Billy's Dictionary of Terms
1. Brother-(n.) a friend or one he associates himself with.
2. Chimey-(n.) a friend that is acting undesirably.
3. Dick(glass)-(n.) a pipe used for smoking methamphetamines
4. Hapless-(adj.) unfit. hopeless. (ex: fuck you, you hapless mortal.)
5. Heap-(n.) an undesirable person. One who is not worthy.
6. Mort, mortal-(n.) a completely undesirable individual. One          who is capable of being dominated physically and                         emotionally.
7. Stim, stippy, chip-(n.) a casual name for friend. Personal nickname         for an individual.
8. Welp-(n.) an undesirable person similar to a small child or lad.
9. Wood-(n.) a caucasian male. Taken from the jail/prison term for an aryan male.
1. "That's on my skin brother"- Meaning he's telling the truth. Similar to if he had sworn on his mother's life or a Bible(in his case the Necronomicon or Satanic Bible).
2. "That's right"- What he would say if you were to pull out  a cigarrette or something he wanted, implying for you to give him some of whatever you immediately posess.