Happy Halloween to everyone in our computer-literate family!

Thanks for surfing by, click HERE for Christmas 1999.

Click HERE for January 2000.

This is an experiment. I'll put family stuff on this page of my website. That way, you can view all the pictures wether your e-mail system lets have attatchments you or not. There will never be any E-mail lost. I can update easily and instantly. And if you send me pictures or stories, I can share them with the whole family (If that's what you want). :)

I have e-mail addresses for Mary, Sue, Dave (soon), Becky, Cele, The Brunotts's, Kathy's brother Mike. If you all don't have each other's addresses, I can send you a list.

So, here goes....

The Holiday-o-the-month last month was Halloween, I know some of you have seen our costumes already, but here they are again. Last year, I was Jack, and Ashley was a 'Georgia Peach', people really LOVED the Jack costume. I got my picture taken with at least 5 groups of complete strangers, and due to the lack of visibility from inside Jack's head, they're still complete strangers. This year, Ashley wanted to be 'Jackie', Jack's daughter. There was a commercial in which Jack's son makes an appearance, but never a daughter, so we were pretty free with color choices and headwear. Jackie has purple eyes (which offer much better visibility than mine), long eyelashes, red 'lipstick' mouth and a summer hat with tassles. Halloween was on Sunday this year, so the mall that we normally go trick-or-treating at was closed by 6pm. We ended up going around our neighborhood with one of Ashley's friends. Yes, instead of a brightly lit mall, We were wandering around with almost no visibility from inside the costume, in the dark, over curbs, tripping over dark-costumed kids and trying to keep from getting hit by a car. Thanks to Kathy for being our guide-dog for the evening.

Ashley has lost six teeth so far, and new ones are taking their places. We went to the dentist before thanksgiving and Ashley is 100% cavity-free! Good Job!

There's much more to add, probably a whole other page devoted to our cat saga. Happy thanksgiving, and congratulations Sue and Bruce! (wedding picture on next page!)

Kathy is already dressing for Christmas.

Ashley is explaining about the 'friendship club' she started. So far, she and I are the only members, but we already have lots of rules and procedures... and snacks!

..And bell bottoms are 'in' again? Well, fashion goes in cycles.

Woof! Roxie is doing fine, but she still doesn't really like cats!

Thanks for surfing by, to see Christmas 1999, Sue & Bruce wedding pictures and 'Speedy' the kitten, click HERE

Or HERE for January 2000.

E-mail us at Twincharger@hotmail.com

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