Ed'c bynda desa!

“Girlfriend” by Avril Lavigne plays to the empty arena. Rikku walks out jumping around happily. Her smile fades when she sees that no one is in the arena. She turns and looks at the sound guy who is setting up the sound system for Hell Frozen Over.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Where is everyone?

~~~/Sound Technician\~~~ /|ROBERT|\
It’s ten in the morning. No one is here yet.

Rikku groans and stomps her feet angrily.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
But I want to do a promo. Why did you play my music if no one is here?

~~~/Sound Technician\~~~ /|ROBERT|\
To make sure everything is hooked up right.

Rikku frowns and bows her head. She turns and starts heading to the back.

~~~/Sound Technician\~~~ /|ROBERT|\
Now calm down. The cameras are set up and they should be testing the feed now. Go ahead and do your promo. I’ll make sure that they get it on the air.

Rikku claps and jumps up and down happily. She starts to head down the ramp but frowns. She smiles sweetly at Robert.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Could you play my music again? I lost my groove.

He laughs and nods. She hugs him and rushes through the curtain. He hits a button on the control panel. “Girlfriend” again plays to the empty arena. Rikku walks out jumping around happily. She runs to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. She grabs a microphone.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Here I am people. Live about eight hours before the start of Hell Frozen Over....

She stops talking when she realizes the microphone isn’t working. She shows it to the camera man. He fiddles with the cords, but can’t get it working. Finally Rikku opens the stick of the microphone. She pulls a small screwdriver out of her back pouch. She fiddles with it until it gives her a strong feedback. Everyone covers their ears as Rikku drops the microphone. She picks it up and tests it. Now that it is working, she closes it and tries again.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Here I am people. Live about eight hours before the start of Hell Frozen Over. I got sooo much I want to talk about, I don’t even know where to begin. I’ll start off talking about my match. I’m in a triple threat for the title shot at Royal Rumble. Boy doesn’t this seem familiar. It was last year that I won a title shot at King of Extreme which was replaced by the Royal Rumble. It was there that I did what they said couldn’t be done. It was there that I put Law down. And he never got back up. I was his Kriptonite. I was his Achilles Heel. He even finally hang up his boots because of me. Now I have the chance to do a repeat performance. But first, I have to get through Gino Knoxx and K~Dawg and that is no easy task.

She gives a thumbs up to the camera man. He doesn’t see it, just continues on with his work.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
First we have K~Dawg. The man that will be champion if you ask White Tiger. There is no question that K~Dawg is the future of this business. And like WT, I believe he will one day be champion. But it just isn’t his time yet. It is still my time. You see K~Dawg, I like being in exclusive groups. And the two time champions group is a bit too crowded for me. I want to be a three time champion. Now me and you, our styles are very much alike. And a match between us would be a hell of a checkers match.

She looks at a guy with a clipboard. He is mouthing chess. Rikku shakes her head.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
No thanks, I don’t like chess. But what we need to do K~Dawg is make sure we don’t let Gino win. I’d love to face you one on one in the future, but let’s not forget Gino will be there. And as much as you don’t seem to think so, Gino is a serious threat.

She screeches as the pyros fire off from the turn posts. She looks up at the top of the stage. The pryo technician waves at her, showing that he is sorry.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Give me a heart attack down here, geez. Now Gino said he had nothing bad to say about me and I really have nothing bad to say on him. He is a tremendous athlete. He beat me in the beat the clock challenge. But you see, I do have a bit of WT in me since he trained me. That loss bugs me a little bit. I haven’t had the chance to pay Gino back properly. That chance comes tonight. I will win this match. I will go to the Royal Rumble and take on either Cena or Ciaran. And as much as I’d enjoy facing Ciaran, I have my sights set on John Cena.

Rikku covers her mouth and makes a booing sound into the microphone. She pulls her hand away and smiles.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Cena I’m tired of you being that pain in my neck. You will be dealt with soon enough. And much like Law before you, I’ll put a stop to your title reign. Just Leave it to Rikku...Cause This is Gunna Be Good!

Rikku jumps out of the ring and heads to the back, thanking all the workers along the way. .

