Title: Someone's Watching Over Me

Authors: Reesepbc *KouUsagi* and Umi Kane

E-mails: reesepbc@gmail.com / ecchimichiru@yahoo.com

Rating: PG-13


Disclaimer : We don't own it. Never have and never will. Enjoy, and on with the story.



Ch 3


Serena pulled herself up off the loveseat rubbing her eyes slightly as she tried to make heads or tails of what time it was. Slowly she walked towards her restroom swearing she would never drink again, when she was greeted with a grumpy Michiru walking out of her restroom nursing a glass of what Serena could only imagine was a bloody mary. Laughing softly Serena headed into the restroom to take a shower to prepare herself and the apartment for the get together that evening. Serena stood beneath the water and smiled as the hot water covered her from head to toe, when she felt it. She felt as if someone was calling her. She heard her name, it was soft at first, then it was laced with tears. Serena turned the knob of the shower to the off position then quickly got out. She wrapped a big fluffy towel about her body and one on her head as she still heard the voice calling her name. She thought Michiru might have had an accident or something, so she bolted out of the restroom and into the living room as fast as she could move.


" Michiru are you ok? What happened? Do you ... ?" However, Serena’s questions were cut short as she looked at her friend sitting on the sofa with a book in her lap, remote control on her side, with the tv on her favorite soap opera Passions, and a glass of wine in her hand. Looking up at Serena, Michiru appeared a little shocked seeing her friend stand before her in just a towell.


“I’m fine Serena, but I had no idea you were in that much of a rush to watch the show. " She said lightly with a smile on her face.


Serena shook her head as she looked from Michiru to the tv, shaking her head she walked off to change, only to emerge from her room five minutes later. Heading to the fridge Serena poured herself a decent glass of wine then planted herself on the sofa with Michiru to begin their gripe fest. Serena really was confused about the voices she heard calling her name. They were so far off, yet so close. She knew the voices, but could not place them. She took a big gulp of her wine trying to make it all go away. ' So much for never drinking again, ' She thought as Michiru threw the remote at the TV yelling at the characters. Michiru sat seething on the sofa as the show went to break, “You know what Serena, I can’t believe the people in that town are so messed up in the head. I swear how do they not notice anything unusual going on around them?“ Serena shrugged slightly thinking to herself how her own mind was playing tricks on her here lately. She was lost in thought again when she looked over at Michiru and realized she was being spoken to.


" I tell you what Serena, If I was in Harmony I would beat the crap out of Sheridan and Gwen. I would make sure that Teresa and Ethan were happy as happy can be, and that Luis and Fancy could ride off in the sunset together. Then I would take Miguel and toss him out the door and let forces of darkness have at him. As for Chad and Whitney, well Whitney just needs to find another man. One that LIKES women. I swear this show just stresses me out." Serena just raised a brow, finished off her glass, as Michiru stood up, yanked her now empty glass out of her hand, and walked into the kitchen still bitching about the crazy lifestyles of Harmony. Serena sat back giggling. ' I am defiantly going to love living with her. '  Michiru stalked back to the sofa and plopped down handing Serena her glass.  Michiru rolled her eyes and sighed, "They should have me write for this show.  Everything would be harmonious in Harmony.  Just like you should be serene, since your name is Serena."  Serena raised an eyebrow at Michiru, then spoke in a mocking tone, "I think we should stop drinking for now."  Michiru laughed and nodded, "You're probably right."  The two of them continued to watch Passions.  As they watched, Michiru turned to Serena, with a rather serious look on her face.  "Do you think Fox could really hear Kay when he was in the coma?"  Serena thought for a moment before responding, "I don't know.  Do you think it's possible that you could hear voices when you're like that?"  Michiru shrugged slightly, "Anything is possible. I just saw you run out in a towel."  They both sat there focused on the last half hour of the show, throwing more things at the tv, and complaining even more.


After Passions was over Serena and Michiru went on a cleaning spree to make sure the apartment was in tip top shape. Once they had finished they each took another shower and dressed in some casual clothes before heading down to the coffee shop. As they walked in they waved at Taiki and made a beeline around the tables towards their respectful area near the fireplace to await the others.


 Serena took a deep breath and filled Michiru in on what had happened in the shower earlier in the day, and Michiru sat there with a look of interest on her face.


“You think it could be possible that someone is trying to get your attention Serena? You know they say that when a spirit or angel wants to get your attention they whisper your name. "


Serena cocked a brow at Michiru and thought about it for a while before shaking her head. " What kind of spirit per say would want to get in touch with me? "


Michiru just shook her head unable to think of anything else that it could possibly be. Michiru excused herself to the restroom and left Serena sitting there when finally the others walked in through the door.