Thursday, May 6, 2004
So today was another boring day at school. I'm so behind in the reading for Sociology. I'd better catch up, but there's too much reading. My stress level is at 70% right now. I have 2 midterms coming up on tuesday and another one ( probably the worst one - art history) on friday. I'm not going home this weekend even though it's mother's day. Sorry mom. I don't know why, but I'm always saying sorry. It's 11pm and I have to read now.
b1ue 11:11 PM
  Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Greg, Aldrich, and I went to the SigEp house for our friend's birthday. Had some good food, saw my old RA who is apparently a smoker now, and drank and drank and drank some more. Greg got pretty messed up, I did too, but he got so drunk. He probably won't remember this but he thought a girl was in his beer, he was missing his sixth toe, he puked, he passed out multiple times, we carried his downstairs and lied him on a sofa, carried him outside into the car, then carried him my apartment. I was pretty messed up too and puked a sink load of stuff. That was too much for me, I don't want to get like that again. We were planning on going to San Diego and drink, but I think I'd rather study than drink.

At school this morning I could still feel the effects from last night. I felt a little woozy and couldn't focus. After I got off of the shuttle, Roxanne tapped me on my arm and I think I might have said,"Dont push me," in a sort of angry way. Sorry Roxanne it was the alcohol, I swear. So no more alcohol for me, I think I'll just stick to good old crack and heroine.

b1ue 3:36 PM
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