Well, the stupid bitch has done it again...
Within weeks of exiting his home away from SHIT(Escondido), Chuckewalla State Prison, Billy "Chimey" Keeton is back in jail!!!
It seems the retard never followed through with his parole matters like he does every time he gets out... TYPICAL.
Sources say he got the word out on the streets that he wanted the stuff he left at Travis' house including a huge bag of clothes and a suitcase full of clothes which is now being used by Matt of Find Him And Kill Him/DisreantiyouthhellchristbastardassmanX as a way to carry around cords, pedals and other knick-knacks...
Travis told TWEEKERTHIEF that he had recently tried to drop off the items at one of Billy's 2 hangout spots... keyword:TRIED - nobody wanted anything to do with the tweeker no matter if he was clean, got a job, staying out of trouble, NOTHING! FORGET IT!
With no clothes, few friends and nowhere to stay, the tweeking christian bitch eventually was found by police and sent back to who knows where... His previous "non-tweeker" friends will have nothing to do with him. He has finally burnt too many bridges by stealing people's CDs, tweeking balls, having his once humorous and enjoyable personality slowly deteriorate under the veil of meth, and dissappear occasionally into a closet only to reappear after a couple weeks of insane tweek binging.

what a pussy CHRISTIAN...