"Anointed    Messages"
January 01, 2002
"J O Y O U S   L I B E R T Y "
Come quickly sweet "Savior" save me "O my Lord" from the destruction
that is to come .
Lead me I pray onto all thy holy path of salvation .
Uplift this child of thine my "Father" . Freedom of this earthly home is sought .
To be free of this place of captivity, held by a will other than thine my "Lord" .
Heavy and burdensome is the weight upon me .
Oh to be free of this earthy vessel , To soar high above this place , freedom to ride
the winds of joyous liberty .
Innocence found and restored, the innocence of a child of "The Most High God" .
My spirit uplifted, released of the place of captivity to soar as an eagle .
to fly in light hearted gleefulness .
Laughter bubbles from deep within the spirit, the very center of my being .
To sail upon the winds as if with wings of freedom .
The recreation of thee "Holy Father" nothing remains of the lost soul once
dwelling within the suffering and anguishing spirit is ,no longer .
The searching and seeking for life has been found complete in thee .
The emptiness of my life has been filled with thee and thy holy life .
Alive "Holy One" forevermore with thee .
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To soar throughout time into the holy place of my "Father" .To be forever held
and loved by thee, my creator .
Yielded is my spirit unto thee my "Lord" with thee only will I travel .
Into a land of tomorrow the unknown will become knowledge made available
only to thy child .
My "Lord Jesus" with thee to travel to be taken into the high places of "His Holiness"
to be shown all of the delights of my "Father" .
Submissively and meekly I surrender, my breath is thine "O God" my heartbeat
take unto thee , my need for existence is thine .
No longer am I bound by this earthly abode .
Freedom I gain through thy "Holy Spirit" outside this place I am held .
The way out I have been shown .
I follow thee "Holy Spirit" to be led into the land of time no longer .
Forever in the place of time without meaning .
My voice to be uplifted into the voices of praise of the saints .
My presence removed into the place of my "Father" .
Blessed is thy child, to be allowed access unto thee "Holy Father" .
To thee I bring only my love and worship , only do I ask of thee love and acceptance .
"Amen" ! Forward
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