The Pauldrons

Unlike the rest of the armour, the pauldrons are not made up of bands. Instead, I'll use three identically vaguely leaf-shaped plates riveted to a base plate, overlapping each other. The top plates have a 'Y'-shaped set of slits in it, and are gathered to cup the shoulder. This is not actually the way it was done for Elrond's armour in the movie, but the armour worn by the extras, the regular elven soldiers, did have pauldrons made this way.

Two bands of cotton elastic riveted to the base plate complete the circle of the pauldrons. An assembly underneath the top plate connects the pauldrons to the cuirass.

In the picture, you can see the parts for both pauldrons, painted in the base colour. Note the slits in the two plates destined for top-plate-hood. Pauldron parts
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