Guy stuff: this page contains links to information meant especially for all of you men out there, though women are free to check out this stuff too



My first offering for the page, this is a short article on self-control


A longer article on respect for women


A confession of sorts


A few potentially helpful dating tips for guys


St. Thomas Aquinas, patron saint for chastity.

 In an effort to destroy his vocation to the religious life, his family imprisoned him for two years.  Towards the end of that period, they sent in a temptress to try to tempt him, but he resisted.  He picked a hot brand out of the fire, with his bare hands, and threatened the temptress with it, driving her out of the room.  After he had driven her from the chamber, he knelt down and implored God to grant him purity of mind and body.  He then fell into a gentle sleep.  Two angels appeared, and girded him with a white girdle, saying: “We gird thee with the girdle of perpetual virginity.”  From then on he never experienced concupiscence.

The above picture was taken from the Patron Saints Index, and the information on St. Thomas’ temptation was paraphrased from the Catholic Encyclopedia



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