The Television Transcript Project : commercials
Agency: Ally & Gargano, Inc., New York
Copy by: Patrick Kelly
First Appearance: 21 September 1981
Narrator: Simon Oakland
Creative Director: Amil Gargano
Shipping Company

Copy from: The Clio Awards Part I: A Tribute to 30 Years of Advertising Excellence 1960-1989, Clio Enterprises, Inc., pgs. 150-1. The company name is changed here.
Visual description by: Shazam (Suzanne).

[An assembly line. Many WORKERS stand in a line just dumbly watching the objects that pass. It's their job. Everyone wears white tee shirts and have goggles on their foreheads or over their eyes. The work area is very clean, very bright sunlight comes through the wall of of windows behind them. The place is white, metal, and institution green in it's color scheme. MUSIC is in the background.]

[off screen] Kraddock--Kraddock-- [blowing whistle] -- Kraddock--Kraddock--

[Medium shot: the short BOSS, in a cheap suit wearing a whistle around his neck. He's stopped behind one assembly line by THREE WORKERS who hammer a big pin at the top of the widgets going by. The conveyor is as high as his chest. The WORKERS are larger than the BOSS. One is hefty and stands behind him with an unnoticed resentful expression.]

Kraddock--Kraddock--Peter, have you seen Kraddock?

Not me, maybe Krenshaw.

Krenshaw, have you seen Kraddock?

Not me, maybe Peter.

[Medium-long shot of them. Now five WORKERS are in view and there's another conveyor below this one, with flat metal plates going by like in a line we'd seen earlier.]

Oh look, if either of you two guys see Kraddock, tell him that the parts that I told him to send to Kalamazoo yesterday did not get there! And I tell you that when we get our hands on Kraddock--Are you sure you haven't seen Kraddock?

Not me.

[Unnoticed by apparently everyone, a large man in a white tee shirt is going by, sitting up, on the lower conveyor belt.]

Next time send it Shipping Company.

Where's Kraddock?

[Exterior, early morning long shot of Shipping Company airplane on the expansive airport pavement, and a Shipping Company truck coming for it, the sun right behind the plane. White text superimposed in center of screen under plane and truck: "When it absolutely, positively/has to be there overnight." Smallish text superimposed at bottom of screen says, "Areas served, delivery times, and liability/subject to limitations in our Service Guide."]

When it absolutely positively has to be there overnight.

[time: 00:30]

Related shipping company commercials:
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Last Updated: 30 September 1997

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