Factory Farms

In one lifetime, the average American eats 11 angry cows, 1 sad calf, 2 lost sheep, 31 "babe" pigs, 92 upset turkeys, 2,287 salmonella inclined chickens and over 1,000 fatherless fish. Altogether 3,424 animals. Over 8 billion animals are slaughtered each year in the USA
Please don't eat the animals!


  • Each year millions of calves are taken from their mothers and put into a concrete stall that measure two feet by four and a half feet. They spend twenty hours a day in darkness, because the factory farmer doesn't want the calf to burn any extra energy.
    Facts about Milk


  • Factory farmed chickens are killed in a very cruel way. First they are bound and pinned upside down by their feet. Many chickens live through the next step of being immersed in an electrified water trough, only then to face having their throats slit by a butcher knife. A few even live through that and are still alive as they are thrown into a tank of scalding, hot water. Does any animal deserve such cruel treatment?


  • Yearly twenty-four million pigs are slaughtered for their meat. The farmers have their tails clipped, ears notched, needle teeth clipped, and male pigs are castrated, all without anesthesia. At twenty weeks of age the pigs are shipped off to slaughter. The trip to the slaughter house is devastating to the health of these animals. The trucks are not heated or air conditioned. Sometimes the slaughter house is far away from the factory farm. Rarely the animals are given food or water during transport. Humanity is over come by greed. These factory farmers have no regards for the animal's feelings.
    "People would lose their lunch if they knew what actually went into a wiener," says PETA's president, Ingrid Newkirk. "A meat hot dog contains every imaginable 'leftover' part of an abused animal, including pig stomach, snout, intestines, spleens, and yes, even lips."


  • Annually five million sheep are killed. Lambs are killed for food between the ages of one week and six months. Their death rates are highest in the spring time. The state that is responsible for raising the largest number of sheep is Texas.
    Sheep are also raised for wool. Most people think that the treatment of the wool sheep is better than that of the meat sheep, but they are wrong. The industry has genetically changed sheep so that they produce unnatural amounts of wool. Many of these altered animals have excessive folds in their skin causing a fly problem. The farmers have solved this by 'mulesing'. This is down by cutting strips of skin off of their legs and backs. They also have their tails docked to help deter the fly problem. Many times their tails are docked to short. This leads to the condition of rectal prolapse. These procedures are all done without the use of an anesthesia or painkillers.


  • Horses are loved and respected by any animal lover. It is suprising to hear of the torment that many horses must go through after they are unwanted by their owners or when they have not performed well enough at the horse track. The horses are rounded up to be put into trucks in which they are then transported to slaughter. Many of these animals are lame, old and sick, but is this any reason to give these animals such an cruel end? After they arrive at the slaughter houses they are killed, often by an inhumane method. This is no way to treat an animal. When a person takes an animal into their home they should be aware that they are making a life long commitment to the animal. It is horrible how society looks upon animals as throw away objects.

    General Info

    You can help end these animals suffering by going vegetarian. Besides the obvious a meat based diet is linked to heart disease, cancer, strokes, and obesity. Factory farms also contribute to pollution and environmental devestation. Do yourself and the earth a favor: Go Vegetarian