting to come up. Our PR is FINALLY paying some dividends. We will probably start breaking even early next year. If we call the CDC, and they declare a quarentine here, we'll be finished. Done. The hospital is no more.

Ben: Who says the CDC is going to declare a quarentine?

Don: Name me one time that the CDC has failed to declare a quarentine when they've been called into a hospital?

Ben: Does that matter? Don! We're talking about people dying! This has all the markings of a plague!

Don: Don't you think that's overreacting just a bit?

Ben: Three people yesterday, Nine today, Don. And it's only 2pm. Almost identical symptoms, and there isn't anything even close in the virology databases. If we don't call them today, thousands of people are going to die, and it's going to be our fault!

Don: Don't be so dramatic.

Ben: If you were anyone else, Don, I'd stomp out of here, and call the CDC myself, but I don't want to ruin your career. I'm telling you: This is a plague. You have to call them!

Don: I am the head doctor around here, I'll determine what's a plague and what isn't, and I don't *have* to do anything, Dr. Lewis! Now, go cure some patients. I have work to do.

(Ben fumes for a moment, and then exits. Lights down.)


© 2001 Michael Faber