I got my good computer to work again. And I was really surprised that I most of my data wasn't wiped out. The same couldn't be said for Richard.

Richard was rushed off by ambulance to the Richard Williams Cardiac Wing. They're going to have to rename it the Richard Williams Memorial Cardiac Wing. In a sad case of irony, Richard died there.

In front of the entire family, Heather said he bought it while they were bumping ugly. Gwen accused her of killing him. Like I said last week, I can't think of a better way to go.

At a family gathering the next morn, Gwen couldn't figure out why Richard died. Did he have an unknown heart condition? Did he know and didn't tell the family? He seemed healthy and ate right, so Heather must've done something.

Yeah, Heather must be a former KGB operative and injected Richard with an undetectable toxin which induced a coronary. That's the only logical explanation.

Once again, Chandler rushed to her defense and said it was just a terrible accident.

Things were a mess back at the office so Laurie volunteered to go in. Peter told her to keep the press release regarding the death short and vague. So CNN will announce that Richard was dead. Later on, saying it's too close to call, they will recant and say he's still alive. Later still, without waiting for the results of the Florida recount, they will apologize and say that he was indeed dead.

Personally, I don't think he's dead. I think he faked his death to see how the family would react. He will make a Kimberly-like resurrection during the next ratings sweeps.

Gwen, Jenny and Ethan trekked back to Gwen's house where she told the youngsters to try to be strong. The way Richard would want them to. Jenny quoted the family motto, "Chin high, never die." I think I have a cousin back in China named Chin Hai.

Jenny confided to Ethan that the chin high stuff ain't going to work for her. Ethan offered her his support. She said she needed a hug so they hugged. They would have done something more if they were in Deliveranceburg, Alabama.

Back at the compound, the family attorney, Tom, arrived to discuss the will. Tom looked just like Dr. Visconti of Wilshire Memorial over at Melrose Place. Maybe they're brothers.

Tom came bearing good news for Peter - the will was last updated before Richard met Heather, which meant that Heather gets nothing. Upon hearing the news, Peter looked like the cat that just swallowed the canary.

Jack's back! Later on that night, Richard's brother returned from Europe. He looked exactly like Dr. Burns of Wilshire Memorial over at Melrose Place. Maybe they're brothers.

Peter woke Heather with the news that she was not in the will. She said she would contest it. He said he would introduce the surveillance video of her and Chandler to show that the marriage was a sham. So he offered her a cashier's check for $1 million to get her to skip town.

Why offer her money? The video was his trump card. He should have just thrown the bitch out on her ass.

At the funeral, Jack gave a touching eulogy. I almost cried. Then Chandler delivered his. I almost laughed. What lousy acting by Casper Van Dien.

Later that night, Gwen went to visit Richards grave alone so she could say her goodbye in private. Hasn't she seen enough slasher movies to know that you never go to the cemetary in the middle of the night?

Chandler had his suspicions, too. He went to query Heather as to what happened to Richard. She stuck with her he-just-collapsed-during-sex story. Being a military man, he should have been able to see through that story and determine that she was a KGB agent. But he didn't.

The next morning, Heather was berating Lucille the servant for bringing her inappropriate wardrobe. Peter walked in to ask whether she would take the million and run. She said she'd take it and would be out of town by sunset.

Across the pool, Chandler awoke to find Gwen, who survived the visit to the cemetary, staring at him. She asked him what he knew about Richard's death. She could sense he was withholding something. But he attributed it to everyone being in shock.

So the conversation turned to the reading of the will. Gwen assumed Heather would be given a piece of the company and that they'd have to work with her. Chandler said they'll make it work. Gwen caught him defending her again.

So she asked him for the truth about the other night's chain of events. Heather called Chandler up to the bedroom. He gave Richard CPR. She called 911. He said that was all that happened that night. He didn't lie to her. She only questioned him about THAT night, not the one two months ago.

Knowing that Heather was a lame duck, Lucille opted not to help Heather move out. As Heather was leaving, a different slimy attorney came bearing good news for her. Richard had updated the will during their Hawaiian honeymoon. Heather was happy. Lucille was not.

At the reading of the original will, Jack was made CEO of Williams Global and the rest of the family was made equal partners. Heather, with slimy attorney in tow, crashed the meeting with news of the new, improved will.

It was pretty much the same as the original. Jack would still be CEO and get to move in to the compound. But much to Peter's chagrin, Heather was granted an equal share. And she gets to stay at the compound as long as she chooses.

When Heather got back to the compound, Lucille offered to help with her bags. But Heather fired her quicker than a cop could find a donut shop.

Edward the servant immediately offered to help with her bags. He commented on how good it was to have her back. Edward certainly knows how to kiss ass. And what a lovely ass to kiss!

Jenny moved out of Gwen's house and into David's. She fell asleep while baking brownies and they burnt, smoking up the place. The smoke alarm didn't go off because David forgot to change the battery when he was supposed to when we went back to Standard Time.

Jenny was lamenting that she was a screw up. He begged to differ. He said she was capable of anyhting. That's why he loved her.

Whoa! He's only known her for a couple of weeks and he's already using the "L" word!

Peter went to see Jack to enlist his help to put down Heather. But Jack didn't see Heather as the enemy. She's been very cooperative. So Peter tried to play the video card. But Jack wouldn't hear of it. He told Peter to take his tape and shove it. He said Richard tolerated his ways out of parental obligation. But Jack would have none of it.

Whatta guy. When I grow up, I wanna be just like him.

After Peter left Jack's office with his tail between his legs, he bumped into Samantha who finally accepted his offer to run Dress2K. She also said she would like to go to dinner with him to discuss the details.

Finally, she wants to go out with him and what's he say? He said no. He's got a previous engagement. Leaving Samantha to wonder what's going on. He's gay. That's what's going on.

Peter showed up at Gwen's house where he screened the video for her. The shocked Gwen hiked the mile across the street to confront Heather. She vowed to completely destroy Heather. That's when Heather sprung the news that she was pregnant - with Richard's child.

Doh! Was Gwen shocked yet again!

Tune in next week for "Torn Between Two Mothers," where Chandler struggles with his loyalties to his two mothers. And it looks like Ethan might be getting some play.