Support Sebastian Bach & Friends

Here's where we can all make a difference!!!!  The only way we are going to get Sebastian Bach & Friends back on MTV,, and on our radios,, and on the cover of Metal magazines all over the world,, is if we all get together and DEMAND it!!
We have to call, e-mail, write, fax, and basically bug the shit out of MTV, our local radio stations, magazines, record stores and anyone else who will listen
( and even those who wont ) and demand exposure for OUR music!!!!
And in an attempt to make being a major pain in the ass a whole lot easier for us all,, we are going to gather up all the links, addresses,, and information we can get our hands on and put it on this page..................


 Metal Edge

 Danish metal mag METALIZED

British metal mag METAL HAMMER
 The Editor
 Staff writer/news editor
 Deputy editor/reviews editor

We can use all the help we can get here!!  If you dont see any of your local rock radio stations listed here,, please send us any information you have on them ( even if it is only the call letters and dial setting), and we will throw them up!!

E-mail us :
 Nae  or   WildChild

 More 'thank yous' to Meli for the Danish and British metal mag e-mail addys,