From the February, 2001 Brntwd:


     Lourdes Benedicto knows the ups and downs of the entertainment industry. Her most recent outing, Titans, was recently canceled after lackluster ratings. Although the show had its following, the cancellation once again shows the competitive nature of television.
     But goodness prevails for the half-Dominican, half-Filipino beauty, she will be seen this month in Drive Me Crazy, which she describes as a fun teen movie. Benedicto admits that television has been good to her since her days on NYPD Blue. “I enjoy doing episodic, just because there’s a regularity to it, and there’s something kind of challenging as an actor in keeping yourself interested.”
     Since moving to Los Angeles from New York, Benedicto confides, “I like it now. It took me a while to get used to, it’s definitely very different from New York.” She admits, “I like the fact that I’m getting the chance to do really different things.”

What the heck are they talking about? Drive Me Crazy was released over a year ago in October of 1999.