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1/18/03- 27 dozen is a band again!!!! we have a show on the febuary 7th at showplace!!! please go! its our reunion show. and by the way, we know we suck, and always have, we are so gay and thats all we have to say.wotm sucks big time, jinxed sucks big time, lf7 sucks big time, every other band sucks, they should bow down to us and give us blow jobs, no joke. the tickets are 10 dollars for the show on the 7th. we have that fat ass twinkie, that giant scumbag dan, and the drummer who sucks, and the worst guitar player ever...what a line up huh? suck a fat cock buffalo, A BIG ONE. sign the guestbook telling us how badly you want our small penis's. FAGS. were the biggest fags ever. fuck you buffalo, and all the people that liked us.