
(Brian is a seeker, non-Christian, who went to church, last night. Brian is in a follow spot, with the remainder of the stage black Bobby is Brian's son. Ted is Brian's former business partner. Linda is Brian's former secratary, with whom he had a one night stand. Far side of the stage has the three crosses. Brian is reasonably well dressed, wearing a bright white shirt. We found that soaking small sponges in stage blood, and holding them in the palm of the hand, and squeezing it against Brian worked rather well. Brian does not acknowledge the presence or actions of the other three, until his shirt is torn, and then he only notices the effects.)

Hey! Have you experienced God, yet? Well, I didn't think I needed to, but then I went to this cool church Saturday night. Yeah, Saturday night, if you can believe it!

Anyway, they talked about why we really celebrate easter: God made a way for us to find Him! But, first, God had to come down here and die for us, to pay for our sins. And one guy who just got in under the wire was this guy they killed with Him, who was a thief. He was really messed up. Hanging there, just about to die, and he asks Jesus to save him. He lived a messed up life, and he certainly wasn't ready to meet God.

Anyway, the preacher said *I* needed to meet God, too. He said I could do it right there, but I figured I needed to be cleaned up, before I go meet God. So, I got myself ready. I'm going to meet God. (Begin to stroll across stage.)

I wonder what we're going to talk about. I know God probably has a lot to say, and I have a few things to ask him, too.

I wonder it's about stuff I've done. (Son/Daughter Bobby/Bobbi approach) I know I was kinda hard on Bobby the other day. He(She) WAS wrong ...

(Bobby talk over Brian's voice, painfully): Dad, you don't understand.

Brian: although I kinda misunderstood. But that shouldn't be a big deal...

(Bobby talk over): Dad! (Put hands on lower part of shirt, smear blood on shirt and pants as he says "God will understand", Brian doesn't notice)

Brian: God will understand. (Bobby freeze. Continue across stage towards Ted) I hope God hasn't talked to Ted, yet (enter Ted). I know Ted thinks I defrauded our company ...

(Ted, put hand on middle of Brian's chest, as if to stop him): Where's the money, Brian?

Brian: but it was our money, and we needed it. No ...

(Ted, smearing blood from hand as Brian pushes him aside): We're going out of business if we don't have that money!

Brian: I was entitled to feed my family, wasn't I? (walks past Ted. Ted freeze.) Ohh... I know what Linda and I did (enter Linda, put your head on his shoulder, grab arm, snuggling up) was wrong, but that was just a bad day. (Begin to push her away gently, she fights, releaseing blood on sleeve) I can't let this get in the way of God and me. (Push away with more effort, Linda grabs sleeve, as Brian pulls away, tears his sleeve. Linda recoils and leaves light, freezes.)

Brian: (In shock) My shirt! (Looks down to realize that he was smeared many times.) Linda! Bobby! Ted! (Moves to where the crosses are) No! (Fall to knees?) How can I approach God with all these stains? What do I have to offer, now? (Looking up at the cross on the right) I'm messed up, too! (resigned) I'm no better than the thief!

(Begin Song Thief, Third Day)


© 2001 Michael Faber