~~~~~~~/////|||SCENE 2: The Sense of Sight|||\\\\\\~~~~~~~

Rikku is walking around backstage. She chuckles to herself. She sits down against the wall and puts a pair of dark sunglasses on her eyes. She pulls her kitten out of its pouch and puts a small leash on her. When she sets the kitten on the ground, the kitten spins twice and lays down, returning to sleep. Rikku pulls out a walking stick and puts it in her left hand. She then puts a cup in her right hand and leans back against the wall. She is pretending to be blind. Most people walk by her, totally ignoring her. Other’s laugh at the fact she has a seeing eye cat. Finally “Stone Cold”Steve Austin walks unto the scene. He shakes his head as he looks down at Rikku..

~~~/Chaos GM\~~~ /|STEVE AUSTIN|\
Rikku, what the hell are you doing?

Rikku looks all around, pretending she doesn’t see Austin.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Is that you, Mister Austin? I’m blind and can’t see anything.

~~~/Chaos GM\~~~ /|STEVE AUSTIN|\
Really? You were fine earlier when you did your little ring promo. When exactly did you go blind?

Rikku looks down. She finally looks up, right at Austin. This causes him to smile.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
I think it is a long term effect of being hit in the back of the head so much. I just hope I’m alright in time for my triple threat match.

Austin holds up three fingers with a smile.

~~~/Chaos GM\~~~ /|STEVE AUSTIN|\
I’ll buy you some cookies if you can tell me how many fingers I’m holding up.

Rikku starts to answer but catches herself. She knows better then to fall for that trick.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Goodness Steve, how could I tell that. I’m blind after all.

Austin looks down, trying to think of a way to trick Rikku. Rikku keeps telling herself to think before she answers so she won’t fall for anything. Austin looks back up at her.

~~~/Chaos GM\~~~ /|STEVE AUSTIN|\
What really gets to me is why are you wearing an Xplosion T-shirt. Did you turn on me?

Rikku knows better. She knows she is wearing a Chaos T-shirt. Its just sad she almost commented on it.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Am I really? I couldn’t tell what kind of shirt I put on a few minutes ago. I am blind after all.

Rikku figures she got him, as Steve looks to be ready to give up. She watches a small dog being walked down the hall by one of the rookie divas. It ignores her kitten as it heads outside for a potty break. Steve pats her on the shoulder.

~~~/Chaos GM\~~~ /|STEVE AUSTIN|\
Well Rikku, I’ll catch you later. I’ll send someone to come and get you and help you toward your locker room. It is way to bad your blind, I bet you’d have loved that kitten that just went by.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
That was a dog not a kitten silly.

Austin smiles and looks down at Rikku. She frowns and throws a small tantrum as Austin walks away chuckling. Rikku stands up, taking the sunglases off. She watches Austin disappear down the hall. She puts her kitten back into it’s pouch. It lays its head down on it’s paws and falls back asleep.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Oh, I’m not done yet. I’ll trick someone.

~~~~~///The Sense of Hearing\\\~~~~~

Rikku has a new plan. After dropping the kitten off in her locker room, she is now going to pretend to be deaf. It won’t be too hard, she just has to ignore everyone. She walks past the entry way when she hears K~Dawg call to her. She fights the urge to turn to him and walks on until he taps her on the shoulder.

~~~/The Future of the eWe\~~~ /|K~DAWG|\
Hey, didn’t you hear me calling out to you.

Rikku shakes her head and acts confused. She taps her ears and makes a motion to show K~Dawg that she can’t hear. Like Austin, K~Dawg is immediately suspicious.

~~~/The Future of the eWe\~~~ /|K~DAWG|\
So you’re deaf. When did this happen?

Rikku shrugs, again pretending that she has no clue what he is saying. She figures that is all she will have to do to make this ploy work.

~~~/The Future of the eWe\~~~ /|K~DAWG|\
Well they are teaching me how to do the pryos. Come with me and I’ll show you.

He takes her hand and leads her toward the entry way. She sits down next to one of the pyros. K~Dawg goes through how to fire them off. She pretends to be confused but is actually fascinated by it. He hands her the control. She looks at it, pretending not to know what the hell it does. K~Dawg smiles and points to the button on the side. A button!!! Rikku pushes it and the pyro fires off next to her. She screams and jumps on K~Dawg’s shoulders. She looks down at the spot where the pryos came out. She is breathing hard.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Damn that scared the hell out of me.

