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The Father's Hand

God's family

Let your song go far beyond its reach
make the music vibrate the air
May its echo be heard on the earth
while the heavens HIM declare
Allow your tears of joy to flow
for He has made you free
from sin and satan's evil grip
to praise His name with glee

Copyright © Dr. Trudy Veerman

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."
Proverbs 17:22

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ"
Galatians 6:2

This web site is dedicated to the Glory of God, with the intention:

* to assist people in need to find peace and contentment with God, through
     the Saviour JESUS CHRIST;

* to help bring about an inner change that is satisfactory to God and
     beneficial to men;

* to teach biblical principles to live VICTORIOUSLY over weaknesses,
     bad habits and sin, through Nouthetic Counseling;

* to encourage the downtrodden to walk the 2nd mile,

* to provide comfort to them that are hurt and suffering, through Christian
     LOVE and understanding.

* to give therapeutic counsel based on God's Word, from the cradle to the

PLEASE, be informed that Dr. Trudy Veerman has only so many hours in a day to provide Internet counsel or advise. PLEASE, take into consideration that I am "human". I will only reply to them in dire need and life threatening situations. There are many helpful inspiring writings and poetic pages, which provides Godly direction and advise. Benefit from the many helpful links and Dr. Trudy's Blog. Thank you for your understanding.