Ok...this is my web page, so if you are here by accident, please stay.  Be minded that if you break anything I am going to send Jackie Chan after you. Also the guy at the end of this hall is watching you...doens't that blow your mind?!?!?
To my picture page
Now, for what you all have been waiting for...a little about me.  I am just your average white Wisconsinite male between the ages of 25-30.  Click the link to the left to visit my picture page.
You may be wondering why you are here.  The answer is simple.  You are looking for something, and I hope you find it.  I made this site because I was looking for something, but I couldn't find it. The purpose of my page is to fill that missing hole in the web with what I thought it was missing.  Again, I hope this has been a useful visit for you, and please come again.
The temple of knowledge
The link to the left will send you to an archive of my best pieces of work which range from term papers in philosophy, sociology, economics, film history, third year german, organic and physical chemistry and english. All are college level....enjoy
Thought of the day (Unless you are Erin you understand the standard conversion faction that 1 day ~ 1 month
What I think I may be thinking right now...
You are visitor number:
Thoughts page 2(gee, I must think much)
Please sign my Message Board.  It is located at the bottom of the page.
Thank you
Click to the left to see my Bio stats....I don't know what that means, but it is funny.
*  Missing Poeple: Plese help!!  *
The Drawing Room
This will take you to an archive of pictures I have created, sketches, charcoal, penk and ink and colored pencile.  Check 'em out!
Thoughts page 3, becuase I ran out of room on the previous page!
If you don't have ICQ you should download it (click the button to the left).
If you have ICQ you can leave me a message, my number is: 14187046
Picture Page Two
Thoughts page 4, sugar, you make my life so sweet
Midas the dog
My pictures from the house on the rock
Thoughts page 5, she'll burn it up for me & that's a fact
Deer Hunting Nov-2007