~~~/The Future of the eWe\~~~ /|K~DAWG|\
Looks that way. It is a good thing that your deaf huh?

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Yea if I wasn’t deaf, that would have been really loud.

She drops down from K~Dawg’s shoulders and smiles. Seeing his smile, she knows she must have already messed up. It dawns on her and she begins stomping her feet angerly. K~Dawg tries not to smile, but he does.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Not fair! Well, I’ll trick someone. Just Leave it to Rikku! See you later tonight.

She walks off. K~Dawg smiles and returns to work learning how to fire off pyros.

~~~~~///|The Sense of Taste|\\\~~~~~

Rikku walks down the hall smiling. She has it all figured out now. She can pretend to have lost her sense of taste. There are a few foods she dislikes. And none of them are served in the arena. She walks down the hall and finds a group of wrestlers gathered in the hallway. She walks over to Brooke McGuire who is talking to some of the others.

~~~/She’s Retired\~~ /|BROOKE McGUIRE|\
So everyone got their home made chili made. All we need now is a tester. And I believe we found one. Hey Rikku, care to do the honors?

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
I would, but I lost my sence of taste. You will have to find someone else.

One of the other wrestlers shoves a spoon full of chili in Rikku’s mouth. She chews it and swallows. It was warm, but she keeps herself from making any faces. She tastes the other three and again no reaction. In her mind, the first set was the best. It is time for Brooke’s. Brooke stirs with a smile..

~~~/She’s Retired\~~ /|BROOKE McGUIRE|\
It’s too bad you can’t taste. My family’s five alarm chili is the best in all of West Texas. Called five alarm because the five different types of chili peppers used kick in at different times. Three of which after you already swallowed.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Yea, but it won’t effect me. After all, I can’t taste anything.

Poor Rikku. She should have just walked away. She eats a spoon full of Brooke’s chili and immediately her eyes begin to water. Wow, it is hot. She swallows it and begins to pant. The others begin to talk.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Can’t taste a thing. Sorry Brooke but I....

Her eyes grow large and she runs to a nearby sink. She turns the cold water on and sticks her head under the faucet. She drinks at least a gallon before walking back over to them. Brooke is holding up three fingers while the others laugh.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Wow I got like really thirsty there for a moment. But as I was saying....

Rikku’s eyes water and she runs to a coke machine. She fills her mouth full of ice and holds her mouth closed, sucking on the ice cubes. Brooke smiles and brings her forth finger up. After completely melting the cubes in her mouth, Rikku walks back over. Even though her plot is totally destroyed, she still tries to play it off.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
I love ice cubes. Suddenly got the urge for one. Anyways, find someone else to judge for you, I want some ice cream now. Even though I won’t be able to taste it.

Rikku looks confused as Brooke holds up her thumb. Rikku’s mouth begins to burn worse then the other two times. She tears away into the bathroom. Brooke laughs.

~~~/She’s Retired\~~ /|BROOKE McGUIRE|\
And that would be five. Looks like it still has that kick.

Rikku tears into the showers and turns one on. She turns the faucet to cold and stands under it, holding her mouth open. She lets the water run for a few minutes, but it’s not taking the burn away. She rushes out of the shower, soaking wet and by Brooke who is being congratulated as the winner. She gets to the ice cream stand and picks the chocolate ice cream out of the bucket with the scoop. She keeps filling up her mouth and holding it closed, letting the ice cream melt. She almost finishes off the bucket, continuously handing bills to the vender. She has finally taken the burn off, but her eyes are still watering.

~~~/She’s Back\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Darn it. I only have two senses left. I’m going to have to give these plans some thought.

She goes to her locker room and sits down on the couch. Her kitten walks over and lays down in her lap. She scratches it on the head as she plots. This is how the scene fades

See you next time :-D.