Ed'c bynda desa!

The hooded figure has made its way on the ramp. Ciaran and Gino are in the ring watching. A long hooded arm raises up and points at the ceiling. *Girlfriend* by Avril Lavigne blares overhead as the fans erupt. The hooded figure tosses the robes aside to reveal that it is Rikku. She starts skipping down to the ring.

~~~/Chaos Interviewer\~~~ /|JOHNATHON STEEL|\
Rikku? Rikku is the newest member of S.E.X. This is unbelievable!

~~~/Chaos Interviewer\~~~ /|TAZZ|\
I bet Cena’s mouth just dropped a foot.

Rikku skips down to the ring, slapping hands with her many fans. She dives under the bottom rope and jumps on Gino and Ciaran like a football player who just made a big touchdown. They give her a S.E.X shirt which she quickly slides over her head. She picks up the microphone.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
That’s right ladies and gentleman. Rikku is S.E.X’s newest member. Text message your friends, call your moms, and IM your buddies. The wrestling world has once again been thrown on its ear by Rikku-mania. Now John Cena.

The crowd boos.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
You think you are done with me. I might have been put down by you and your girl, but never again. With the power of S.E.X, Rikku-mania will take over all. And the old saying goes, you can’t beat all of us. With three members, there will always be someone coming after your title. And one day, someone will succeed. As for your partners.

Rikku smirks. She points behind her. Gino and Ciaran raises there hands up as the crowd erupts.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Betcha mine are better then yours. We will dominate your little team tonight. Do yourself a favor, and just stay away. Lead these two wrestlers to slaughter. Because you have no chance of beating us now. Just Leave it to Rikku...cause This is Gunna Be Good!

“Girlfriend” plays again as Rikku poses with Gino and Ciaran in the ring. Cameras flash all over the arena as the scene fades out.

~~~~~~~///SCENE 2\\\~~~~~~~

Rikku is sitting in the interrogation room. She is playing her Nintendo DS. She jerks the DS around as she plays her game. The two detectives are getting rather annoyed. Finally, the first guy takes it away from her.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Hey! I was playing that.

~~~/Overworked\~~~ /|DETECTIVE MARK|\
We don’t have all week to wait on you. Besides, don’t you have to get to the arena for Chaos soon.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Yes. I really do. But I already told you that me and Eighteen had nothing to do with that robbery. So you are wasting both of our time.

~~~/Overworked\~~~ /|DETECTIVE MARK|\
And what if we told you that Eighteen has already squealed. She admitted to everything.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
I’d tell you that you were lying. If she found out you were lying about her, she might kick your ass. Then you’d have a black eye.

~~~/Overworked\~~~ /|DETECTIVE MARK|\
We have both of you at the scene of the crime. When will you admit your guilt. Admit that your wrestling is fake.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
No that is just a nasty rumor. I am not guilty and wrestling is not fake. The only thing fake is your hair.

~~~/Overworked\~~~ /|DETECTIVE MARK|\
My hair is not fake.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Come on. I may not be the sharpest fool in the shed, but even I can tell it is not real.

~~~/Overworked\~~~ /|DETECTIVE MARK|\
Miss Ku, my hair is real. It is just a mess today. You can really give someone a headache.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
You would be shocked how many times I’m told that. I don’t understand why. And my name is not Rey Ku. It is Rikku.

~~~/Overworked\~~~ /|DETECTIVE MARK|\
Then what is your last name?

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
No last name. Just Rikku. You know, like Cher.

~~~/Overworked\~~~ /|DETECTIVE MARK|\
Really. You do know Cher’s last name is Bono. You know, like her ex-husband was Sunny Bono.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Really? I didn’t know that. Learn something new everyday. First it was that you wear a wig. Then the Cher thing.

~~~/Overworked\~~~ /|DETECTIVE MARK|\

Out of nowhere, Rikku jumps to the table and grabs a handful of the guys hair. She begins to tug on it as he winces in pain and tries to pull her off. She tugs hard until someone whistles loud. Both of them freeze and turn to the door. A large man has just walked in.

~~~/The Chief\~~~ /|JASON BIGGS|\
Let her go. We got the videos back and she is clean.

Rikku jumps down from the table and sits back in her seat. Mark tries to make his hair lay down where Rikku was tugging on it.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
See? Told you so. Now let me out of here.

~~~/Overworked\~~~ /|DETECTIVE MARK|\
For now. But I’ll be keeping my eyes on you.

Rikku climbs to her feet and walks out of the room. For some strange reason, the scene ripples. When it stops, Rikku is talking with Gino and Cairan. She is smiling.

~~~/#1 Contender\~~~ /|GINO KNOXX|\
So that is how you got out of jail. I was wondering.

~~~/New S.E.X Member\~~~ /|RIKKU|\
Well I figured Jen would have done her second RP by now, but oh well. Anyone who is confused about this should go view her Chill Factor RP. For now....cake!

Gino and Cairan chuckle as Rikku walks over to the cake. The scene fades out as she slices off a rather large piece

See you next time :-D.